Why the USA gun laws need to be improved

Firearms in the USA are not serving their purpose anymore and need to be replaced.

Let me explain,
When the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment in 1791, they intended for firearms to be used as tools to keep the government in check. If the government ever did anything to hurt the people, then the people had the tools they needed to take that government down.

>>>Fast forward to 2016
Firearms in America are used for one thing, for Americans to kill other Americans and commit massacres. This is NOT what the founding fathers intended to happen when they wrote the second amendment. The second amendment must be changed to account for the very different world that we live in today.

I am proposing a few things;
- Rewrite the second amendment so the only people who can own guns are the police and military
- Confiscate weapons from the general public
- Make weapons and ammo manufacturing a serious crime punishable by long prison terms

Simple things like that would put an end to all the pointless deaths that occur every year because of firearms in the US.

If you are concerned about self-defence here are some viable alternatives; taser guns, mace, batons, airsoft rifles, paintball guns, the list goes on and on ... You do not need to kill someone to defend yourself. Also, training in MMA tactics and conversation could help in restraining or talking down an attacker.

I want to have an intelligent conversation, if you don't have anything intelligent to contribute please keep scrolling.

Other urls found in this thread:


Canadian copy pasta that is posted multiple times a day.

I can see a valid point to many things in your post. I agree that violence in the USA is pretty ridiculous, but not as absurd as other countries would have you think. People think coming to the U.S. is like the wild west, it's not. I've lived here for 23 year and I've never once seen or been affected by gun violence once. That being said I do own several firearms and am open to ideas on how to decrease gun violence. I don't see a total gun confiscation working in the US. There are simply too many guns, it's too late for that route. And if the second ammendment is written so only police and military can have guns, that ruins the whole idea of a free country having the right to defend them selves from a tyrannical government. Your idea would simply just put more guns into the hands of the puppets of the government.

I agree the founding fathers didn't write the second amendment with the idea in mind of Americans killing other Americans with guns.
I think they did write it with the idea that freedom isn't free. You can't have total safety and freedom at the same time. You have to choose one or the other, and in America we seem to choose freedom.

My fucking country. Please just nuke us.

Deep federal background check for all public or private gun sales and bullets.

That will clean up the streets. Literally 93 percent of Americans want this and it cant be done because of the stupid fucking NRA





Where did you get the magical number of 93% from? I call bullshit.

And describe to me what deep federal background checks would entail and how that would effect criminals, not just law abiding citizens.

Second Amendment doesn't list a purpose. Just a right.

I really hope this is bait.



Guns don't kill good people, niggers do. Let's just ban niggers, boom all problems solved



go fuck yourself leaf

come and take them, shall not be infringed, etc etc
the last two digits of my post number are the precise number of days until the day of the rake

Without doubt the second amendment was specifically written so that Americans could kill other Americans, since that's what the government is composed of.

It grants the right to form armed Militias on the spot without permission. Learn 2 Read. The right to bear arms is necessary for the right to form your own militia.

Ban assault hands now!!

Man, fuck poes law.

>Leaf antigun poster

Castrate thyself.

Same copypasta. Every day like clockwork


You kind of shoot your own point in the foot there. You say that the original intent of the 2nd amendment is for the people to keep their government in check. So your solution is to remove all civilian ownership of firearms? Do you not see how by taking away access to firearms, you remove any power of resistance the people can have, thus invalidating the entire purpose of the amendment? Before you post the old drone strike attainable, I'd like to point out that all the drones in the world couldn't win us Iraq or Afghanistan.

While I admit that background checks are a good countermeasure that keeps guns out of the hands of loons and gang members, to remove the right from the standard citizen is moronic, effectively you're removing the second amendment, by your own definition of it. Self defence can be accomplished non-lethally (provided the attacker doesn't have a gun, in which case you can still theoretically take them down, but it becomes a lot more risky then) however, one can't stop and government incursion with mace, tasers, and airsoft guns.

Canada, even your country still allows the citizenry to own firearms, and for good reason too, in the wilderness they often save lives from wild animals. Not everywhere in America is New York City or Los Angeles, there's lots of people living in rural areas who significantly benefit from a gun. If the purpose of the second amendment is, as you stated, to give the people protection from our government, why then are you so gung ho to take away said ability?

