Richard Spencer Q

redpill me on RS, is he a fed?
So far, he hasnt done any damage he could have done to the "movement" but the signs of him being a g-man are all over

>familiy from spook central city of Arlington
>upper WASP class, expensive private schools - CIA most often recruits this demography
>loaded with money
>risen trough the ranks very quickly despite being very mediocre at intellectual production but more of an organizer
>lots of connections, even more than many older WNs
>weird episode in budapest in 2014 he was in central in
>shutting down in 2014 for no apparent reason
>phalanx implicit pyramid skeme
>misterious marriage with his (possible spy) russian wife that ended recently
>never under stress or injurey by media attacks - super brave...or has a plan B?

what is his endgame? all of the said also applies to nathan damigo, his ex-military m8

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> redpill me on RS, is he a fed?
No, stop concern trolling.

Spencer has been doing this for a long time. Long before Sup Forums. He's a good White Nationalist.

Only /r/The_Donald civic nationalist cucks accuse him of being a shill.

He's not controlled opposition

He just has a giant fucking hubris and short bursts of autism time to time

...lets just say the alt right didn't come out of nowhere.

>Spencer has been doing this for a long time. Long before Sup Forums. He's a good White Nationalist.

I know, Ive been following gime from 2012 when it was all ultra underground and when he runned that doesnt cross out the possibility of him being a g-man

I never got the C.O. vibe from him.

He's too self involved to yield his "accomplishments "to another party.

>...lets just say the alt right didn't come out of nowhere.

my thought also, RS being a fed flags are all over the place, but his endgame confuses me - the hailgate happend AFTER trump he could have sperged out before if he wanter to count op the alt we have /ourguys/ within the CIA/FBI?

help me out with this one, RS sometimes seems to good to be true which is just what is bothering me

bump for good feds

That haircut screams gay 90s, so fucking gay

The fact that the FBI/CIA hasn't """found""" CP on his computer yet and hauled him off to jail is all the evidence that he works for them.

>the hailgate happend AFTER trump he could have sperged out before if he wanter to count op the alt right

He has an annual meeting conference, and it just so happened after the election.

He's just really autistic sometimes and Trump winning pretty much reinforced it to sperg out

That's pretty much it, he just has a giant hubris and expects everyone to follow him because he claims to have founded said movement

Oh yes, the alt right is gay meme. The alt right is all just racists meme. Forget the libertarians and other people. Ever notice how Lauren southern and Alex jones get bashed on this board? I don't think it was supposed to go this far but maybe the racists are still so rabid that they can't stand down. There will be no "normalization of the alt right". It won't be allowed because it wasn't, I belive, supposed to go this far.

Am I right Gubbament agents?

Wtf is this Richard Spencer is an undercover fed thing?

Why is it unique to the right that this sort of outlandish, quasi-schizophrenic outpouring is given credence? I mean the right is ALWAYS somehow involved in some sort of connect-the-dots-even-if-they're-not-there machinations. It's as predictable as the left's constant offense-taking. We MUST get our shit together.

We need to unite, get this shit off of Sup Forums

He's a garbage idiot

This guy is the only one who owns all the "alt right" positions with no excuses.

He doesn't have cringy defenses like "I suck black dicks and I am gay hehe xD" he tells them all to get fucked and gets away with it. He destroyed a full university.

He also started the alt-right. He is the undisputed leader. This is why everyone trying to counter the alt right calls him controlled opposition or dumb shit like that.

He's anti division for whites and never slips in front of media by saying stupid, radical stuff. If you care about jews and jewish shit, he's not a jew. Stefan, milo, cernovich, they are ethnic jews. Spencer is not which doesn't say much because he's just as intelligent.

if government agents arent already in the altright, I would be surprised. Hal Turner happened, and simply by chance we should expect deep agents right now.

I agree, he is almost too good for the movement and too smooth with the media to be true, I just done get his endgame

Yeah I think some of them are /ourguy/ to a certain extent. That said Spencer doesn't seem like an agent to me.

He's been in the movement for years, he has originated and propagated our ideas wonderfully and he's not a Jew like many other "alt-right" (read: classical liberal) popularizers a la Milo, Stefan, Cernocuck

If he's an "agent" he's terrible at it, and we should wait for even the slightest shred of evidence to emerge before we fragment a young movement

Either way, spencer is an autistic moron. Either he doesn't understand what's going on, or he's very opportunistic and will promote himself at the expense of his alleged goals.

Probably no end game. Just introducing the alt-right to the mainstream and whatever happens later happens

They're all going to pretend to hate him but they'll all listen. Race obsessed people in america are desperate for a solution and he will polarize american whites, I can't say about europe

If we could mold a perfect figure to represent the alt-right it would be richard spencer. I literally can't find a flaw in his character or his doings

Literal who larper or fed, either way he's a faggot who's trying to ride the wave for shekels.

