Need some context, kike.
>denying climate change is the Holocaust
Oh well color me the fuck surprised. Atheists always tend to be liberal faggots. At least since the introduction of "Atheism Plus" or whatever it's called.
nobody gives a fuck about le leddit
fuck off then you irrelevant turd
it's about content, not the platform.
>Muh 6 million jews
Every time you use that argument, you delay the truth coming out. Hitler didn't kill 6 million jews. He put 1mil or so in camps. About 10% of them got sick and died at the end of the war.
Boo fucking hoo.
>irrelevant turd
at least I live in a real country
Atheists are AIDS
Jews are Ebola
A Islam is a cancer
Together they create the death of the "free" world
I genuinely wish death and destruction upon you. May your pathetic soul no longer pollute this earth.
>sex dx
>murdered 6 jillion juice
best joke eva!
>using odd insults and putting an extra return between your lines for "spacing"
r/the_donald plz go.
>odd insults
tell me, when was lithuania relevant, like ever?
not saying they're relevant, just that the wording makes you stick out like a sore thumb.
what's odd about the wording?
Quit projecting based on the linked website, I assure you I've been on Sup Forums longer than you
Checks out.
people who go to reddit don't get to bitch about reddit, you have been warned that it is a cuckold factory a long time ago, what did you expect? it's like being told about jeffrey dahmer then visiting Jeffrey Dahmer then being butthurt that somebody is eating you.
holy fuck you redditors are transparently alien it's hilarious
Lol "free speech"
Maybe you should stay there.
Bro here on this Norwegian tea sampling image board we add nigger to every sentence. It's impolite not to (nigger).
Mormon mafia strikes again. I bet that bitch listens to Beck every day.
I visit for a couple of gaming subs, that's about it.
The occasional r/all check is for hilarity.
>Im not saying trump is literally hitler, but he is hitler
>real country
What did he mean by this?
color me surprised
>he actually is from reddit
Can't say that niggers are niggers, what is this
Der giftpilz and Kristallnacht, like the entirety of the Holocaust, are just Jew hoaxes because the Jews can easily and conveniently forge anything at all in a timely manner to make it look like anything bad has ever happened to them. All Jews secretly hate all non-Jews and this means they all actively work to undermine and destroy the white race and fulfill The Plan. Jews from Noam Chomsky to Rupert Murdoch and von Mises only pretend not to be on the same side on all the issues because different Jews believing in opposing political and social philosophies is just a deliberate façade which they use as their mouthpiece for turning clueless whites against each other for their own gain.
The Jews also made it look like several million of them disappeared when those numbers never even existed because they can just forge anything, again, and anyone who isn't fully redpilled is never the wiser about it. Hitler didn't hate the Jews at all, certainly not enough to give them what they truly deserve, and even if he made some mistakes his record as the greatest leader who ever lived is spotless. But the Jews forge everything that crosses your path to make you believe otherwise, never mind that they can still have bad shit happen to them but be shameless enough to exploit it despicably; to make them more evil they have to have forged everything that would make the people who hate them seem in any way stupid or irrational. If an account disagrees with "mainstream" historiography and openly implicates the Jews in a global conspiracy, it simply must be the whole, absolute truth, and here is why. Read X by YZ if you want the REAL truth.
Hitler was a gud boi. I wonder who is behind this post.
how do you make the text green like that??
>chocolate Americans
Please be real.
Shouldn't you be off murdering some Palestinian children
They usually take care of that themselves.
Get the fuck out of here, you stupid kike.
Protip: Reddit is cancer. Even worse then we are.
Didn't Conde Nast buy that shit up? You can't trust Americans disguised behind French corporations under any circumstances.
Stop saying "this" to me you fucking twat.
>inb4 "huehue this"
you have to go back
>denying climate change and encouraging nuclear weapons
This seriously fucking rattled me. People think they're so god damn smart when really they're just retards.
r/atheism hate Christians for not baking fags cakes sometimes, but defend the religion that stones fags
You know country that don't need USA assistance in every fucking thing like Israel.
Too bad because I really like the Mormon tabernacle choir. One woman isn't going to change the experience
im pretty sure hitler wasnt a climate change denier. trump WORSE than hitler confirmed
Wait was it not Poland who got steamrolled by Germans in WW2? so weird
>comparing turd armies from turd countries with the german Wehrmacht
There is literally nothing worse than the people on reddit.
>not him but it kinda just happens sometimes for like no reason at all
At first I thought it was because people were quoting something even just for emphasis by now I'm certain it's random
This. I'm also sure Hitler wouldn't suggest OTHER nations should get nuclear weapons. Hitler was also a vegetarianm while Trump murders harmless animals, probably even baby animals, and eats them like a monster.
What the fuck is happening here?
Do we raid niggereddit or what?
What site is this? Nobody cares fuck off
hello shill/CTR/CIA/FBI
>that guy defending sharia law
why are ATHEISTS defending any form of religion at all? I thought they were against the "archaic and hateful rhetoric" of Christianity. I guess in the end, they're just anti-white.
you forgot the ayy lmaos/ lizard people
are you one of the two?
Cringeanarchy is one of the few decent subs left.
Stop bullying the jew, he's my friend.
Please give me a job shekel man
>america not listed on the left
1. America is a continent, not a country.
2. Assuming your little moose brain meant USA aid to Israel during 1967, than we got none.
>chocolate americans
Leftist are retarded. That's the only explanation. Case in point. "He's literally Hitler" Every time a republican is elected president, they say this. Every damn time.
