UN puts businesses who do business with Israel on a watch list
Sup Forums always told me israel controls the world
You see, the shekels from Germany for the Shoah are diminishing so they need a SUPER SHOAH to justify reparations from all nations forever.
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality....
I'm not a big fan of Israel but fuck the UN seriously.
why is everyone turning against israel so suddenly?
is this part of the agenda for the next global order goal?
They are actually satanists who use the Jews as a cover. They laugh their asses of at anyone blinded by jewhate. When given the choice between israel and UN always go against the UN because they actually push the globalist agenda. The Jews that push for white genocide are actually just useful faggots that are baited by the holohoax and use that for their agenda.
international kikes =/= nationalist kurdo-semitic shitskins
>my empire of dirt
No, everyone is getting sick of the racial settlements in Palestine. Stop making them out to be victims
The globalist jews hate Israel. It doesn't fit their plan for multicultural democracies.
No, wrong. This is the answer Not everything is a 10D conspiracy you know
>The right is getting into power
>The left do some shit against Israel
>The right starts to love Israel
So easy, so easy...
>so suddenly
Everyone outside the zionist cucked world (not including you, Americuckxico) has known it was an illegal occupation to ransom money from other countries since its inception.
>On December 23, 2016, the UN General Assembly approved spending $138,700 to create a "database" of all companies that conduct business - directly or indirectly - relating to Israeli "settlements" in Arab-claimed territories. The idea of a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) blacklist came from a March 2016 resolution of the UN Human Rights Council. According to UN documentation, the $138,700 will be used "to pay for one staff member to create the database over a period of 8 months and present a report" to the Human Rights Council in March 2017. In other words, the December authorization backdated approval of an expenditure for an operation already underway.
>United States
list of cuck countries
Let's face it, it's Israel's clay. Palestine should just give up and accept the next offer Israel makes, there's not much left to fight for now anyway.
Says who? If the world recognises Palestine then it exists. Nobody cares about the Jewish peoples' fantasy book which gives them the land
And where do you think they will go?
I came
Looks like it's time to retake Jerusalem for Christianity.
Nor do I but they fought for the land and won. I'd love to see the two state but that will never happen so unless they come to some mutual agreement years of more war is inevitable.
I hope someday Palestinians and Israelis can live together in peace.
Why are you trying to spoil our plans goyim?
We almost have The Levant cleared. Support Israeli nationalism!
You're welcome Germany. ;)
>but they fought for the land and won
Except that time Britain conquered the land to begin with. It'd be nice for both of them to coexist but Israel should be punished for its crimes and its threats.
It's going to be beautiful. Trust us.
Sup Forums.org condemned by the UN when
Maybe it is to weaken Israel, so they will eventually flip out and threaten to nuke a country, like Pakistan, then the US will intervene and do what ever it wants in the middle east.
The more I think about it, the better it seems.
Fuck both of them.
>implying the next shoah wont completely vanquish them from the face of the earth
no jew will be left unburnt
Underrated post.
Is this some sort of aftermath because of the election of Trump?
>trump supports zionists
>internationalist skypes go full retards
Zionist international banking cartel*
>saudis managed to outjew the jews in their own game of control over the West and the UN
the whole "house saud are jewish" meme is starting to make alot more sense now
No point repeating what he said. Reported for spam.
Too bad no one gives a shit about the UN.
Then why did Bibi chimp out over it? Get shoah'd, Chaim
You don't have to be jewish to be zionist.
UN shown some balls, i am surprised. The Jewish machine for Israel creation broken away from master. The smell of independence is becoming stronger.
Not shitting the resolution per se, but I just fucking hate double standards.
>Trump want to put islams on a watch list => racist, xenophobic
>UN puts deals with israel on a watch list => A-OK
>businesses who do business with Israel
So, like, almost every government on the earth, starting with entire US Senate?
And the West just keeps making it easier for them.
