Based Dyke Camille Paglia: "Transgender Mania is a Symptom of West's Cultural Collapse"
>when even carpet munchers know the direction we're headed in
I fucking love Camille "not a shabbos goy for the Frankfurt boys" Paglia.
She's a paid shill. No person as educated as her could possibly be transphobic like this. She claims to be a thinker, yet she appeals to nature.
>revered 90s second wave feminist writer states obvious unironically only now gender bullshit gone too far and undermines her stronk womyn meme
Fuck her.
I love Camille Paglia. If she wasn't a dyke, I'd fuck her.
It's because they spent decades saying women are awesome and now trannies are saying gender is just a social construct which means men can be women and it's nothing special anymore.
The feminists and trannies have been at odds for awhile. Intersectionality is bullshit. Every minority hates each other or wants to actually kill the other so they won't ever unite. Problem is that they've torn the social system apart so they prob don't need to.
Funfact: the T in LGBT stands for Trojan Horse.
Now every queer can simply transition to make heteros more comfortable with the reality of homosex. They even suck feminine penis now.
Sacrificing our own sex organs for social acceptance was always the goal, as such is necessary to reconcile homosexuality and Islam in the new one world religion.
is this the same woman in that "teaching women sexual responsibility"?
sounds like it, can't find vid though, someone link?
It's about women taking men to their rooms etc...
Even feminists realize transfaggotry is a mental disease.
Trannies are much better than degenerate gays.
She's right.
Society is becoming weak and succumbing to supporting obvious lies, like transgender MtFs are actually female.
A society that doesn't have the cultural confidence to protect its faggy culture will lose to the outsiders it invites in.
>“This shows how strong the Islamic gay bashers feel they are,” said Party of Freedom MP Martin Bosma.
>“Even at daylight, on Queen’s Day, in the heart of Amsterdam, they strike.
>“Only the hardest measures could turn this sick trend.
>“The Dutch nationality of the gay bashers of Rembrandt Square should immediately be taken from them and they should be expelled from the country today.
>“The Netherlands can show no mercy for these people who damage our society in this way. Either they will win, or we will win.”
You can still fuck her, she just won't enjoy it.
I'm sure you're used to that anyway so what's the difference?
No such thing as a based dyke, or fag.
She's done more to destroy the West than the trannies have, given that they've been getting away with threatening to murder people who see the truth about them for decades now.
I have no problem with homos but trannies should be gassed.
Why do most of the trannys go MtF?
I don't hear a lot of FtM.
You are a dyke leftypol. No one wants to fuck you.
It's actually to destroy society. This shit breaks categories and undermines the entire fabric of society and its structure. We understand the world by grouping and our understanding of our own identity is in those groups. It will probably break our brains not to have them. We will not know what is up, not be able to identify with anyone else because family is gone, community is gone, religion is gone, marriage is gone, sex is ruined, childhood is destroyed and then gender is the last one to wreck. So we cannot relate to each other to unite and rise up against tyranny. Then we are totally controllable.
This was always the goal. It was always to destroy everything. This is why the left are absolute cancer, even moderate do gooder liberals.
the pinnacle of /lit/ memes: this unfunny tryhard dogshit and calling everything a spook
Because it's far more acceptable to be a girl wearing boys clothes so they just leave it at that.
Are you judging without even reading anything she wrote? She is very based and her brand of feminism is at least based is rational thought
Germaine Greer got banned from speaking at a university over here because of some "transphobic" comments or some shit. Glad to see these stupid old hags suffering from the culture they contributed to creating
Yea, it's a short clip from this thing
leaft got rekt
>appeals to nature
return to reddit now skeptcuck
>appeals to nature
Why are you pointing out logical fallacies (wrongly, I might add) in an attempt to defend an irrational and illogical position?
she's cool in my book.
>revered 90s second wave feminist
she was pretty much cast out of feminism in the 1970s because she was liberterian at the time and feminism become marxist dogshit dogma
meant for
>Reminder that calling everything a spook is literally a just a spook
She voted for TRUMP :)
Judging from the comments, most of these people are still in complete denial about how Islam sees homosexuality.
Am I supposed to take these fags who speak out against escalating social degradation seriously?