There are to many guns to confiscate. If you want better gun control then you have to rewrite laws that work with the gun owners and not against them.

same trolls from Center for American Progress

Hey retards, he's never going to respond and I told you in the first post.
Nu/pol/ is stupid.


Look mommy! I posted it again!!!!!

Once again, you are convincing literally NO ONE with your copy paste bullshit. Are you precisely THAT desperate for attention???


>same stale pasta
And now you'll get my same reply: we have a nigger problem, by a gun problem

consolidate all power into the government. that is EXACTLY what the founding fathers DIDN'T want get fucked leaf.

Go fuck off you retarded leaf

a fucking leaf....

>When the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment in 1791, they intended for firearms to be used as tools to keep the government in check
They intended for the populace to be able to own the same weaponry as the government. They were not talking about muskets they were talking about artillery pieces.

>The second amendment must be changed to account for the very different world that we live in today.
Agreed, the populace is no longer able to own the arms that would be needed to combat their government. The laws need to be less restrictive so that citizens are able to own M1 Abrams tanks and reaper drones armed with agm-114 hellfire missiles.

>Posts image saying they dont want to ban all guns.
>Rewrite the second amendment so the only people who can own guns are the police and military
Friendly reminder to SAGE the leaf copypasta

This, amputate all hands now!

If you think that a reasonable amputation is same as banning all hands, you are special kind of stupid.

>reasonable gun control laws
>oh shit that thing looks scary as fuck restrict it

Sorry you didn't get enough (you)'s.

I live in a lib infested shithole and kind of wanted to rant. Is that so wrong?

hello neo/pol/ friend.

And I thought leafs couldn't do any worse....




You will never take our firearms, OP.

(You)'s are gone, New friend. Move east, plenty of God's country left not infected by liberals. Make a new thread and vent, much preferred to people bumping pasta that's posted 3x a day. I need to go back to work, Sup Forums is making me believe people are stupider than they are, and I don't hold a high opinion of people en masse. Vent. Have discussion. Be a person and help me understand that smart people still gather here.
Just don't bump the stupid things posted here, please. I sage my posts, why can't all of you
Oregato, user-kun.



All the fucking legislation in the world will not stop illegal gun sales and if legal guns are removed violent crime goes up. How do you fucking brain dead liberals not get it? FTFY Sage in all fields.

1 post by this ID

>Also, training in MMA tactics and conversation could help in restraining or talking down an attacker.


>All the fucking legislation in the world will not stop illegal gun sales

Illegal gun sales are not the problem in the US. Legal gun sales are the problem. There is a continuous flow of firearms from gun stores, to private buyers, who then transfer them to crooks. You could sell a gun to Hannibal Lector in most US states without breaking the law.

>The second amendment must be changed to account for the very different world that we live in today.
We the People, need to have access to ATGM's, SAM's, fully kitted out jet fighters, attack helicopters, and all types of armored vehicles including tanks.
Possibly even tactical nukes. Might have to look into that one tho.
The Founding Fathers never intended for the Fed Gov to have so much power over We the People.
just saying.

>I agree that violence in the USA is pretty ridiculous,
Remove black crime from the statistics and see what you get.
fooken marxist idiot.

>Remove black crime from the statistics and see what you get.

It is still terrible.

We already have reasonable gun cotrol laws and extensive background checks any thing more could easily be considered a move to make gun ownership a burden lowering the number of gun owners until there are not enough owners and guns can be confiscated. The slippery slope is real when ever you deal with liberal pigs.

Go back to >>reddit you stupid fuck.

i was really on board with you leaf, until i read
>Firearms in America are used for one thing, for Americans to kill other Americans and commit massacres
and then i had to stop reading because your argument became intellectually dishonest.


If you think labeling your idea as reasonable and then calling everyone else an idiot

You must be a liberal.

>It is still terrible.
That's right.
Remember, all your misfits and malcontents immigrated over here.
Those genes are still running in our blood, I can feel it.
It's why the Brits that are left over there are fat and lazy.
All the Alphas, and any Brit with balls came over here centuries ago.

