Election night

fuck, every time i think about it it still feels amazing. What was your experience like?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pure joy


Absolute ecstasy. Will bump this thread for you OP.

Post yfw you realized Michael Moore had to pay the faithless elector fine for people that changed their vote from Shillary

Seeing this sticky on Sup Forums activated my almonds

Forgot link


Truly amazing. Got to see republicans pick up a shit-ton of seats in my state's legislatures, and then the presidential results started rollling in. Was at my town's republican party election event, place was absolutely buzzing.

I went to sleep, didn't check the news and I checked Sup Forums as soon as I woke up.

I was delighted to see Trump dancing and "Never come down" in loop.

I skipped the first half of my college lesson because I was just so fucking happy. I think I danced like a retard for a good 5 minutes.

Given the fact Sup Forums has finally lost to the JIDF and we have swarms of newfags unironically supporting Israel, this Garrison comic is no longer accurate.

Will anything ever top election night or BREXIT orthe George Zimmerman trial? Anything on the horizon?

I listened to this for probably about three days over and over again after he won.
Nice job America.


>thinks Trump is something more than a Ziocuck


>there were people who actually thought Texas would go blue

was watching this youtu.be/a9YyJIf9KD8

and getting shitfaced while my grin was getting bigger and bigger

I'm still surprised my head didn't fall off from grinning so much

I truly wish I could go back to that glorious night in November. One I won't soon forget

I was in bed but next morning when I saw the news on the way to work I couldn't stop smiling a shit eating grin all day


Watching CNN's mood tank over the course of the evening was unadulterated bliss. I tried to wait up for them to call Pennsylvania but tapped out a bit early. I did however learn by the whoops and hollers of my roommate when it was called, knowing his victory was in the bag.... I slept the soundest I have in years.

To top it all off the sun was shining through next morning like a welcome to a wonderful new timeline. Feels good man.

It was hilarious watching the leftists that I work with cry as the results came in and it was evident that trump had won.


Absolute ecstacy. I had an early history class and we had some time over so the teacher put the election results on. Right then trump was winning Pennsylvania and all the jaws of all the cucks in the class fell to the floor. I grinned the entire day and my jaw hurt the next day. I still start grinning from just thinking about that day.

After our Brexit victory this was the icing on the cake, and the mental picture of ctr scum having aneurysms over the result gave me a boner :)

Nice, I listened to this about 1000 times on this day.

After PA red i couldn't sit anymore. Smiled the whole fucking day.


So much bliss

So many good salt threads

I was feeling suicidal when Florida kept shifting between blue and red and then stayed blue for awhile

>wake up
>Trump won
>hehe where's my kgb award for influencing american election

This pics is illegal

When Pennsylvania went red I lost my shit and started screaming in joy

It literally felt like a dream. Seeing state after state turn red, watching the Hillary campaign supporters sobbing and realizing their defeat, and all the fucking energy and bantz here on Sup Forums.

I woke up about 4-5 times after going to sleep that night and I had to check my phone to make sure it was real.

One of the best night of my life.

I was away on travel for work and didn't have easy access to the internet. I will forever regret not being able to follow it along with Sup Forums as it was happening.


Shadilay !

Same, along with the Zimmerman trial and the Michael Brown riots aka CHIMPOUT 2014.