Shifting the overtone window to the point where faggots can be mouth pieces for (((conservatism))), does more long term damage then a bunch of self sterilizing but cases can or will ever do.
You can be gay without calling for gay marriage, without wanting to destroy freedom of association, without supporting parades on the streets exposing kids to sexual degeneracy, without trying to destroy the very concept of normalcy, without denying the fact that sodomy is an extremely dangerous act responsible for the AIDS epidemic.
I don't know whether there are any such gays, but it's theoretically possible.
I'm transgender
I take estrogen because I want to be a woman.
I was very unhappy as a boy. Estrogen makes me feel alive and human. And my anger, depression and anxiety has all faded
I am attracted to men and my boyfriend makes me feel safe and small in his arms
I no longer have a penis sticking out. But have a Neovag instead.
And I feel complete. I have never felt more happy in my entire life.
How to find redpilled polgb bf?
Does your boyfriend identify as straight?
>appeals to nature
Both life and death is a natural state. Being filled with disease as your insides liquify with both limbs chopped off is a natural state.
When people bring up appeals to nature... They are referring to life affirmative natural laws VS death affirmative natural laws(which we call unnatural).
>Camille Paglia: "Transgender Mania is a Symptom of West's Cultural Collapse"
yes but so are lesbians, homosexuals, feminists, communists, abortionists and atheists.
Another dyke rapidly realizing that men will end up making better women than women.
Baby steps Patrick. As soon as we've denormalized the trannies we'll put her in a camp too.
>I take estrogen because I want to be a woman.
You are not a woman. You never will be.
You ARE mentally ill and a deranged pervert.
Get real help and be what you wer actually born to be a heterosexual male. Raise a family and stop being such a looney attention whore cancer.
No one give a fuck how happy you are you pilled up degenerate.
>Implying she hasn't been saying the same shit for 30 years and defending her stance for over 25
How about a little historical context there young lad?
>denormalized the trannies we'll put her in a camp too.
If they think they are normal outside of /b then it is just another sign of their complete mental derangement.
N-no, gay people are natural and part of any society!
She was actually shunned by a lot of feminists in the 90s - also she was one of the early third wave feminists, back then that meant that you weren't as militant as the second wave.
Your illusion will likely collapse, leaving you just as miserable but with a broken body. Supporting a few outliers in this surgery is not worth allowing healthy people to destroy their body when their disorder could still be cured. Especially children. It's now beyond doubt that the normalization of SRS is leading to the destruction of children's lives.
Making the short lives of even 100 trannies more comfortable even if possible wouldn't be worth the destruction of 1 healthy kid. Transsexuality needs to be treated as a mental disorder only.
You're going to get thrown off a roof. In your own country.
well youll never have children, so no your not a woman
fucking retard
Yes he does :)
Biologically I'm intersex. But legally I am a woman.
Since I was born intersex. I have underdeveloped ovaries that will give me cramps, my genitalia was underdeveloped and I already had breast development before starting hormones.
I was certainly no cis man.
Intersection sweetheart.
Chromosome argument doesent work with me no one gives a fuck how happy you are
I do :)
Happenis is a sickness. Your desire to get fucked in the ass is what controls your happenis desu.
Give up on being happy and you will reach a better state....contentedness.
Helping 100 people become healthy is bad if one person gets hurt?
boypussy pics?
She maybe not been able to wear her overalls on campus anymore, but she was regularly featured in women's magazines in the early to mid 90s. Forced down their throats as the thinking woman's lesbian hero.
A sterile woman :)
I was born infertile anyway due to intersex status. No loss to me.
No cis person transitions. And besides. After all you've done to harm lgbt.
We don't really care if it hurts you
lel, we should never have permitted this
It's the ones who refuse to indulge their illness.
Pretty much extinct since the unrepentent fags allied closely with the left and infiltrated and subverted the right through pedophiles like Milo and most of the self-professed figureheads of the alt-right.
t. father o'reilly
SRS makes it impossible for them to ever be healthy again.
Literally /ourgirl/
It was never yours to permit.