While education goes down the shitter in the West, the Saudis use their money to invest in it.
Eventually people will be too dumb and lazy to understand why they need to pick up a rifle and squat in some shitty desert, because they won't even be able to understand the agenda rhetoric.
This. Fuck the muslims cunts, fuck the jews. Take that shit for the white Christians
King Jew is being investigated for corruption. He needed something to distract attention.
The president of Argentina do the same shit but with the Falklands.
This is thinking outside of the box. Good.
Jerusalem = Jews
Jesus = Jew
Countries with Jews = countries with Muslims
Countries do bad shit all the time during wars, but how the UN and US have treated Israel is a pure stab in the back.
USA and UK are to blame for giving into Holocaust guilt, letting the jews take the land and supporting them over the years.
So we should ignore the state of Israel as well I think we might all finally be able to reach a conclusion we agree with..
All those countries have colonial histories, they exist because they displaced a bunch of natives. It'd be hypocritical of us to tell Israel they're bad for doing the same thing.
Jews actually think that if they take over all land and even more land than this will eventually lead to happiness. Those dreamers. Elites simply want to make business from stealing land, no common small-fry Jew will benefit from this, only corporations benefit from oil steal or land expansion.
Fuck off Schlomo.
>how the US have treated Israel is a pure stab in the back
How fucking rich coming from them, the most notorious backstabbers of all time. Fuck them
Britain wanted to gives jews land in Africa but British troops were getting blown up in Palestine by jew terrorism so Britain let the un decide what to do, hardly the brits fault.
the funny thing was the Jew terrorists accidently blew up a Jewish refugee ship and killed about 100 jews.
>Israel's Attorney General 'orders criminal investigation into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu'
Anyone else hope this is a message from the US? A nice reminder of who is in charge. Or am I still naive?
israel firsters isolates itself from the rest of the world even more for israel
Naive and fat.
Yeah, just take over the countries that support their Christians...
Take Saud you faggots.
He has investigations on him and his wife all the time. Bad excuse.
Trump will end us relevance, screencap this.
They need to end. why? What is islamic law? It is the law of the land.. In islam Allah is the lawgiver, it is because of this principle that democracy is ruled out in Islam, and islamic is not compatible with democracy or western civilization, the entire ummah (all muslims globally regardless what nation they live in) lives under the sharia law given by muhammad the messenger of allah. And is obligated to attempt to make sharia law the law of the land they live in. And to replace your national laws with the law of sharia and demand that you follow sharia aswell even if you are not a muslim.
Therefore any system that does not include sharia law has no or low chance of success for adherent muslims, because they will refuse to accept it. This explains how the US government by accident due to advice by muslim scholars escalated further the old shia/sunni conflict in iraq and afghanistan, by setting up laws there based on sharia in order to please muslims, rather than secular, and since shia and sunni have differences between how they interpret sharia law, they had to battle it out to find out which faction would be supreme/win. And now you have ISIS in iraq. youtube.com
This entire system is to unvravel itself in the western world within the next 5-10 years tops. watch it unfold. as a rational cognitive response.. and it's not incorrect at all either.
can't wait to be told we must fight communism after sending our jobs to them for 40 years
trump setups the 7 kings 8 princely men he is flawed, he's not good enough but after him one of the kings of the 8 kings and the 7 princely men. Facilitates this environment.. to them they don't know what is going on.. that's part of the kingdom that stands against the wicked kingdom in middle east.
8 kings.. of christian doctrine, 7 princely men following nations.. what are they about.. direct response of what is in the middle east..
joel 3 micah 5. the much unentitled honor of those who hear it.
