>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Trump w/Don King @ Mar-A-Lago 12/28/16
>Trump @ Mar-A-Lago 12/21/16
>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>Election 2016
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
>tfw spending my Friday night arguing with a Democrat grandma on twitter
Be nice
How is trumph gonna make America great again with a swamp cabinet?
Describe the state of Obama's foreign policy with one picture
Aww shit.
If Jefferson State became real, wouldn't also these counties of Oregon like to join it?
Harney County
Malheur County
Baker County
Grant County
Crook County
Wheeler County
Sherman County
Gilliam County
Morrow County
Umatilla County
Union County
Wallowa County
They are all conservative and that would also mean more clay for Jefferson State.
>he's really looking out for the working class
At least it's not a Holocaust museum.
Good video by Cavuto about resolutions for next year: don't believe the narrative
clay you say?
What do you think?
By working with our greatest ally
Israel does nothing wrong
Israel has always been there for us
Some jews are good you know!!!
Lord Spoompf knows what he's doing
He's a businessman after all!!
It's all 5D chess, just ask Scott Adams!!
Sam Harris is a muzzie loving traitor.
Working for a bank doesn't imply undying lifelong loyalty to it. That's fucking stupid.
Should he have hired academics? Aka globalist commies? Who the fuck else knows anything about finance?
>Le rich, qualified people are bad meme
You and Sam Harris
Could I interest you in a free helicopter ride?
Can anyone give me some names of the american left who are critical of the Russia hysteria? I would like to see what they have to say.
I only know these:
Obama has lost what little respect anyone in the world had for him after the last few weeks
Wow these shills really are from overseas.
India, you smell like shit. You will never amount to anything.
I was thinking of having five sons so they may get to experience dying for Israel like all Americans should
A fucking funny joke
Its at hysteria levels now? christ
I can use emojis from my desktop now, I can tweet like a black person.
>Wow he's doing what he always said he would do what a fucking sellout
Proof that he was a child all along and other world leaders are done playing daycare
buying delegates
so is israel good now that obama hates it?
Goddamn that's a great story. How is this guy on a third tier business network?
Oh yes. For example:
Eric Boehlert, Clinton propagandist/Media Matters is calling Shaun King a "Kremlin cheerleader" because of his association with the Young Turks.
this if we're being accurate
>Eric Boehlert, Clinton propagandist/Media Matters is calling Shaun King a "Kremlin cheerleader" because of his association with the Young Turks.
That is some tortured logic.
The Marxist brain tumors are eating what little brains they have left.
He also has a 4pm show on Fox News
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that little speech was pretty based.
>They're eating their own exactly as predicted
Never did I think I'd be cheering on TYT
Trump isn't president yet. Stop calling him "president trump" in the title.
The left is turning on Talcum x? And wasn't TYT pro Hillary?
Can these retards not keep their own story straight?
>t. Obama
>And wasn't TYT pro Hillary?
He is the President though. The chimp is in Hawaii doing nothing.
obama get out
awesome speech
He's the President in the future. You're not thinking 4th dimensionally.
If former presidents are referred to as president future presidents are too. For example when you watch Home Alone 2, it's President Trump in the lobby of his hotel.
He's not.
You tried user
is there any website that keeps track of how many vacation days and where Obimbo has them?
Probably racked up a years worth
What's with the whole disavowing people and calling them controlled opposition meme? Alaska dindu nuffin.
Can blacks even use words?
Poo, poo in loo.
Fucking Indians need real jobs. Build some fucking factories or something. Shill in your own language.
They were mostly just anti-Trump, IIRC
I decided to conduct an ecological inference of how each of the White ethnic groups voted this election (based on those totals of the White vote that one user posted)
Shout out to the Based Cajuns.
I'm German American, and we undershot the national average for Whites somewhat, but that's alright, we still went for Trump by a strong margin. The Irish weren't far off as well.
Also, this confirms what many on Sup Forums have suspected all along. The Portuguese are NOT White.
As reported by Defense News, “The Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group chopped out of the European theater of operations Dec. 26 and headed home to Norfolk after months of operating in the Arabian Gulf and the Mediterranean, where the strike jets of Carrier Air Wing 3 flew hundreds of missions against Islamic State group targets in Syria and Iraq.
The homecoming is set for Dec. 30 — two days shy of the Navy’s stated goal of bringing the group home in seven months. US carrier groups regularly relieve each other in theater, often handing off duties within sight of the other in the Arabian Gulf or Arabian Sea.
But this time, no carrier is in the Eisenhower’s wake. The relief ship, the carrier George H. W. Bush, has yet to leave Norfolk, and it’s unlikely to do so before the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration of Donald Trump, according to a Navy source.
The gap could last as long as two months, sources said, between the time the Eisenhower left the combat theater and the Bush arrives. And that gap comes at a particularly inopportune time. Numerous media reports indicate intelligence organizations and analysts are on the lookout for provocative actions by potential antagonists — in particular Russia, China, North Korea, Iran or ISIS.
How petty can Hussein get?
Twitter/youtube personalities were always considered controlled opposition until proven otherwise
Nobody even takes Obama seriously anymore. People either make fun of him or flat-out ignore him and already plan how to work with the future Trump administration.
Phones being a dick.
But he isn't going to change anything.
How can he? The nigger has done so much damage to America and the world the only fix is a collapse or war.
TYT was not pro Hillary really, more like anti-Trump. They did a few scathing videos about Hillary and her Foundation that were actually pretty good. Was more surprising than Trump getting elected.
This is the Navy fucking Hussein's plans for a war.
Probably because German americans are the biggest group and thus more ideologically diverse.
Go away concern troll
There's plenty of lefty libshit threads in the catalog for you to play in
You're not welcome here
Nah you'd be surprised what competently leadership is actually capable of. You haven't seen it since Nixon and even he was beneath Eisenhower, Teddy, Jackson.
Something needs to be done about Alberto Barbossa
>1% margin
My sides
Watching you idiots defend your delusions was kind of fun at first, but now it's just sad.
Who would they be working for? Without a 3rd party you can't really prove the "controlled" part. If they're doing it for the shekels, call it that. The controlled portion of controlled opposition sounds retarded.
Or Obama is inviting aggression from our enemies by signalling weakness for the next 3 weeks. Fortunately I think they all realize that shit is about to dramatically change and they shouldn't fuck with us now even though they could. Russia and China at least.
>pursuing a degree in Communications
how fucked am i?
Sure smells like concern troll agitation in here
>the only fix is a collapse or war.
Nah. You just don't remember what a good leader is like. Or you weren't even alive when Reagan was President. Hell I'd take Bill Clinton over Obama any day when it comes to national defense.
Okay either controlled opposition or opportunists trying to sell books and easy to compromise.
I read chickens as children at first and was deebly goncerned.
$50,000 piece of paper
Are the stormcuks trolls here?
communications in the technological field or the sociological field?
It's mostly lefty libshits
Let me guess, the Russians stole your sweetroll.
sick thumbnail bro
>not obamao.jpg
Obama is desperate to hold on to power. I like that about him.
OK you really are a fucking piece of shit Indian. You're getting extradited for working for child fuckers. Hope you like ass rape pajeet.
That was the globalists' plan all along - raise generations of people who never knew a great America with a good leader, so they don't see how shit you are in comparison.
>2016 is almost over
how are you not always pooped trump general?
all this winning is exhausting.