To celebrate the death of an evil ideology and laugh at the morons who still support it.
Fascism hate thread
This is now a NatSoc thread.
Post cool pics, lads.
>butthurt buttcuck buttmad that Trump just got elected president
Trump will make western civilization fascist again.
Theres probably 10 times the amount of jewish slaves rotting in the dirt right, I hope they enjoy hell.
On your command.
No amount of cool pics will make Nazism any less than a historical abortion. Feel free to keep celebrating a bunch of losers.
Triggered much?
Trump is a proud supporter of Israel.
I thought the holocaust didn't happen, Hans?
OP will die from aids. KEK WILLS IT
That the the expectation.
Pic related is the reality my hue-hue friend
and then they say KeK isn't real
These SS soldiers died fighting for what they believed in, they were fanatics. They're in Valhalla now.
To degenerates there's only hell.
Praise Kek
They don't exist any more in any form. They could have lived full and happy lives if not mislead by a madman. I'm sure they were in hell enough when they were freezing to death or bleeding out or dieing in a soviet gulag.
National Socialists are absolved by God (as if there is anything to absolve).
They were godsend.
Didn't know mestizo's liked Hitler
You are a crazy motherfucker to believe that. The Christian God would have certainly not approved.
Is there anything more satisfying than killing krauts, guys?
The Christian (((God))) wants white people to go extinct.
And I thought the Hiroshima Detroit comparisons were bad
>Is there anything more satisfying than killing kikes, goys?
Fascism is not a real ideology anyway.
It's just Corporatism, with whatever being used as a distraction.
>o celebrate the death of an evil ideology and laugh at the morons who still support it.
There are still larping hipster Marxists around,
The job is not finished yet.
I never knew what that image was.
Fascism is just vocational voting.
shut it, cuck
Nazism is not the same as fascism.
fascism did not that
a person or persons did that, whatever they may blame is incidental
Viva il Duce, me ne frego, etc.
story on this picture please
funny how the foremost voice and probably the most right wing thinker i've ever read was a fucking dadaist painter of all things.
Picture a fascist whore getting beaten by victorious communist party.
Glorious communist kicking a weak fascist
This is what happens to Antisemites when they get tough
>butthurt belt praising communism
some next level shitposting right here
come get me pussy
Glorious non-communists dead. These people got in the way of utopia
yes, fascism is bad , i tell you this from behind de camo , remove all fascism from Sup Forums!
Fascist women stripped and raped in the streets.
Good thread.
Stupid non-communist trying to live. Stupid fascist pig. Just die in the name of utopia and humanity.
>muh aryan warriors
>muh nordic spirit
>muh vallhalla
Only good fascist is a dead one.
Rare Evola
Fascists in their rightful place.
Its from a belorussian movie from the 80s called come and see.
What an ugly fuck.
Pathetic aryan beta male bullied out of existence.
Lol everytime a shit post about poland comes up those 2 buildings are always posted.
I posted images of jews getting beaten and raped in Ukraine and no one noticed.
These children had to die in the name of humanity. For utopia.
antifa are all a bunch of faggots.
the governments and the mainstream are pro-white genocide already. why does antifa even exist?
they're like the faggot ass teacher's pet in class tattling on the cool kids.
i noticed, it was pretty obvious plus i've seen some of those pictures before
>daily reminder, that Pol Pot was overthrown by vietnamese communists
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki Velikaya Rus’.
Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov
Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!
Slav’sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot,
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust’ ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
No user, you are rare.
Look at all the gifts for you, Ivan!
I am 1/4 jew. My grandfather was a bastard son of some shiska who cucked her husband with a goy.
The child turned out blonde blue eyed so the guy knew something was up. So my great grandfather raised the child alone.
The cucked jew ordered a hit on him so my great grandfather had to flee Poland.
Pfft...antifacists. The same people brought us the most checked definition of 2016.
shiet thats pretty intense
Heil victory