Norway will close down their borders and watch ethnic swedes get beheaded in the streets. NORWEIGAN COWARDS! It looks like we are on our own boys.
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Yes, because Norway would just love for hundreds of thousands of "Swedes" to invade once the welfare funnel is turned off. They didn't kick Quisling out just to voluntarily destroy their country decades later, you know.
Based brother
Norway should be sanctioned for this.
Why should Norway not let Sweden learn its lesson
reported to the swedish government for adhering to the gender binary
Stop feeding the shitskins and they'll leave. And if they won't, kill them all.
Seems to me you should learn a thing or two from Norway.
it's high time that we sanction Norway into poverty
Fuck your nation.
You have NOTHING to lose in fighting back. If I shut down a rape gang over here I'll get 20 years, you'll get 4 months at a luxury resort all expenses paid.
Maim up Malmo or watch your country go.
We need to invest in the navy in the future.
Is it that bad in Sweden?
This, you got yourselves in this mess they don't want to inherit it. Forces you cucks to not be cowards and actually fight for your land back too, literally every Swede i've ever spoken to says they would flee if shit hit the fan, what do they put in the water there?
>reported to the swedish government for adhering to the gender binary
ahh should have stayed in Norway
You don't even have jails faggots!
History has told us that leftists never learn.
> If you get fucked long enough by the rapefugee you become the rapefugee.
What will it take for Swedes to overthrow their government and bring sanity back to their country?
You made your bed, now fucking sleep in it, Sven. You deserve to be gutted in the streets for aiding and abetting Merkel in bringing these shitskins into Europe.
They imported an army of savages that are free to do as they please without legal repercussions. The youth in north west europe isn't reliable for defence. Something like 15% of dutch youth are prepared to fight for their country. The only thing stopping the savages is the fact that they don't have weapons.
Yes a lot of immigrants are trying to head there since Norway has better benefits.
At least something good came out of the death of sweden
we have a clear cut example of destroying a country through foreign immigration since Rome
Why not close the border down right now?
You can't, we have ensured infinite wealth.
is this the fake news ive been hearing about?
i find it hard to believe that they even considering that Sweden will collapse
You must be one of those African gibmmigrants judging by how many times that image has been screengrabbed.
Judge for yourself, also old as fug
send all the swedish girls here, i can offer shelter
We all know the next major war will be native Europeans vs islamist invaders. The only question is when will it fully begin?
Norway is smart, Sweden isn't going to last that long.
source ?
Swedes will push for more niggers in Norway. Norway should build a wall.
>Norway will close down their borders and watch ethnic swedes get beheaded in the streets.
If you're such beta cucks that random sand niggers can invade and behead you, why would other countries take your weak genetic trash and allow you to infect their own societies?
Wow . Viva Norvegia or whatever you northerners say.
Down with the sverige.
Are you enjoying being an unpaid extra in the movie version of this book?
The only thing stopping them is that their numbers are still small and they do not want to blow their cover. Some happenings happen only because they can not control themselves fully.
It needs to happen soon though, to redpill anybody that can still be saved.
Then the next west will be bloody for a few years.
Don`t worry Sven, your Women can come to the UK, we will errr......."Comfort" them while you are away.
>Fuck the entire Northern Europe with your multiculti insanity
>Expect to be let out of the hell you created.
Each day I like Norway more. Maybe there should be a wall.
I fucking love you guys.
Show 'em Norway. Rip Sven a third asshole.
Do you grow all the food you need?
There should be a wall surrounding Europe consisting of muslim and pig skulls interspersed.
Yes, Malmö and Göteborg is falling apart. Basically the wild west during night.
Based Norway, you may loot and burn my churches should this happen.
Norway did the right thing.If you don´t get rid of Muslim invaders you will die.
Give me a swedish or norwegian news source backing this up, I dont find any
Swedes look to our side for escape already. They installed their puppets lately.
Pic related.
>tfw I have to drive to Germany now for my groceries.
Thats what u get swedish faggot
all used up by sandnigger dick with aids and herpes? Eww...
At least in the Wild West the good guys had guns too.