>le reddit atheists
>normal at all ever
Dont associate me with that
>comparing Trump to hitler at similar points in their assertion to power
He's right lads
Remember when Trump organized a coup in a beer hall in New York ?
Or that time when he served in Jail and wrote a manifesto about racial purity ?
Or when he fought in a World War ?
I also remember when Trump created a military wing of the GOP and sent them to beat up political opponents.
Oh wait, that was Hillary and the DNC.
Jesus christ, these people are fucking stupid. I don't understand how a person with such poor understanding of History can be so confident of himself.
And it's not dumb enough that they do it. It detracts from the memory of what Hitler actually did. Hitler murdered his political opponents. Look up Night of the long knives. When Trump executes Obama and the Clintons, then you might say, "Well maybe he's a bit like Hitler."
well climate change is about as real as the holocaust i can see their point
The icing on the cake is they honestly believe that "reality has a liberal bias" or shit. These are people who in one breath liken Donald Trump to Hitler, then in the next complain about his unabashed support of Israel. How fucking retarded are these people? Do they even hear the shit emanating from their mouth holes?
>fight as a solder in ww1
>shitty life in germany
>try to start a political movement in beer houses
>start some riff raff
>get put in jail
>write a book
>get out of prison
>take over political duties again
>lie about organization memberships
>create a disaster
>get your party recognized
>continue recognition
>get all your followers banned
>people continue to recognize natsoc
>trick people into getting you appointed chancellor
how in the fuck does any of that have to do with trump without some seriously warped comparisons?
He meant that he believes Lithuania is a real country
Because Atheist has become the code word Communist (since Communism is traditionally Atheistic). Islam and Sharia are just another tool in the Communist toolbox to dismantle the west.
Are all Christians this kind and compassionate? Turn that other cheek leaf, blessed are those who are meek and humble.
Literally who the fuck cares
>Trump is Hitler
That's why he supports Israel?
>Trump hates immigrants!
That's why he married one?
It's like they actually really did get brainwashed by the crap on CNN. They should turn off the TV, get outside, lay off the drugs. I don't know, but these people are a problem. They are defective. Something needs to be done about them.
Don't need to.
It's a statistical fact.
holy fuck!
this level of brainwashing needs to be illegal.
Clinton checked five boxes on the neo-fascist checklist, Trump ticked one.
The objective reality: Clinton was the proto-fascist candidate, and all the crying butthurt delusional liberals /are/ the brownshirts.
It should be legal to put the highly delusional out of everyone else's misery.
>moose brain
KEK! Don't listen to him, jew, he's just a leaf.
>Replace the word 'Muslim' with 'Jews' and see what that sounds like
Sounds like a solution to me.
I guess what I'm saying is:
Bigotry, married to an immigrant, make sure you get that on camera riiiiiiiiight?
But no you don't get that interview, you just get that on- on camera, right? That's what the media wants to portray him as, right?
Why don't you get on camera- why don't you get it on camera instead of editing, instead of editing, instead of editing, his one million dollar a month anonymous feed the children donations, why don't you get that on camera? Why don't you get on camera that he recruited immigrants to help him build towers so he could put them up? Oh you don't- you don't get that on camera, right? This is what you get on camera. THIS is what you get on camera, right? And you edit it accordingly, you wait until you bait him, and then you edit it, right? You don't include the fact that we have an awesome, an AWESOME president now, who took a step down for unappreciative motherfuckers, okay, unappreciative, okay.
None of ya damn- oh you'll edit it, you'll EDIT IT and portray something totally different to what it really is, right, so you're not getting my name, you're getting a FUCK YOU, because you don't give it- you don't give it as it really is. You don't give it or portray it as it really is, a GOOD man, with a GOOD AWESOME heart, that travelled the WOOOOORLD... FEEDING THE KIDS
You fucking motherfucker
Mormon here, most Mormons are wary of Trump, but will always respect the office whether they agree or not. This woman is just acting like a petulant child. The choir has sung for many past presidents on both sides of politics.
Thanks for liking the choir. We like them too.
>get mugged by a refugee
Oy vey, goy, turn the other cheek like Jesus would have done!
>get raped by refugee
Oy vey, goy, forgive the sinner like Jesus would have done and keep and raise the child, since you are pro-life!
>get betrayed by your own government
Oy vey, goy, render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
>notice you're in a cuck cult about some Jewish space zombie cuck
Oy vey, goy, do you want to be associated with the Fedora?
I prefer Sup Forums atheists.
>Going on reddit before Sup Forums
I don't want to sound childish here, but can we both agree that that's extremely edgy?
Speak for yourself.
I think the ideas is that Mexican immigrants are persecuted as much as Jews were during World War 2 by being deported lawfully now.
Atheism in itself is autistic and mostly leads to
Just look at my country, my Beloved Sweden she is in ruins, and her people are leading the destruction. Sweden is 98% non believing, the lower the belief count the higher autism in politicians and people
>Speak for yourself.
Fair enough
I bloody love Trump and what he's doing, I know he's not perfect, but the movement he's bringing is so necessary to the world. I think my church is a little careful when it comes to political things, I mean we have to. I wish we promoted nationalism and pride in ones culture more fully, not to say we don't, but it's a little subtle. I know why we don't though, when prop 8 in calif or iq was supported by my church I was happy, but the leftists were baying for Mormon blood.
Still, wish we were a little stronger in our support for good principles like trump is promoting.
>98% non-believing
I'm guessing that's among native swedes, since the muslims are 10% of your population and most certainly believe in god
Underrated post
>open thread
>think it will be full of people making fun of leddit
>get angry
>When Trump executes Obama and the Clintons
...but I want that to happen.