Is it the kind of society we should strive towards?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the imperium?
Horus was right.
No, everybody who says yes is an edgy memester
Pre-heresy Imperium: Yes
Post-heresy Imperium: Also Yes
What does Sup Forums think of the Tau? What about humans who fight on behalf of the greater good?
Is this some kind of cartoon?
It seems very off topic.
pre-Heresy Imperium yes, it's a god-tier space civilization
40k Imperium is worse, but since it's the only reason humanity survived 10000 years of war also yes
could any other kind of society survive in that universe?
I think fascism is tolerable if you have multiple aliens and interdimensional beings trying to genocide you at every step.
That's because you're a heretic.
literal cucks and species traitors
how do i into warhammer 40k?
read random shit off the wiki. 1d4chan is also a surprisingly good resource.
play Warhammer 30k, the better game about sci-fi battles in the future past.
In a hostile universe filled with sadistic space elfs, insane suicide org hordes, sentient indestructible machines, interdimensional deamons and the Zerg
Yeah it's the only way mankind survives
Get some culture bro
Warhammer 30k
>He doesn't know about 30k
Get out reeeee
play Dawn of War
it's a great introduction to the franchise IMO
What's it like not having autism?
GW made a retro 40k game to sell more speisshmarine models.
implying ((juice)) isn't chaos thing
The Imperium is too soft on crime.
literal commies.
fuck this guy
Play Dawn of War 2. DoW1 sucks gameplay wise.
Pretty good
If Trump is the emperor god of mankind, who is Putin?
Life as a human in the imperium of man is fucking bleak. you are given nearly no rights and the worlds you inhabit are barren crushed landscapes of misery and undeath.
The tau work within castes sure, but they are not a communist or socialist governement. they expect hard, and sophisticated work and in return they are rewarded. Living as a citizen on a tau world comes with restrictions within your caste but are allowed suprising amounts of freedom compared to societies within the imperium of man. As a result many imperium worlds are liberated by the Tau and humans freely choose to serve the greater good not under threat of death but under promise of a better life.
Tau Fire Caste members who make it through the ranks eventually earn the right to be transported to a secret Tau paradise planet to live out the rest of their days with ONLY others that have earned their place on that paradise planet. The imperium of man rewards you for service in life by "gifting you" undeath as a corpse-machine serving the imperium of man for eternity untily you are utterly destroyed by the whims of our imperial masters.
Plus the tau have amazing boipucci
fucking commies
>implying the (((Tau))) aren't juice
in Chaos only (((Tzeench))) is juice
Khrone is muslims, Slaanesh is liberals and Nurgle is NEETs
This is true, they allow too much corruption.
The tau do not tolerate criminal dregs ruining their glorious civilizations.
We are hitting levels of heresy shouldn't even be possible
Putin is Malcador the Sigilite
>runs secret police
>works with the Emperor all the time
>also incredibly powerful and immortal
Explain yourself, heretic
Chaos is the only one with mankind's long-term answers - immortality, fighting the Tyranids, and ending the Necron infestation. By denying their birthright, the Emperor ensured that godless humanity would end up like the Eldar.
Long before the warp storms that isolated Terra from her empire, it was considered a golden age of humanity. Humanity was a largely democratic species, with technology that surpassed even that which the Emprah devised. They had good relationships with their xenos neighbors because they had the strength to enforce it.
When the Eldar created Slaanesh through their degeneracy, it was a galactic apocalypse in slow motion that is still ongoing.
Big E helped for a time, but unless the ruinous powers can be put in check for good, it's only a matter of time.
Warhammer 40k can rightly be considered a post apocalyptic game on a galactic scale.
And it's all those damn Elf's fault.
>implying the Tao parodies world isn't just an incinerator like Logan's runn
>everyone is miserable
>set back like 20k years regarding technology
>can't even tap that tau or banshee ass
>have to sit with your thumb up your ass waiting for the emperor to actually die for anything substantial to happen
Get Kill Team. It's a small unit version of the main game that doesn't require you to have a lot of models. You can see if you like it and take it from there.
Well that's true, unless they can close the tear in reality caused by all the elf degenercy the universe will be consumed
Once the emperor returns, the Tau, Tyranids, and Chaos are going to learn the meaning of exterminatus
I play Tau and even I'm not this delusional. In any other setting, they'd be the bad guys. They're not good, they're just not as bad as the others.
>"Retire" to a "pleasure planet".
We all know it's just carousel, bro.
