Why do american millenials continue to go to college even they know its going to put them in massive amounts of debt?
Why do american millenials continue to go to college even they know its going to put them in massive amounts of debt?
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Because most well paying jobs here now require a degree.
Because their teachers who are leftist idiots told them they had to go to college or they'd be losers and that they're special snowflakes so they'll succeed no matter what
The desire to delay real life. I wish I stayed in college for that reason.
well, it's a good way to get a job. You know, the things you need to survive on your own
They do what they're told, and society tells them to go to college or they're a failure
Whatever they do will put them into debt, misery and confuse their sexuality, then Mexicans will come and finish the west forever.
Because you can't get a job flipping burgers in this country without a fucking degree.
why haven't all janitors been replaced with roombas?
I went to college for 2 yrs, I didn't have daddy and mommy to pay for my shit. After 2yrs I had no more money and my debt was $15k, I had a part time job and I worked my ass off to keep the debt to a minimum, still it was not enough.
I dropped out, felt like a failure but then I went to a trade school, finished that and ended up with $20k in student loan debt. Payed it off in 3 yrs and now I see how much of a failure most colleges are. They are not there to educate, they are there to babysit grown ass men and women and make them believe they are smarter than anyone else with out a college degree. The biggest scam ever, since these people truly believe they got what they paid for.
I'd say it depends on the degree you get. Engineering degrees are pretty based. Overall college seems like complete bullshit though, save for a few programs where you actually learn something.
Those who are in "massive debt" usually ended up choosing a shitty profession or went out of their way to go to some fancy university or a combination of both.
As long as you stay in state, stay away from gender studies and niggerology, and maintain your composure throughout school, you'll be fine.
There are massive benefits in regards to networking and communication, college is worth it in that sense
college are what untalented NEETs use to delay work. professional neets know how to get the neetbux
Also, engineering isn't the only degree worth going for. Basic law degrees or criminology certifications will set you up big time if you intend to go into the judiciary workforce.
College is basically an adult babysitting service similar to high school for many sheltered rich kids. The vast majority are better off just going into the work force for a little before making that decision. When these kids say they can't find a job, what they mean is, why aren't you paying me $25/hr to put cans on a shelf.
I got degree is agronomic breeding, zero debt and grad schools willing to pay my tuition and give me 22k per year to spend
I'm an American millennial (1996) in college. If I stay the course right now then I'll get automatic acceptance into my university's law school. Coupled with an internship here or there, the debt will be a momentary setback.
>Be American
>Look for a job
>"Janitor wanted. Requirements: A university degree and at least 5 years of experience."
What the actual fuck
I have a poo-in-loo friend working on what must be his 3rd or 4th degree, has only ever had a menial minimum wage job because his parents just give him money instead of telling him to get a fucking job.
>hehe trades aren't really my thing...working with my hands u no...i think i'm smart so i need a degree
Meanwhile we stemfags get the best of both worlds. Still, I wouldn't mind working with my hands. The only dishonorable thing is getting your family into debt for muh juvenile fun degree
show some respects
we lost ur princess