>why is everyone turning against israel so suddenly?
people who don't support Trump are anti semites
all of them like what you have not understood... they configure themselves as the dishonorable child before the arrival.. what is the arrival.. when beings who know you better than yourself arrive from the clouds, it is also called the hour of the visitation. What is their purpose. to give the kingship to yeshua son of adam son of abrahm son of god but also son of god simultaneously. As an entryway to the cosmos.. and our entrace into it.. Consider this if you will. man with unlimited energy could destroy its own foundation.. part of why the foundational groups were formed in the first place. Not that they really could but according to what they talk about. they are but infants of understanding. If an infant grabs a child.. it is misery to both.. things are only understood when when you have the understanding to wield it.
Didn't the UN give Sup Forums shit last year when people were using barcodes to boycott israeli products?
>jews are getting jewed
What to do.. shut it down.. till the time arrives when the chosen ones know where to enter.
We must learn from our own mistakes.. and the people beneath us have no clue.. such is the way of things.
I don't know who is jewing anymore.
if you look at the un you will find part of the answer, of how the tribes of israel are misaligned.. those who created modern civilization and tasked with carrying this doctrine around the world. It has been ursurped and thus it must end.. so that those who are harbingers of that which is pure just and true might still prevail.
The "UN" has to be destroyed.. it was an idea brought forth, and no longer serves even what it was brought forth as. It never was true to its purpose it was made to be untrue to its foundation.
fake alien jesus second coming? oh please
Disgusting. We must start a crusade to the holy land and rename it Christianity land, full of jesus and capitalism to truly complement the white race rather than these jewish imitators
I do have to raise an odd point. Australia has very few jewish people but we host our fair share of mussie cunts. I can't say I have ever meet a full blown jew in my lif and I have made enough jewish jokes to bait any closet jews out of hiding
>fake alien second coming
They come from the clouds it's not an apparition, the 10.000 ones in jude etc. The atmosphere the firmament and the waters below and the waters above (cosmos).
these are the ones that give mankind eternal life.. do you get it as an animal after the fall. the understanding of the body of christ.. where what is the eye without the hand and all these things.. does this tell you you are all equal.. no.. Like brute beast taken and to be destroyed so do they speak about these things.
Inevitably love perserverves but what is love nobody to direct it.. what is love to love others as you love yourself.. part of the covenant of the spirit.. which is foundation and the purpose for the hierarchs and the prophets and the law.. To undo works that teaches otherwise..
We are in a place of mercy of those who understand it, and of war of those who deny it. And the 10.000 holy ones of the 7th of adam will see it through. And wipe the tears away from our eyes.
we say to ourselves we are all equal... look upon this video.. but they say the truth that we are indeed not equal and are different but through them we will find equality.. As the parable says that before the final foundation we are what.. iron and clay.. and iron does not mix with clay we are seperate from eachother.. mass migration.. Before the final hour. That he says he loves us all and will make a kingdom that is not brittle and is not weak and fragile.. but one as man and all tribes of humanity are one.. albeit different now.
You had the nazi's withh the order of the black sun, it had to be shut down.. it was the understanding of non fossile fuel mechanics of propulsion, it could not be allowed to prevail, because stupid is as stupid does.. It is not a thing that belongs to man it is a thing that belongs to man in the future when understanding to behave in a certain way per the lessons of the past..
Curiosity killed the cat. It's for you but not yet!
Israel is basically the modern day apartheid South Africa
If the one state solution was implemented, you can look at South African whites as a good example of what would happen to the Jews there
>Israel on time out and gets its money and trade taken away until they behave.
Wtf i love the UN now! The best way to hurt a jew is in their wallet
>I wear this crown of shit
>Upon my liar's chair
>Full of broken thoughts
>I cannot repair
>Sup Forums still thinks that "elites" "globalists" "jews" encompasses one group of people and not countless factions
You will have trouble getting people to agree whether ketchup belongs in the fridge, you will find more trouble in people trying to figure out ways of controlling you
Why didn't you Brits grow a spine then and still give them land in Africa instead?
Somewhere like South Africa would have been perfect for the Jews, now the entire region is a dumpster fire because the retarded followers of Islam and Judaism can't live together and get along