Yes. I would love to serve nurgle and failing that slaanesh at a chaos marine.
Chaos dindu nuff wrong
The only good Tau sympathiser is a dead Tau sympathiser.
naw bro, the tau paradise world is unbelievable. imagine how beautiful it must be considering how much effor the tau race puts into A E S T H E T I C S combine that with their superior technology....bruh its the best way to live out the rest of your days. imagine a planet that is mostly a garden world with beauitfuil flowing waters and beaches the shine like gold and waters that sparkle like sapphires.
Thats not true, the tau are one of the most good races in the lore. If you disagree then you should support your argument with the lore.
Yes, all glory to the Emperor!
Here come the degenerates
So, no freedom and prosperity until the Emperor gets off his ass and spackles the tear in the drywall of the universe.
Aside from what the Tyranids have eaten... I'm kind of curious as to what kind of terrifying shit is going on in the other galaxies of the universe.
Look the Imperium is huge. Sure they're shitholes like Cadia, but most of the planets are civiliized worlds. As in cities, some nature etc. Some are probably like America or the UK. All we ever get from the writers though are the worst planets that are under attack. Thats like a dozen out of millions of planets.
>but most of the planets are civiliized worlds. As in cities, some nature etc.
The only time imperium worlds have "some nature" is because htey haven't gotten around to decimating the rest of the planet and turning it into a grey industrial hulk yet. Give it a couple centuries. Imperium planets always eventually wind up the same in the end.
Your steel is weak, the tau empire is not impressed.
To bad the empire could crush them just by rolling over in their sleep.
As soon as we get rid of failidon chaos spread.
Lets see them try.
That's just wrong though user
The canon and shit claims that there are various worlds, some are hive cities but most are just regular planets with cities and shit some are even so isolated and forgotten that they still have Bronze Age level of tech or even don't know they are in the imperium at all
There could be worlds just like the one we are now that have no idea they are even in the imperium because they haven't had contact with terra since he eye of terror opened
>The canon and shit claims that there are various worlds, some are hive cities but most are just regular planets with cities and shit some are even so isolated and forgotten that they still have Bronze Age level of tech or even don't know they are in the imperium at all
yes, as i said becuase the imperium hasn't gotten around to killing the whole planet yet. Do you think the imperium has the resources to completely urbanize every single planet they find? no.
Five castes... One supreme over all, capable of manipulating every aspect of your life. They can order you to shoot yourself in the head and you would be compelled to do it.
One caste, the Warriors of this society, are raised from birth to fight and die for the greater good... Most Fire Warriors are killed long before they can attain the rank of Shas'O, most commanders die before they can retire... And when they are allowed, they are transported to a mystical paradise world where they are never seen or heard from again.
Furthermore, unsuitable Fire Warriors candidates are often killed at birth or even in their youth... Wonderful.
Pair bonding is discouraged between male and female. The family is an unheard of institution... All children are seized by the state, some are murdered when they don't meet standards.
I can keep going. The Tau are the least worst government to live under in the Milky Way... But they're not good by any stretch.
Even Farsight recognizes the tyranny of the Ethereal caste and the stranglehold they have on the Tau's natural development, cultural or otherwise.
Tanith seemed pretty comfy until The Happening.
how is any of that bad? that's the only way to have a non-degenerate society.
>muh tyranny
>Khrone is muslims
>blood boils intensely
Individuality is more important than anything. It just so happens that if you are a degenerate individual you should be oppressed or killed.
who cares the greater good?
what is individuality? your right to a stupid haircut? face it, after 50,000 years of civilization there is an established way of doing things that is best and allowing anyone to stray from that is degeneracy.
there's no such thing as 'individuality'. that's just a jewish meme that accounts for fags, retards, degenerates, drug addicts, pedophiles, criminals, SJW's, feminists, and scumbags of all sorts.
>Five castes... One supreme over all, capable of manipulating every aspect of your life. They can order you to shoot yourself in the head and you would be compelled to do it.
You don't think the imperium rules over you with an iron fist? Are you that naive? Yes the ethereal caste rules over the others but they do not do so with an iron fist. And they are good natured and will not tell you to kill yourself unless you have truly done something heinous against the greater good. The ethereal's are fair and wise but firm. Unfortunately they are not infallible though. Reminder that if it wasn't for the ethereals teh tau race would not be the fastest expanding most advanced race in the warhammer universe. The ethereals took the tau who were killing eachother with primitive weapons and guided them into conquering galaxies.
