2017 is already looking great!
The memes of 2017 will Trump 2016
2017 is already looking great!
The memes of 2017 will Trump 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
Shaun "The Friendly Ghost" King
Shaun "Not So Martin Luther" King
Shaun "Talcum X" King
Shaun "Scam-bo sambo" King
Shaun "Trigger a Wigger" King
Digging their own graves. I hate giving their channel views but it's just so fun to hate watch them.
>White man thinks he's black
What's the name of this mental illness?
Looks like they wanted Shaun "White is the New Black" King to boost their ratings.
We wuz Ottomans and shit!
The Young Turks have now realized how irrelevant they are.
relevant: youtu.be
What a piece of shit wannabe nigger, he is right at home with those roaches.
>The memes of 2017 will Trump 2016
>Trump 2016
I see what you did there and I like it.
So TYT still refuses to hire Blacks.
>tfw Alex Jones has a more diverse panel than TYT
TYT is fucking loony. So a white guy shaving his head makes that white guy black, are skin heads doing themselves a disservice then?
jes a white boy
Don't post the cropped picture, it conceals the fact that he shaves his hairline.
This is the one person Sup Forums agrees is white.
Hahaha holy shit
I can see this show sink fast.
>tyt want to talk about why they hate the right wing
>shaun kangz wants to talk non-stop about BLM and we wuz muhammed
>tyt: wtf have we done?
I mean you have to think about this. This is a man who experimented with various methods of making himself look "more black" for years. From trying to keep his nostrils flared to pushing out his lips to shaving the top half of his mustache so it looks like he can't grow a full one.
meant for
Fukken gold!
tyt caused a lot of damage to the democrats during the election, cenk was always shitting on the dnc and obsessing over hernie. Is teaming up with the Whitest Man In America a sign that blm is getting radicalized and wants to take over the democrat party's ideological core -- lead by Cenk and his team of genocidal turks? Are we seeing a coup unfold?
young turks is a severe disgrace to the Türk master race
They couldn't even hire an actual black guy. If that's not racism, I don't know what is.
And their fans paid 500,000 in a donation drive to hire him
I just found a really funny tyt clip to share with you guys. Give me a couple of mins
It is all about how you feel on the inside that matters to progressives. TYT is now so progressive they can hire a white guy pretending to be a black guy in order to pretend that they are diverse.
>freckle make-up
disgusting desu
I am surprised that progressives didn't call out Shaun King for his male privilege in pretending to be black over Rachel Dolezal.
He's the founder of the BLM movement
This is probably the most pathetic man I know about. This guy literally spends hours in front of a mirror trying to look more black. Imagine him posing like a thug and rehearsing ebonic speak, hahahaha. Just picture that scene from Taxi Driver where DeNiro says "Are you talking to me!?" in front of the mirror, but instead or DeNiro it's A FUCKING WHITE MALE with an artificially receeding hairline and brown base makeup saying "u talkin 2 me nigga? square up muhfugga I'll bust a cap up ya honky ass u bitch ass cracka" while holding two fingers as a gun, sideways.
The funniest part is that BLM niggers probably think he's an autistic whitey and they won't hesitate for a second in making a colander out of his skull, should the time comes.
white kid who obsessively larps as a nigger.
Talcum X
It don't matter if you're black or white.
Damn he has a long ways to go. Even by him trying to say is half black, he is still many shades off from Obama.
If there was any shred of doubt that TYT wasn't a joke then surely this destroys it, right?
cnn had soledad o'brien working for them. she is white and pretended to be part black
Holy shit, not just white, milky white.
He's whiter than I am, and I'm Irish.
Oh wait...
>Talcum X
My fucking sides
Still my favorite nickname
How the fuck he get the black shoe polish so smooth on top his head?
>TYT losing fanbase
>saudi overlords decide to slowly pull funding
>Cenk cannot afford to feed his insatiable hunger for the black cock without that funding
>decide they need to have an in-house reliable source
>they're so fucking stupid that they think Talcum X is actually black and hire him
He's whiter than Cenk.
>Dems become POC
>White libs become green
Our enemies have no future.
Looks like he uses a stencil and spray paint
White uncle ruckus
Look at this proud KANG, this African man who's family was brutally enslaved, and still suffers from systematic abuse and institutional bias TO THIS VERY DAY
it brings a tear 2 my eye
You mean Anzu is a severe grace to the T*rk Roach race
If America ever has an Aryan revolution and starts gassing non-whites, don't touch Shaun King. Leave him alive on the basis that he's white.
He reminds me of the guy that used to run Panzerfaust, probably the biggest skinhead record label. He was CLEARLY Hispanic, but had money and seemed fearless when talking to the media (because he had money) so everyone fell into line.
Later he was arrested for drug possession, in an airport on the way back from Thailand where he'd been taking photos of himself fucking ladyboys. He was probably wearing a big fucking sombrero in his mugshot too based on how quickly it fell apart.
His name was Anthony Pierpont, if you google it you see he's been trying badly to SEO-scrub his past clean.
You should have kept it playing rather than throwing that cringey reaction at the end.
Ana attempted to answer (and said something in Armenian) but couldn't get the words out while the moderator immediately demanded they go to a commercial break.
Nope. We gotta take people on their word. This guy swears he is black, he has to be black then.
Reminder that Mr. King is blackity-black-black.
Those things must have some deep seated inferiorty complexes.
Can't fucking wait.
Shit thats the whitest black guy i have ever seen
can some autist use this pic to reconstruct what he would look like without shaving?
How do you call this accent?
Weren't the Young Genocidal Apologists destroyed in the last election?
For them to employ a genocidal apologist seems like doubling down at the worst possible time.