They only like Somali/Muslims dicks.
Magic dirt not working Sweden?
>... and swedish refugees will be rejected
Norway knows that once Swedecuck welfare runs out the niggers and slimes will flock to other eurocuck nations they can leech off of. Good on you, Norway.
Has Norway taken any refugees?
Old news and should come as a surprise to no one.
>In October Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallstrom said the tidal wave of immigrants entering the country has destabilized the government and placed an immense burden on its socialist system. In response, the government has looked abroad to borrow money and is now considering hiking taxes on citizens to pay for the influx.
They're spending more than they make with no sign of reversing the trend. They're up shit creek without a paddle.
Last time they tried to curtail the gibsmedats, they had riots with grenades being thrown.
They could always fix things by just being super tough with these slackers they've taken in, but I can't see Sweden being tough.
old news
Det er gamle nyheter. Syntes å huske at den orginale artikkelen var i sommer en gang.
i found Berlingske news source saying it, which is danish. i guess thats trustworthy
Few, we only take as many as we can handle.
The question everyone should be asking, is when do we gas the norweigans?
>Finland gets invaded by the soviets
>Sweden watches
>Denmark gets invaded by Germany
>Sweden watches
>Norway gets invaded by Germany
>Sweden watches
sucks doesn't it.
I hope Swedish girls don't become extinct. They are the most beautiful females in the entire world.
A lot.
This man your prisions are like a holiday resort compared to prisions in america plus if you were to actually go on a killing spree and kill as many gibbmmgrants there would be many political figures who secretly agree and would be happy for you plus prisioners and prision gaurds might actually treat you with respect for trying to save your cucked country
we need a fucking massive wall and lots of naval mines to block the nigger hordes coming here when gibs end in sweden
Tons of them, Just because we are not at Swedens level, doesn't mean that we are based.
At least there is real oppisition and debate about it here. But it's still bad.
Russia sent a bunch of them over the boarder. so i think we are stuck with those + the ones we promised to take in.
Wrong. Sweden sent all the resources Finland needed and 12k swedish men volunteered to fight for them. But yeah we kinda ditched you guys my bad
This haven't been discussed a lot in Norway. We also have a quite long unprotected border to close in that case.
Germany invaded to protect you. If Britain invaded, you would have been turned into their puppet or the puppet of USA.
Also Vidkun Quisling was a hero
Kersti? She made it into news with first foreign visit to Finland or something. So is she basically the devil? They didn't tell anything of her policies.
YOU are the cowards. Stand up and fight for your fucking country, and get off of Sup Forums already. Din far är en hanrej till din mors bror. Jag pissar på gravarna av dina förfäder, du inavlade fitta.
You know I meant native Swedish girls, not the invaders from the third world.
Nah actually the ones over Storskog have been thrown out.
Norway is a NATO country. Try it, fucks.
Unfortunately there are none left.
The rest of Europe should follow Norway's example immediately, and do the same with Germany.
we would have done the same with Britain if they tried to occupy us. you just don't march into another country
Most of that border is through the forest though. Have you ever seen shitskins in the forest? I have not. They would not last 5 minutes.
Also, we need waitresses
Russia sent you almost nothing and took them back too, afaik. Sweden on the other hand sent them both to you and to finland. Some ended up here too for sure and I must go look what is going on right now at our ports.
>beat and gang rape boy who is under 15
>film it and upload it to social media
>can't be deported as it would be unfair
Something has to be done. They are ruining life after life of people who would have otherwise had normal and productive lives.
Some years ago Norway was just like Sweden, but apparently they hit the brakes before it got out of control. Still they took lot of damage.
Most have not been thrown out though. They have been denied asylum. But they have not actually been thrown out.
8k volunteered.
i just think sweden should have joined in. together you, finland and later germany too would humiliate the red army.
That pic is from UK. You can see on the girl how ugly she is with britons teeth.
kek berg is norwegian. The kikes didn't invent it, they got it from germany.
Pushes civic nationalism and other bullshit.
I think her neighbors will kill her in the sleep at some point.
You chose this bed swedecucks.