You don't decide what we do with our bodies and you certainly won't escape paying for it through taxes
Found the repressed transgirls
You two have real issues with gender
its okay, after your fry your frontal lobe on all those hormones you'll notice like every MTF tranny you got a bulging adams apple and a disgusting mutant figure and neck yourself before you hit 30
>big pile of pudding
Stop replying to brainlets
But those existed before we got fat bearded m2f tranwomen.
I like her take on Lena Dunham
I'm male and I dont have a visible adams apple lol.
she used to be hot too
I have no issue with gender, you can identify as whatever you wish, dress however you like (as long as I'm free to not associate with you). Society should however not enable your sickness to the point of destroying your body when it doesn't improve your health outcomes. Especially not when the culture created by the enablers destroys children.
> No cis person transitions.
Give a bunch of faggots access to a child until he is seven and they'll give you a child with a mind twisted into a pretzel.
Sexual degeneracy is not purely biological, you can create faggots.
yeah, because you're a low test swede
but that's besides the point, when a man starts taking female hormones, his body freaks out tries to equalize whats happening, by hyper producing testosterone
older transsexuals look like disfigured mutants because of this, and are all narcissistic mental freaks
but you wont find many example of an old tranny, because 90% an hero before 30 once they can't pass as feminine anymore
Of course it's bad. What if we hurt you to help 100 random people?
>religion is gone
>religion being gone is a bad thing
HAHAHAH go fuck some more little boys you faggot christcuck. Look at the middle east, that is what religion does.
I'm a heroin addict
I inject heroin because I want to feel good.
I was very unhappy when I was sober. Heroin makes me feel alive and human. And my anger, depression and anxiety has all faded
I am addicted to heroin and my IV makes me feel comfortable and warm in its embrace
I no longer have sobriety or functioning neurotransmitters. But have track marks instead.
And I feel complete. I have never felt more happy in my entire life.
>I have never felt more happy in my entire life.
Did you tell your relatives to include this in your obituary when you inevitably commit suicide?
>pic unrelated
It also does this, faggot
It's normal though.
Im like 180cm, pretty high test to be honest.
but you got no adams apple, I bet you got a great ass and birthing hips cakeboy
>Heroin makes me feel alive and human. And my anger, depression and anxiety has all faded
This is a completely false comparison and you are extremely intellectually dishonest for using it.
Heroin addiction leads to a vast veirty of problems and troubling behaviors for the person in question including killing their whole family for drug money for more heroin. Not to mention that if they have children they will also be born addicted to heroin.
Taking hormones has 0 of those problems. 0.
>Heroin addiction leads to a vast veirty of problems and troubling behaviors
Tranny suicide rate
>Not to mention that if they have children they will also be born addicted to heroin.
I guess fake women don't have to worry about this part.
this is a strawman tbqhfam
>Im like 180cm, pretty high test to be honest.
That's average lad
You know feminine men tend to be pretty tall tho right?
>Tranny suicide rate
tranny suicide rates are lower for those that take hormones than those that do not. The increased suicidal rates among trannies come from the retards who get the barbaric surgery, not the hormones.
Are you being serious right now? The vast majority of trannies who commit suicide after transition, like overwhelmingly, also had the surgery. The rate of trannies who have committed suicide after taking hormones but not the surgery is far less than those that dont get hormones. You would know this if you had a brain. The surgery is the problem.
>I guess fake women don't have to worry about this part.
Right because both FtM and MtF trannies will usually become sterile after prolonged hormone usage. This is why its extremely intellectually dishonest to compare them to a heroin addict who can infect their poor babies with their disease. Your attempt at damage control is just sad desu
more like
>When girls(male) are tacking pussy from me
>those images
Don't reply to these posts
>tacking pussy from me
>im so narcicistic i think that im owed pussy and entitled to it
>so beta cant handle competition from women
It really needs to stop.
People need therapy and actual support to correct the illness of the mind (what it literally fucking is), not supporting the delusion. If your mind disagrees with your body's gender, its illness.
Just like the people who feel like they should amputate parts of themselves because they don't feel like they should have said parts.
This is only hurting the folks suffering from this shit, and the suicide rate numbers don't lie.
Not sure how it even managed to go this far. A combination of boomer leniency and pampering, the gay craze of the 60s-80s?