Let's settle this once and for all:

Let's settle this once and for all:

What is the probability that the WTC fell because of a terrorist attack?

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We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s


What's the probability the government knew 9/11 was going to happen and did nothing to stop it because it served Israeli interests not to? Higher.


Kek tells me 100% jews



so handsome


The redpilled is that Mossad helped make it happen , and bush dident think that it could be done by no name terrorists and brushed off intel suggesting a major happening was coming.

unless you consider Israel/U.S. bringing down the towers to further their global agenda terrorism then 100%

Its hard to think that secret services actually sacrificed men to do it.

Its easier to think that secret services funded uneducated, jobless, wealthless desert goatfuckers to do it.

The terrorists were real.
But they could only do 9/11 because the CIA allowed them to. And possibly even funded them to. Looks less and less unreal considering later Middle-East and specifically Syrian events.



They fell because they were demolished by strategically placed thermite charges that Israeli "art students" placed days before.

Also they were terrorists, yes. But the Mossad aren't radical Islam. That's radical Judaism.

werent the soviets spending like man after man against the nazis? 1 or 2 dudes i dont think it's that bad

Here friend, choke on a redpill:

Both World Trade Center towers, along with Building 7, were destroyed by suppressed Tesla technologies. They drugged the socially naive genius to the point of imagining he was in love with a fucking pigeon to steal this knowledge from him.


The real question is 'who did it'?

It's literally 100%.

Or more accurately: Who are the terrorists in question?

>Its hard to think that secret services actually sacrificed men to do it.

That's not how it works. You might have noticed this is you paid extra close attention to the stories about the Boston Bombing. They find impressionable people and radicalize them themselves to do these sort of things. They only do the fun jobs, like assassinations or high value rescues, stuff like that.

False flag attack you never waste your own men. You'll have them posted around in case your recruit goes rogue and you have to kill him so he doesn't talk. But they aren't dying for that shit when it's easy enough to find some shmuck to do it.

If it's a Muslim on a suicide mission you tell em the 70 little girls in heaven bullshit and there you go. If it's a human you want to just shoot some people or blow some shit up you convince them you'll be around to help them out if things go sour, but then you actually just kill them if the police don't.

Or assasinate them while their in custody if the police were smart enough to take them alive.

those "goatfuckers" prefer to be called subjects of the House of Saud

100% probability, why ?

sauce on the Thermite thing?
Ryan Dawson doc "War by Deception" says they were placed by Israeli owned renovation crew over several months I believe.

It either did or didn't.


The USA was warned about a major terrorist attack months in advance.

the more you looks into 9/11, the more you realize it was a false-flag operation.

They 100% knew about it. Thats not even in question. This is fact.
They refused to act on it as well.

Trump is a 9/11 truther. The families that have actually lost people in the WTC are all Truthers.

Building 7 is especially hilarious because its just chilling there and collapses symmetrically and so evenly like a Vegas-hotal-demolition.

>b-but it got hit with some debris from buildings 1 and 2
... sad!

If you mean what is the likelihood that the events of that day were exactly as described in the 9/11 Commission Report then the answer is a proven, scientific, objective, verifiable 0%.

If this was a false flag, why wouldn't the US just have some of it's operatives give terrorists the means to do it? Why go to the enormous risk of having tons of additional people involved with demolition charges?

Say hello to dream team who made it happen.
Yes, they are all kikes with US-Israel dual citizenship.

That's exactly what they did do. Mossad in this case, helped radicalize some Saudis to do their dirty work. What risk for them? That demo stuff happened weeks ahead of time. And the reason they take this minimal risk is because they need those buildings to come down, and they already know a jet plane isn't going to do it.

But they also know they can fool a lot of the people into thinking a jet plan did do it if they wait until after it's been burning for a while to "pull it."

>15 years ago

For fuck's sake Americans, let go already. You have bigger things to deal with now.