>he hasnt done any damage

hes given the smear-campaigners more ammo than any other faggot out there could dream of. And even I thought it was cringy as shit.

>Hail victory! Hail Trump!

Who the fuck cares. Pol doesn't worship false idols. There is only one leader, Trump.

>That said Spencer doesn't seem like an agent to me.

his biography is the most typical of a spy.

>If he's an "agent" he's terrible at it

I also think that way or he is playing for the agents who are /ourguys/ and wish us to win? or we will all end up in FEMA camps based on quality intel he will provide?

>If we could mold a perfect figure to represent the alt-right it would be richard spencer

he is almost too good - intelligent, handsome, wealthy, eloquent, too good to be true? not saying he is an agent, but you as an ex-yugo whould be aware of the secret police and how deep they can go.

>>Hail victory! Hail Trump!

and he spinned it back, eloquently toned it down and again brought good fruit for the movement, he could have done otherwise if he went the way of revisionism of ww2 etc.but he didnt

Can ISIS please put a bounty out on Spencers head? They would do the world a big favor

If you think that white nationalism is the no1 enemy of the American government you are stupid! Ofc there are people who are like "let it be" on the inside. Lately they've been giving you a boost too. In that sense, RS could be government-influenced, but also truthful in his beliefs at the same time. Maybe he believes he can cooperate with certain elements.





An inspiration for us all. He's willing to go out there in a suit and tie and articulate our ideas to the world, showing that people who hold our ideals aren't inbred hicks. If we ever wish to push the boundaries of the Overton window, we need more Richard Spencers.

What is phalanx pyramid scheme

>In that sense, RS could be government-influenced, but also truthful in his beliefs at the same time. Maybe he believes he can cooperate with certain elements.

good point.

>What is phalanx pyramid scheme

he has some bronze, silver, gold type membership club he runs, quite bizzare senpai

>I also think that way or he is playing for the agents who are /ourguys/ and wish us to win? or we will all end up in FEMA camps based on quality intel he will provide?

But this is the retarded, quasi-schizophrenic modus operandi I am arguing against here -- and this level of conspiratorial nonsense seems to be intrinsic to the right -- and I will call it out when I see it. There is nothing wrong with speculating about events, incidences, and people if there is adequate evidence to believe that something enigmatic or uncharacteristic has occurred.

But you are merely spouting grandiose, unsubstantiated theory.

For example, how do I know that you are not an undercover agent subverting our movement via engendering fragmentation?

See? It is a game of whimsical theories anyone can play, but it is meaningless and divisive unless there is something factual behind it.

What police? I'm not superstitious I can see he's doing what he's doing.

Spencer is not an agent. Think about it. He says the exact things you hear on pol all the time. But the same material is shocking to normies who were never exposed to Sup Forums culture. He literally condenses months of alt right discussion in 60 minutes.

It's so different and polarizing to what the mainstream is used to that it breaks their reality. Texas A&M was the first hit. They're now addicted to him like crack. They won't be able to get enough of him next year.

I understand that I presented a catch 22 as a possible explanation, but my suspission for Spencer hasnt came out of that explanation but from his very spy-like biography you havent adressed, some unadressed parts of it I presented in the OP post.

>What police?

spies aka secret police aka undercover work - nothing mystical about it, its the reality of the security of every functioning nation.

>I'm not superstitious I can see he's doing what he's doing.

like I said, he is doing good work, no doubt about that

He does good work

OP It's possible but unlikely I think. I'm more sure cucks like Gavin and Milo, etc are more likely to be some kind of agents.

He's a literal faggot, a narcissist and not even genuine in his beliefs (He was against Brexit, and would have probably scoffed at Trump 2 years ago). He also isn't all that bright.

It's funny to me that these 1488 faggots worship this guy and tolerate his faggotry is allowed while hating on (((Milo))) at the same time.

Came here to post this pretty much.

The people who are calling him a fed and controlled opposition don't know jack shit about him.

>Gavin and Milo

gavin? im not sure, but Milo has some flags on him, british intelligence has a tradition of recruiting homosexuals because of close nit and secretive networks homos created, that is also a flag on Spencer.

>He also isn't all that bright.

yeah, he hasnt had any original idea so far, only some weird ideas about paneuropeanism and movie reviews.

>The people who are calling him a fed and controlled opposition don't know jack shit about him.

Ive been following him from 2012 nigga, lots of unorthodox things happened around him.

I'm 90% sure he is, at the very least, an informant. It's unclear if he actively does work for any agency, or simply keep tabs for them.

>too good to be true
hes part of the minority that comprises that movement.There is a lower chance of finding a good leader there than in a major party.

lower odds than trump. doesnt mean he cant be real, just like doesnt mean trump cant win

I often wonder if losing 30lbs would make her a qt?

