Ask a Muslim anything :^)

Ask a Muslim anything :^)

Christian, Jew, Atheist, you have to kill one, marry one, and fuck one


why don't you just fuck off and die ?

and take all the other mooselimbs with you

Fuck off

If a single Muslim has ever as much as stubbed his toe the whole religion is bunk.

When do you plan to bomb Mecca

Leave Germany

Assuming this isn't just low effort bait

Do you have any recommended resources besides the Koran for someone who wants to learn about Islam for the sake of understanding it, but isn't interested in converting? I'm thinking books, documentaries, anything, really.

Why are you living in Germany?

Does it not strike you as kind of strange that the true prophet of God would only manage convert some 150 people in ten years by preaching alone?

Doesn't it seem strange that if he Moe was the one that he would have to rely on such barbarism to actually convince large numbers of people to follow him?

Hasidic or reform?

When are you going to explode?

Die Achmed and spread your piss religion somewhere else


Are your people just a front for a strange bomb fetish group?

14 pounds of Semtek is a pretty good place to start.

I do not ask things from inferior creatures.
I am used to dictate them what to do, so

14 kilos of Semtek is a good place to start.

Says the guy living in U.K.
Fuck off nigel.

do you wash behind your ears with your dick?

Marry Christian, fuck Jew, kill Atheist, although I could switch the Jew and Atheist depending on their looks
Why would I?
No you
The Koran is pretty hard to read, as arabic doesn't translate too well into Romance languages. Try to read it with a commentary. You could also read books from al-Ghazali. He's a 11th centuary persian scholar who is highly respected even in the west.
My parents and I came as Refuguees in 1999 after the Taliban took over Kabul.

Why do you believe Mohammad was a profit when he rapped little girls

Are you a Muslim?

What kind of barbarism? As far as I know nowone was forced to follow him.
Conservative Sunni


Are you religiously Muslim or just culturally?

Why no pigs? Too pussy to go full plant based you low-rent hindu? Fuck off.

Fucking Canadians...

because he's a filthy barbarian that doesn't know any better.

How do you reconcile the idea that God may not be omniscient. Take for instance the ideological divide between just the 3 main religions, and the little chance of that divide ever being bridged. Was this on purpose?

> leaf
What? Is he one of those fags who just say they are Muslim but don't actually practice?

A marriage at such a young age was pretty common back than, as it was Europe even centurys after that. Agnes of Germany is an example. It's just weird for us because we live in the third millenium. Noone would address reproaches back than or some centurys after, not even his enemys.

Jesus Christ is coming back to put you muslims back in your place. Dissidents of Hagar are disgusting.