The twin towers didn't even exist they were holograms created by the government

Pools of molten metal at ground zero
>Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

Your confusing two main theories that people like to mix together. Cover-up and conspiracy

>cover-up- government knew information about the event, but failed to act on it

This has been proven by CIA directors admitting they had intel on these groups they didn't share. Art students occupying the towers isn't evidence they planted termite

>conspiracy- termite, bombs, holograms
Things with little supporting evidence. Yet people like to lump these two together

The real dream team can date back decades when we started to fund opposition groups in Afghanistan to keep oil interests and push out soviets

The government doesn't need a conspiracy to be assholes that caused 9/11. Bad policy indirectly caused 9/11 anyways

My question wasn't weather or not termite (or some sort of demolition grade compound) was used, I was asking who placed it.



Nobody said any of that until you did. Thermite evidence all over the place. Google it yourself user. The story about the Israelis being in there is out there too, easily googled.

Don't just do this "hurr conspiratard" shit. (((They))) knew those planes were coming because (((they))) told them to do it themselves, yes. But the planes themselves would absolutely NOT be enough to bring those towers down. Speaking of things with little to no supporting evidence...

Absolutely astounding how many people still think it's possible to have the Twin Towers collapse completely within their footprint because a couple of planes hit them. Look at the videos of the falls. They're falling in freefall, not collapsing. There isn't a layer hitting another and causing it to fail over and over again. There's just all the layers falling down because the main building supports were demolished. Watch the towers fall and then watch some building demolition videos.

There's zero chance those building "fell" because of terrorists. That was demo work.

That was Mossad, or "art students" or "consturction workers" or whatever their cover story was. They used the Saudi terrorists to create the dog and pony show with the explosions and the fire and all that. But they did the real damage by causing the towers to collapse on top of all the people still inside. Those jets did not bring those buildings down. They needed the radical Islamic terrorists to be blamed for all the deaths, but there was no way they were going to kill that many people with a couple planes. The sick fucks actually waited until there were enough rescue workers inside before they "pulled it" for maximum false flag feels.

5 israelis in a truck that had foreknowledge of the attack


kike terrorists

Ah yes, I know Chertoff this fucking spy. He and Richard Gutjahr are pretty much the Mossad dudes being caught for doing false flag.

Definitions please for fuck sake.

When you say "terrorist attack" what exactly does that mean?

101% with ~1% margin for error

It has been 15 years. If you truly think there was termite in the building, nothing will probably change your mind. But I just want the same standard of evidence everyone else is using

For a government cover-up we know

>The Clinton took Bin laden as a very serious threat with over a dozen failed assassination attempt
>Bush was briefed on the possibility of a terrorist attack involving aircraft
>In July communications in the middle east were heard of "something big going down soon"
>The CIA knew that AL-queda was growing extremely fast in numbers and weapons
>People knew that the Hijackers were training to fly commercial airlines with no intention of learning how to land or get a pilot licence

That is concrete evidence. Israelis occupying a floor is not. They also didn't fall in free fall, and no explosions where heard. I live in Vegas. Real demolitions are heard for miles.

Something like that is weird, but how do you connect that to something greater without going off on a tangent?

>What is the probability that the WTC fell because of a terrorist attack?


If you were a smart conspiritard you'd be asking who orchestrated said attack.

Just because there's two choices doesn't mean each is equally probable.

Yamasaki received the World Trade Center commission the year after the Dhahran Airport was completed. Yamasaki described its plaza as "a mecca, a great relief from the narrow streets and sidewalks of the surrounding Wall Street area." True to his word, Yamasaki replicated the plan of Mecca's courtyard by creating a vast delineated square, isolated from the city's bustle by low colonnaded structures and capped by two enormous, perfectly square towers—minarets, really. Yamasaki's courtyard mimicked Mecca's assemblage of holy sites—the Qa'ba (a cube) containing the sacred stone, what some believe is the burial site of Hagar and Ishmael, and the holy spring—by including several sculptural features, including a fountain, and he anchored the composition in a radial circular pattern, similar to Mecca's.