>I'm 90% sure he is, at the very least, an informant. It's unclear if he actively does work for any agency, or simply keep tabs for them.

finally someone who sees! there is no halfway about this, if your in your in, if you are an informant you are most definitly in. it just depends on the situation how active/passive will you be. the rumours about him being a homo also up thoese chances (look up cambridge five).

damigo, red ice and j a gage also seem to have some connections


No you arent

How can he be a fed when he's a cock-slobbering Duginite, ie the one thing feds and genuine WNs can both agree to hate

>when he's a cock-slobbering Duginite

but that is the most suspiciouss thing especially when you consider that his ex-wife is Russian (you remeber the Cambridge five?). is he a double?

Check out full-chan's /trs/ board for some cringy shit on spencer and the TRS crowd of faggots

he's not a bad goy but he is altright

He's right though.
>American "civic nationalism" is irreversibly white. Just look at how Trump's rather mild statements were treated as "literally Hitler."

>The Alt-Light will eventually adopt basic-bitch "color-blindness" and vague libertarianism. And many will defect to the Alt-Right.


All of OP's accusations are gross misrepresentations of the truth or outright lies. Quite jewy

>damigo, red ice and j a gage also seem to have some connections

Red Ice is definitely suspicious to me. Haven't looked into the other two yet.

I remember people a decade ago on pre-racist-chan forums (eg talking about agents of the Russians reaching out to certain characters and to be wary of shills.

To the Russians, it's just asymmetric warfare: a tiny bit of seed money in hundreds of grassroot dissident groups - of the far-left and far-right both - goes a very long way. D&C is nothing new to them, or to us in the West. Let's face it, Ukromajdan was basically a Western-backed coup.

That's the irony. For all the fucking lies and bullshit the Clintons/the greater Synagogue have thrown around, the one about the new-new-right being backed by the Russians is pretty fucking true. Look how hard Vitamin Jones is riding the Big Bear Cock right now. But it was Shillary who cried wolf, and so nobody listened except those who would believe her no matter what.

It doesn't matter to me, personally. As long as we ourselves (ie the mob) remember that blood trumps clay/muh dasein/muh imperium - and that the Jews are our greatest threat - then agents of the West or the East have no power.

The difference is NPI and Spencer don't HABE any connections to organizations that are AB tier or KKK. This whole infiltration shtick only applies to orgs that actually plot attacks or are gang-tier. NPI and the alt-right is non of that.

He gets too much air time with establishment media.

Looks too "1930s German." Like he would be cast to play Baron Zemo, a Captain America villain.

He's like a walking stereotype of what a liberal thinks a full blown Nazi looks like.

>The difference is NPI and Spencer don't HABE any connections to organizations that are AB tier or KKK

All the more reason to target them

Nonsense, there's not some rulebook like a board game that says you can only scuttle a movement using these particular plays. Infinite ways to do it. You can have it taken over by a blithering idiot like Glenn Beck did with the tea party. You can have it become progressively dumbed down in order to "be realistic".

It's like he was cast by a black male or colored woman at the CIA.

He's too white. Looks too affluent. Looks too military. Stands out too much.

> familiy from spook central city of Arlington

>All of OP's accusations are gross misrepresentations of the truth or outright lies. Quite jewy

twat detected, Ive been following spencer from 2012 and you havent adressed any of my points.

>Red Ice is definitely suspicious to me.

the price of the studio they have is itself suspiciuoss for people who are considered dissident.

>pre-racist-chan forums (eg

ayy lmao, Im and veterfag but not that old to remember this

>the one about the new-new-right being backed by the Russians is pretty fucking true.

d-uh! same goes for Ukromajdan and all colour revolutions coups, the only rule is dont mention them publicly because youll look like a shizo

>It doesn't matter to me, personally. As long as we ourselves (ie the mob) remember that blood trumps clay/muh dasein/muh imperium

yeah, even if he is an agent which he probably is its far from itsover mode - we can play jiujitsu just as good as agents can.

>good looking
>has style
>looks a part

This is every political leader in america. grasping at straws now guys

>He's too white. Looks too affluent. Looks too military. Stands out too much.

yeah, so does his ex mil ex convict buddy damigo who runs a network of activists across the us

this nigga knows whats up. the least vulnerable option is him being on an intelligence gathering op which I doubt.
What do you think is his endgame right now?

>we can play jiujitsu just as good as agents can
If you think happenings are happening now, wait until China starts funding white nationalists. The sky will burn.

>We need to unite, get this shit off of Sup Forums
He kind of fucked that up when he told pauljo and monkey madness he wanted his label back. I mean, he did technically coin the term. He could of let it grow with these people but he decided he'd rather alt right be a synonym for white nationalism rather than be its own big tent thing for trump leaning right wingers. It was sort of like how we took pepe back fron thw facebook crowd with gore pepes. Though, plebbitors just took him back anyway.

