Trump is actually unpopular
If Hillary is so popular anywhere but the coasts, why did she lose? Check mate.
Thats nice.
Obama was unpopular aswell.
>this president we don't like is super unpopular you guys
Shit, there's some hard-hitting journalism.
Normally I hate it when people argue with the source and not the article, but Slate is an exception. It's absolutely awful.
A Slate article from yesterday was titled:
>2016 Was the Year White Liberals Realized How Unjust, Racist, and Sexist America Is
OP is a faggot.
yeah thats how he got elected. hot of the polls.
>Linking to slate.
fake news.
Can the mods autoban the
format botposts already? Or is Hiro getting paid to let this crap stay up?
> (((Slate)))
Stop quoting your fake news here, faggot! There are laws against that now, and it will be Tillerson enforcing it.
Do yourself a favor and DELETE EVERYTHING!
>Slate is actually unpopular and so must reduce articles to clickbait to keep paying rent
We get it, regressives, you don't like Trump.
Garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait.
Facebook kicked these people off their platform, so now they farm clicks here.
Garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait. Garbage news click bait.
>no pastebin or archive
No clicks for (you)
This is not news
Of course he and the GOP are unpopular
The actual news is how the DNC and Hillary managed to be even less popular
Least popular candidate in US history.
>The actual news is how the DNC and Hillary managed to be even less popular
But Hillary won more votes user.
Slate = Fake news
The people chose Hillary. The system elected trump.
Does hillary realize that over 2622 counties in the entire U.S. voted Trump, and only 490 counties voted for her?
Inner City dwellers and illegals don't count. Only the landowners.
Jews control the masses through the propaganda they spout. There is never any thing even remotely critical of Jewish influence in the mass media. They'll gladly attribute the corruption of big banks etc. to the white man, even though they are controlled by Jews
Whenever someones pokes the truth, they just have to cry out
>muh anti semite, muh nazism, muh shoah, literally hitler
and you'll be silenced by the public immediatly
Since media is controlled by Jews, if you want to reach people with criticism of Jews you have to go through what many considers an unreliable news source because all (((((legitmate))))) news sources are operated by Jews.
Do you see how people are marching "in solidarity" immediately following these terror attacks?
Pavlovian response - they're being conditioned to celebrate terrorist acts. The same thing happened in South Korea with their SJW's - terrorist attack occurs, and the SJW's celebrated it, the terrorist didn't even get a slap on the wrist, he was outright rewarded.
These people will never "wake up". They are not even cattle at this point. There's not a spark of conscious thought behind their faces, they just do whatever the media and their peers do. It's dangerous. These people are more like robots than people. You could flick a switch one day - the mainstream media tells everyone to go out and rape their family and murder their neighbours, and these "people" will do it.
Mind control works. Someone figured it out and has anywhere from 5-40% of the population wrapped around their finger.
Every SJW and liberal is a dormant existential threat to humanity.
>The people chose Hillary. The system elected trump.
This is going to be the new meme from the left.
Are you aware of the dangers of a system of direct democracy, otherwise known as mob rule? It devolved into a shit storm.
>If Hillary is so popular anywhere but the coasts, why did she lose?
>The people chose Hillary. The system elected trump.
HAH HAH. You just checkmated yourself. What the "system" accomplished is proving the system works.
What a dipshit. Typical liberal left loon.
>Does hillary realize that over 2622 counties in the entire U.S. voted Trump, and only 490 counties voted for her?
You mean the places WHERE ALMOST NOBODY LIVES?
>What the "system" accomplished is proving the system works.
Wow good to know Trumptards hate democracy. Move to North Korea.
>Least popular candidate in US history.
>Wow good to know Trumptards hate democracy. Move to North Korea.
Once again, even though I highly doubt you liberal useful idiots will ever get it, THE U.S. IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, IT IS A REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.
In related news, Pravda circa 1938 says Stalin is popular.
Bitch pleeez!
Plenty people like Trump. There just needs to be a purposeful reduction of those who do not over the next couple years.
Any black guy who can write an anti-Trump article without referring to racism is pretty cool in my book.
Good thing popularity isn't the same as competency. Of course a bunch of spoiled children who won't go to bed on time aren't gonna like it when the bed time is enforced
Slate = into the trash
Slate: The #1 blog for mothers' basements.
Stopped reading right there
fake news
>even after Trump wins
>h-he's unpopular and uh he's bad and uh he'll never get RE-ELECTED
>trump uses the same exact method to get re-elected
it might be even more fucking glorious than this current ass hurt that could literally roast my chestnuts
literally fake news
well I mean he did lose the popular vote and everyone loves to hate the guy in charge.
She won more illegal votes and when the recounts came out, Trump gained more votes.
It was amusing to see how fast they shut down the recounts when Trump started gaining votes and Hillary started losing them.
I'm convinced the 2.8 million vote lead for hillary is complete bullshit and Trump actually won the popular vote too. - Hillary cheated, rigged the election, and STILL LOST.
Wow even me who doesn't live in your country knows it's an representive republic.
It's embarrassing how you can't even get your system of government right.
Her corruption is enormous, going all the way back to the 70's.
People hardly brought up travelgate and the white water scandals and the drug smuggling operation she was involved in with her husband, she is the biggest female crook that I've ever seen.
And the spirit cooking was just the icing on the cake, she is a high ranking witch that makes money off of ruining people's lives.
>She won more illegal votes and when the recounts came out,
Yeah that sounds like bullshit considering there was no national vote recount.
How do they determine this? What kind of (((peoole))) do they ask? Because nobody I know have ever got to weigh in on a president's approval rating.
Keep crying
>how fast they shut down the recounts
and after the horror stories came out of Detroit, the articles would have phrases like "and there has been no evidence of fraud".
>the people
Californians aren't people.
> little bit less than half the nation's population
She actually won the popular vote thanks to the massive win in California. If you disregard California she lost.
And if I'm not mistaken California isn't the whole of USA. And the having one state decide an election sounds to me like mob rule, and is detrimental to a representive republic.
>1 post by this ID
>OP gobbles nigger dick
California is considered a national joke in America, with massive crime rates and out of control Marxism. Hollywood and NAMBLA is there, it's a massive hive of Jewish degeneracy.
In California when you get a driver's license you're automatically registered to vote. My grandad is a resident alien and has the sticker on his license saying he's eligible to vote. You can only imagine how many illegals actually went to the polls in California, a state with no ID laws to vote whatsoever.
Same with New York. Notice all of the high crime areas vote democrat too.
if states want equal representation they need to kill citizens of other states and annex their land. going the cuck route and relying on big daddy government to give everyone a trophy is for libtards.
>If you disregard the 6th largest economy in the world.
Fucking this, this is the loop hole that got so many people to vote for Hillary. She also had people going to these DMVs and having them vote for Hillary on the spot, which is illegal.
There were these videos being made by average Americans busting these people.
Citation pls
An economy that rely on other states to supply it with water the one most important natural resource no man can be without.
This is the elitist attitude that lost you the election.
Good to see you haven't learned.
Dont forget wayne county MI (Detroit) was discovered to have rampant fraud. I remember reading if there was a formal recount more than half the votes would be discarded. MI margin would be YUGE. Just imagine the fraud in Jew York, Filthydelphia, Cleveland, Shitcongo, LA, Oakland, et al nigger shitholes.