Why is the world so fucking obsessed with our gun rights? Our ancestors came to the U.S. because we didn't want to be like you. America surpassed all other countries in individual *natural* rights. They aren't given. They aren't privileges. They supersede and existed prior to any and all government. Our rights are human rights. At least as far as American's are concerned.
Any other person, even our own citizens, who disagree with our rights can eat shit.
I'm so sick of hearing people from other countries tell us how we need to abolish a right that people for generations have fought and died to protect for the future.
Look what is happening in the world and try to tell me any of us would be safer from tyranny or harm without the option to defend ourselves with a gun of our time and technology. No adult human shouldn't have the right to have an instrument of lethality in a FREE society. If you're subordinate to a police officer, we aren't exactly equal are we? Even police need to respect a citizen who could take their life. It's an instrument of mutual respect, a damage multiplier, and an ultimate force equalizer. It's not even up for debate. Try to take our guns, and we will revolt. It might actually be the only thing we would actually revolt for.

Bottom line: Fuck OFF.

canacuck btfo

Having something to help you kill people with ease is NOT a human right you are delusional.

Okay okay
I understand the

but I agree that if we are to hold to the consitutional amendments we have to be men and women responsible enough to wield such power.

I'd say that we just crack down heavily on gun crime
anyone involved with illegal activity, or doing crime involving a gun gets and automatic life sentence, and expulsion/exile from the county which they committed said crime.

The right to self defense is, and thus, the right to posses the most efficient means of self defense is as well.
You can't have one without the other

>Firearms in America are used for one thing, for Americans to kill other Americans and commit massacres.

Wrong. I killed a Mexican last Thursday.

You can defend yourself without killing someone else just fine.

The strongest people in the world are able to solve their problems without shooting at them.

>anyone involved with illegal activity, or doing crime involving a gun gets and automatic life sentence, and expulsion/exile from the county which they committed said crime.

How would that work retard? Here is your life sentence, oh, and you are expelled from the country. Where exactly are they doing their jail time?

Dude....I love you man [voice cracking]

1. WTF is a gun nozzle?
2. That trigger disciple sucks for ALL of them

>We are all the strongest people in the world
What about a woman defending herself from a rapist? There's no way she can overpower her assailant without training, and its doubtful she could even with training if she hasn't spent 4-5 years at it.

>Firearms in America are used for one thing, for Americans to kill other Americans and commit massacres.


It's a sexist myth that women are physically weaker then men, that is often not the case.


>Implying only the strongest people in the world are the only ones deserving of the ability to protect their life.

Name me one thing you can use that works better then a gun for self defense for ALL people.

That's why guns are called the great equalizers you retard, so the little weak people can solve their own problems too. Are you really going to go tell a woman to start working out just so she can perform martial arts on a rapist when a gun does the job better? Fucking primordial nematode.

Fuck off

Anything is better than a gun when discussing the self-defence of all people, because when a gun is involved it almost gurantees that one of the parties will emerge lifeless.

>(You)'s are gone

Id like to see you wrestle some nigger who broke into your house at 3am with a butcher knife. I'd bet you would wish you had a gun while he is assfucking you with that blade.

And there is nothing wrong with shooting criminals. They deserve it.

Lol nice non-answer there... uhhhh a banana peel is better then a gun.

>gender based genetics is a myth

Fuck off retard.

Ignore the leaf at all costs.

not country
as in subdivision of a state in the union

>because when a gun is involved it almost gurantees that one of the parties will emerge lifeless.
So fooken false.
Just the presence of a gun will deter crime without a shot being fired.

And that is where you are wrong. If you honestly believe there is nothing wrong with killing another human being then you have some soul searching to do. Killing is always wrong.

Fuck off.

> it almost guarantees that one of the parties will emerge lifeless

That's the point you fucking idiot.

Killing is totally ok in self defense

dont forget in the pic the dindus all have shitty trigger discipline

That's even fucking stupider.

commit sweden faggot cuck,heres an alcoholic single mother whose husband left her for a man

the point where the bullets come out of the gun

Have fun rotting in hell

For the majority of liberals it is not thought unreasonable to ban all guns though

I wish I could report this thread, but the incompetent mods would ban me because they're incapable of recognizing troll threads from real threads.

If the murderer kills you, you win.

>The strongest people in the world are able to solve their problems without shooting at them.

You can the hulk, and a 90 pound guy with a gun will still kill you.