>dying on your land killed by foreign fighters whom you pay welfare
Dying on your land killed by foreign fighters whom you pay welfare
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terrorism risk here is -10
>UK most risky when they are in the safest place in Europe and has since closed up.
>Switzerland deep green when they keep having minor ones biweekly.
Big city fags deserve to be BTFO.
>tfw you live in a shitty little city where the sun never shines
spain above belgium and netherlands, ok
>Nº 3
>We detain islamist left and right
>nothing since 2004
Ok m8
In b4 some fuckers do it tomorrow or in noche de reyes the fucking cunts.
>implying portugal isn't a safe haven from muslims
theres barely any, they know our history with them
>Terrorism Risk in Europe
>France - 2
>Krautland - 5
>UK - 1
I'm not gonna pretend the UK isn't at a high risk from muzzies, but we haven't had a serious terror attack in a while, meanwhile, Germany and France still have dozens of fresh corpses to bury.
Still pay the white guilt tax though
nuke us already
Maybe because of ETA? I doubt it but it might be.
You have other worries.
The fact they keep arresting muslim cells planing to attack while being a good thing also means there is a fuckload of guys willing to commit attacks maybe in other parts of Europe but if they can't make it...and feel lazy..why not spain,not so long ago they arrested in cataluña some guys who were planning to blow up thing in barcelona
(I know because at that time I was working in barcelona at plaza catalunya and I was told by the police officers there that they had amongst other objectives the place I was working in)
Moldova best country in Europe Confirmed.
Yeah thats true too. We stop them before they do their criminal acts. At least our security forces are not so bad, considering they are still buthurt after Queen Isabel took Granada and made its ruler cry. They even wrote something about her in the Alqaeda manifesto.
>implying I don't do what Varg does
I don't but it's cheap enough here that I could live from those gibs.
WTf is up with that shit.
How the fuck does Belarus have a terrorist risk?
Are there even muslims there?
>only countries with lower risk are ex-commie shitholes
feels pretty good desu
Hey they're not shitholes if you have money. They're basically rural areas that need depopulation direly . In the eyes of influential and powerful people of course.
good lord its the brushing Estonian
no one wants to see your fucking tooth paste
Fuck off burger i want to see the brushing