Its just PSYOPS senpai, he/OP want to sow doubt by making you question your conflicted feelings before your true acceptance of the movement and its leader have had the chance to take hold.

but you seem to be repelling it

The same group of ass holes keesp getting pushed on us.

Why are these fuckers trying so hard for brand recognition on Sup Forums?? is it just for the shekels???

I mena fuyck it man. We're all autistic enough tot be able to recognize someone worth listening ot or reading with out tier fucking advertising it.

Fucking normie kike scum get out...REEEEeeeee....

No man donĀ“t redpill me on Red Ice please. Lana and Henrik are superb people and an inspiration.

I honestly don't know what Spencer wants. I think I'm pretty bad at reading people though: Merkel for instance, I have no idea if she's an SJW, a semi-senile idiot, East Bloc deep state, or a super-super-deep-undercover accelerationist German ethnonationalist. Regardless she should be hanged from a lamppost as an example to others, and regardless Spencer should be approved of for as long as his words and actions are deserving of approval.

If I had to take a wild guess though I think he's being honest about wanting a Euro-American-Russian bloc: but that he's exaggerating how much he gives a shit about racial unity, and would accept a brown underclass as long as (rich) whites are at the top of the pack. Kind of halfway between a Duginite and a Neoreactionary.

or in other words, we have to play jiujits weather we know it or not with spies, they can be usefull for us.

thank you based rs's ex spy wife!

also, did had a forum? where was this stuff discussed?

>but you seem to be repelling it

he hasnt reppeled anything nor responed properly, I clearly responded here its so funny how easy lana and henrik get on with their lives in a 500k euros studio in a multicultural autocracy like sweden where people get publically shamed for making a slight off ballance fb comment, isnt it?

I've only heard him speak a little and he seemed to not have the intelligence to represent our cause correctly.


if I should guess, ex-commie that got in contact with high levels of russia which info SorosTM now usses to blackmail her into full SJWism and obedience. The deep state east block option is also opened since Russia obviously has a strategic interest but less likely IMHO since American influence is more stronger in Germany.

Verdict: helicopter ride.


Verdict: he clearly hasnt done anything wrong. I approve him for now but keeping an opened eye.

I can't remember if it was on the ANUS or Corrupt forum or what, it was so long ago and I was generally just there to shitpost. Even devil's advocates need devil's advocates

But yeah, we have to use what we've got. If you're the little fish, you make the big fish eat each others' faces off. I for one welcome our Chinese sponsor overlords

Deep down i always knew redice was cointelpro. Look at redice on the waybacl machine and you see a bunch of alien shit and other x-tier bullshit and then fast forward 10 years and they are full on white nationalists?

here have a fatass alcoholic fellow leaf

>you see a bunch of alien shit and other x-tier bullshit and then fast forward 10 years and they are full on white nationalists?

whoever funds them has ears at the right places and goes on with times.

>ANUS or Corrupt

Corrupt? more info please

Loling hard @ NEET fucks ITT identifying with a wealthy, prep-school racist and elitist

Good night white pride

he has to leave that option open so he has deniability when his ethnostate doesnt work out

You are thinking old school, like the intention is to entrap people and prosecute them. If the goal is propaganda, then there never needs to be the terrorism/crime setup, it just is about controlling the thought leaders of the alt-right.

That said I am actually a pretty big fan of TRS and Weev and Daily Stormer. It would make me sad to learn they were foreign propaganda. More likely they are just fed up Americans.

I definitely think Alex Jones is controlled opposition (for Russia maybe? Or USA? Israel?) and Milo too although he is a bit reckless for an agent.

>weird episode in budapest in 2014 he was in central in

Someone explain

lol, now Cernovich is apologizing to Richard Spencer. Bend the knee, alt-light faggots

Alex jones is. He shills RT. Helps them put together a list for the russians.

Spencer doesnt do that, his club is too exclusive.

>TRS and Weev and Daily Stormer.

Weev - major flags on him as well as any ex-convict.
Anglin - I have no idea, agent or just as charmingly insane as he seems

both are super fun to watch doe.

>Alex Jones is controlled opposition (for Russia maybe? Or USA? Israel?)

take a breath. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. Bill Hicks probably made a deal with CIA, no russian interest here.
look at their phisical similarities and look at Hicks rants when he did standup and Jones patriotic rants. Jones also had a failed (=prop) marriage and runned away from pizzagate as much as he could.

research it yourself nigga, grinder greg on countercurrents wrote an article about failed budapest 2014 conference

That isn't a pyramid scheme...

>implying Mike Enoch isn't the fed

weev yeah

who gives a fuck really, anyone watching jones unironically should be on a list

He says North Africans are white. Ahmed--see left--happily agrees.

How is it this different from how any charity raises money?