> be apathetic citizen, never voted even once > no plans to vote > see Hilldawg memes > see the word "Drumpfkin" over and over > filled with white hot rage > get off ass, put on pants > if she's guaranteed to win, I can at least keep it from being a landslide > search couch cushion for change > take bus to early voting location > discover the joy and pride of voting for the first time > Trump wins, liberals ask "how?"
I can't be the only one, Sup Forums
Thomas Sanders
Didn't bother voting for Mittens in Doomsday year.
Voted Trump this year.
Levi Butler
there's no conveniant way to express the depths to which this woman went to fail
Ayden Lewis
It was Iob 2.0. A biblical failure.
Asher Richardson
Many such cases!
Benjamin Hill
I wish there was a video of her meltdown on election night
Eli Davis
the best part is that they have learned absolutely nothing and continue doubling down on calling everything sexiest and racist. Looking forward to 8 years of liberal tears.
Nolan Torres
What went wrong?
Christ, what went fucking right?
Gabriel Moore
These lame memes like "Drumpf" or that Hillary pepe image made me rage as well because CTR spammed it here every single day.