>One caste, the Warriors of this society, are raised from birth to fight and die for the greater good... Most Fire Warriors are killed long before they can attain the rank of Shas'O, most commanders die before they can retire... And when they are allowed, they are transported to a mystical paradise world where they are never seen or heard from again.
And emperium fighters aren't expected to die for their god king? I'm fairly certain the lore says that the paradise tau worlds exist. Do you have official lore that says they are lies? Sounds like imperial propaganda to me.
Am i saying that living in a tau world is fucking sunshine and rainbows? fucking no but it definitely beats the crap out of living under the god emperor.
I need not your admiration, only your submission xenos scum.
The only person that could justify living under those conditions is a communist. You aren't a communist, are you?
Uhh, Tau allow you to follow your own religion and culture as long as you are serving the greater good. Why do you think they have so many various xeno races working for them willingly?
>no family structure
Try again.
Ironic, isn't it?
Tau are Marxist scum. Kroot are Antifa.
pic related is why I love the imperium
Wrong my friend. It is human nature to act out and it is universal nature for those that act out to be pruned.
Individuality is important because it shows who is truly worthy of continued existance and spreading their genes.
Everytime a society has tried to repress degenerates, instead of simply eliminating them when they show, the level of degenerate grows rapidly.
The kikes are not our only enemy, we also fuck ourselves.
>Tau are Marxist scum.
Got any facts to back that up?
Your views and everything that you have just said differs from the established norm. In a Tau society, you would be punished severely for that.
Tyranny would only work for you if you were in line with the policy. Imagine if Hillary Clinton won and the SJW culture was allowed to act with impunity in the name of their greater good.
You probably wouldn't like that.
>Individuality is important because it shows who is truly worthy of continued existance and spreading their genes.
The tau allows its citizens to express themselves so long as it aligns with the greater good. Unlike the imperium that focuses so much on stamping out "heresy" the tau see strength in diversity but wish for all individuals to work together for the greater good. The tau ethereals have thousands of years of examples of why its a good idea to follow their leadership which is heavily established in the lore
I was never comparing the Tau to the Imperium. I was simply stating the fact that the Empire is not good. Like I said, they'd be the villains in most other settings.
I can acknowledge that my favorite faction is evil.
both communism and capitalism are degeneracy, there should be no concept of a civil government because there's no justification for a civil life outside of the life of your species, so everyone should be in the military from the moment they're conceived.
families are a half-way measure during chaotic times to ensure survival of the species, but once we get to a point there is no benefit to the family because no one has a right to have sex unless they're told to or have children if they're told to anyways, because the requirments for population growth and replacement will be met by cloning vats.
we don't need to figure out who is worthy, refer to the codex. this is established science and there aren't any more necessary discoveries.
degeneracy can not grow when all degenerates are executed instantaneously through neural implants.
there is no 'you' that becomes 'in line'.
just as your body is made of cells, '''you''' are a cell in the larger creature that is the species. the species is the individual. you are just a blood cell, or a muscle cell, or a neuron. that's all you are. you are created and replaced every day.
if your blood or skin or muscle cells start thinking of themselves as 'individuals' and preaching about 'muh rights', we literally call that 'cancer' and it becomes a 'tumor'.
>Muh pure Imperium
Nice to see you brushing the fact they are working with Dark Eldar and Necrons at the moment to push back Abaddon is conveniently brushed under the carpet.
But Sir, Abaddon is taking Cadia
Let's have a chat about those hats the Vespids are wearing, breh.
The vespid are an exception and it has more to do with their biology than anything
tau are xenos scum and will be purged for the Emperor anyways.
You need us.
Compare Aun'Va to Hitler and see where that gets you.
The Horus Heresy was winning.
This is basically my religion. Hail the Emperor.
I don't know if you're pretending to be retarded or not.
This is a universe where Gods exist. To not serve either chaos or the emporor is retardation.
exactly. you don't know. you're a weak and stupid part of a greater whole. nobody asks a fucking blood cell what it thinks.
>Is it the kind of society we should strive towards?
>This is actually a question
>People literally have second thoughts about this not being the ideal
This isn't /r/Sweden... Who the fuck are you people?
>backward theocratic mess of a state
Emperor didn't want this.
No, they're pretty much the rule... The Tau have exterminated entire species that could not be persuaded to join them. While they're patient, eventually they'll resort to genocide to achieve the objective. The Arachen are one example of extermination, but subverting the Vespid's leadership with mind control is as much an act of ethnic cleansing as anything.
and you have a problem with ethnic cleansing?