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What makes you think that Vietnam wouldn't lose against Vietnam farmers?




Did America ever win a war alone?

we never lost a war you cuck

Vietnam was a draw you fucking cunt

France also lost to those Vietnamese farmers.

Honestly america is probably the worst fighting force on planet earth. They spend the most money on their military out of any other country and they still lose every war. Just imagine the guys from Wehrmacht and compare it to the skinny fucks in U.S army. They'd pummel them to the ground.

You never won one either.

Well, except your independence but that goes for every independent country.

USA brokered peace deal with North Vietnam, left, Viet Con reneged and USA couldn't be fucked to go bail out the Vietnamese again.

hey france lost against them too, Vietnam was a french colony

mmm ur right guess we arent the superpower of the world and never *won* all thos wars where we cuck most the world who piss us off

you need some history for that,


>No red France

Polands as dumb as I thought.

NASA uses the metric system


Sure you cuck the rest of the world and are the superpower but you didn't achieve that with your military. You achieve that with economy and globalization, basically Jewing the rest.

Name a war you won alone, without the help of others. (Independence don't count)

We didn't lose that war you dumb American.
We knew they weren't worth our bullets, son we just went back home.
Also we use celcius cuck

Now this is shitposting.

Don't forget China



I'll take
>what is france?
for 2000

You gave the exact same reason Americans give when they say they didn't lose the Vietnam War. If America lost the Vietnam War, France lost the First Indochina War. Make up your mind.

No, no. You fought a war with them in the fifties. You didn't win it. You stopped fighting and did not complete your objectives.

The term for this is known as "losing".

>We didn't lose
>We made a tactical run back to France after losing


kk, funny thing is America """""won"""""" the Vietnam war with the Paris peace accords, withdrew then South Vietnam was overrun, you guys just straight up lost.

>France not red
>Vietnam not red
Shit map, terrible understanding of history, I give it 0/10, see me after class.

>What is France
>What is Australia
>What is Canada
>What is New Zealand
>What is South Korea
>What is the Phillipines

france needs to be striped because they use celcius too
>nitpick ahoy!

last one Philippine-American war is one i can think of but look it seem we did are own shit for a while but seeing after ww2 the world was the world of are making and like a father we went around and kinda become cops at that point why we have so many allis now

But we use Celsius.

>Gulf War (help by others, but mostly US troops)
>Indian War
>Spanish-American War
>War of 1812

We didn't lose. War exhaustion got too high and we didn't have enough administrative power saved up to lower it. If we kept going, we'd've had a dangerously high national unrest score. Then we'd be dealing with revolts in several of our core provinces.

i like this way of thinking

gookoids don't deserve our bullets

glad we left

France lost.

Fixed your fix FAIVI


Both actually, you can't make this shit up.


All English-speaking countries except America use a weird mixture of imperial and metric and fahrenheit and celsius, while in America they just use one single system.

hey, france lost too

No, we retracted from there after passing the law against Asian and Arab discrimination in the fifty, you bong. Si of course we were, but we would win.
We won, you lost. This was never thought in school, but still.
This brother, we just had pity and mercy, nothing wrong with that.

Proving what? That Jewish colonies are dysfunctional? And?


We didn't lose, we just got bored.

>America pulled out because it wasn't worth it
>America lost
>France pulled out because it wasn't worth it
>France won

What is the reasoning besides shitposting?

how does it feel that russia cucks you ever day and with trump we going to let them finish the job you russian anyways might as well go back to the motherland

We weren't allowed to bomb North Vietnam for most of the war. Since the justification was pure defense of South Vietnam. When operation rolling thunder (the bombing of North Vietnamese cities) was finally implemented they sued for peace with the Paris peace accords within a month.

Yea we lost the war but its hilarious how ignorant people are about the objectives and actual reality of the war are.

Also Australia

Can somebody give me a valid reason for the US to be the only country to use the retarded imperial system instead of the metric system that everybody else uses?

>forgetting China
China has done a great job lying about their loss to Vietnam while Vietnam was in a full scale war with Cambodia.

>china literally tried to violate borders in typical chink fashion thinking Vietnam was too caught up in their other wars to notice/fight back
>Vietnam says no way
>military mobilization from both sides
>Chinese military BTFO
>Vietnamese borders reestablished.
>everyone just forgets because Chong Chang never ever mentions it again.

Fuck off. You're trying to bait me, or you're just playing dumb.

we did heaps good in vietnam, only reason we had to pull out is because you did

fucking pussy

The result of only retarded kike-approved politicians being granted power (sorry Trumpfags, he's no exception)

But if the US "lost" then you did as well.
Don't play that double standards bullshit.

they're "special". don't misbehave, argentina. it's not their fault, they were born that way

Bureaucratic inertia.

You're pretty good. But for the record France had more deaths in Vietnam than the USA.

Fuck Globalism, thats why

You're having double standars, just because we won doesn't me you did. You lost far more.

notting to say but do you know ur borders with german look likes a jew do people over there know this?

why isn't France purple?

>american casualties 57,000
>Vietcong casualties 630,000
Yea just because your Poland and have your asshole gaped every few years doesent mean the greatest country in the world loses any war

Because Jews are the Switz and the Krauts, trying to invade our Aryan heaven.

I've made two posts in this thread, prior to this one.
I don't say the US lost the war (Because the war was fought to the point that a treaty was signed, everyone was fine, American left, and then the North rolled in two years after that.)

But if everyone's going to say that the US lost, then so did anyone fighting alongside them. This isn't "lol laugh at America for fucking up where at least three other nations did".

didn't do enough heaps then did ya, eh bogan?

South korea, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand were all involved in the vietnam war


Dumbest thing i've heard this month.

there were only 58,000 causalities in the 10 year Vietnam occupation.

Where did you get that ridiculous number you quoted?

Didnt Poland get taken over in a matter of a couple of weeks?

Why isn't France and Cambodia blue and red??????????

US propaganda.
Fuck off shill, you're not going anywhere people know we won.

You're clearly a nigger. What brings you to Sup Forums?

Why the fuck can't Americans write grammatically correct sentences?

Did the japs really lose in Vietnam?

>Result: Viet Minh victory


buzz ealy day been drinking


>what is the civil war

You would have lost that war without us.


Carry on, citizen.

>"i fought against my own shadow and won"


Kek their independence was won because we and the french helped them directly.

Please explain how the First Indochina War was in any way a victory for France.


>if you don't fight your enemies,you win

Because America was to individualistic for the government to change to the metric system. In other english-speaking coutries with larger government metrification worked.

you have 10 seconds to post your favorite novel about French Indochina

What war did we lost exactly?

>dumb Americans keep taking dumb bait

i love how angry this picture makes hamburgerlers

>Americans cryng about being slaughtered by jungle people with bows

>1812, inb4 muh White House
>Indian Wars
>Mexican-American War
>Civil War
>More dirty injun wars
>Spanish-American War
>1st Gulf War
>2nd Gulf War

Las Malvinas son britanicas

Poland dumb as ever.
Almost 100 posts later still a faggot.

any non-jewish wars?

seems like you just won wars against people you outnumbered 1000 to 1...very....niggerish of you