>American education

It's LITERALLY the current year. if you seriously believe two jet planes would be enough to bring those two towers down, prettily inside their own footprints mind you, and leaving massive craters filled with molten steel, then I guess nothing will probably change your mind either, user.

>first post isn't 9/11

You just need more proof man. An attack has never happened like that. And the WTC was the first of its kind with its support beams lining the exterior. So repeating the phrase that it fell in on its footprint doesn't mean much. As for the molten metal it could of been aluminum from the plane or something else, it was never tested so we will never know

Proofster thread?

Your talking about termite charges being planted in a building and being used in conjugation with a plane attack, so yes /x/ level evidence isnt sufficient

9/11 was 100% jews

There is no doubt.

Actually, one of the towers (I don't remember wether it's the north or south one) leans pretty badly on one side before going down.

You just don't see from the most common videos, I had never seen it collapse from that angle until a few weeks ago.

But yeah, that doesn't prove anything.
They still shouldn't have collapsed, and I think one of the best proof is the molten metal pouring out of the windows. I don't believe it's aluminium, I don't buy it for a second.
Aluminium would have flowed out of cracks well before becoming orange hot, considering it melts at 660°C and flows pretty much like water once molten.

And even if it WERE aluminium, there is no way the entire floor got to 1000°C, especially not near the outside with all the heat being radiated out the windows. It still would have cooled down as it flowed towards the windows.

Imo those are blatantly localized puddles of molten iron, and there aren't many things other than thermite that can cause those.

>muh controlled demolition
The WTCs fell nothing like a controlled demolition. You fags always say it fell so neatly yet all the videos of the collapse show debri going everywhere, there was millions of dollars of damage to nearby buildings not even counting the fact that one completely collapsed as a result of the debri

I did always find the figure of 400 rescue workers dying on 9/11 to be insanely huge, like they had a convention there that day.


guys i think the statue of liberty is shrinking someone do something reeeee


aluminium melts around 640 degrees, not 1000

A Plausible Theory Explaining the Controlled Demolition of the Twin Towers Using Aluminothermic Incendiaries and Explosives with Wireless Ignition Means

Jim Hoffman
Version 1.0, April 4, 2009


In the following interview clip, which took place inside of the Twin Towers on January 25, 2001, and aired on the 7th Season of the History Channel's Series "Modern Marvels" on June 25, 2001, Frank A. DeMartini, Manager, WTC Construction and Project Management, explains how the Twin Towers were "designed" to withstand the impact of a "fully-loaded Boeing 707." He also goes on to say that each of the Twin Towers would "probably sustain multiple impacts of jetliners

Nvm, I reread your post and missed your first sentence about that, but then why does the whole floor have to be 1000 for it to melt?

it was a terrorist attack

orchestrated by the jews

To be fair the planes hitting it didn't really do much. The buildings took the hits well. It was the uncontrolled fires that eventually brought it down

56.352 +/- 0.25%

>Aluminium would have flowed out of cracks well before becoming orange hot

Aluminum doesn't get red hot. It stays silver colored when molten.

Yeah this. Read up on western intelligence services in the late 90s/early 00s and it soon becomes apparent that we were just massively underprepared. After the fall of the USSR the CIA and SIS just sat around holding their limp dicks not sure what to do with themselves.

>It was the uncontrolled fires that eventually brought it down

It's sad because I grew up in NYC till the age of around 8. I truly believe that 90's New York City was the epitome of human and American culture especially. It was relatively safe, less crowded, only somewhat multicultural in residential areas.

Then (((they))) had to ruin it.

But as for your question, do I believe that two airliners travelling from Europe could go off communications for hours and enter the most protected airspace in the world and hit the three most important buildings in the world (WTC & Pentagon) without US intelligence knowing about it? Very very very unlikely.

Then the other question, was this planned and perpetrated by a bunch of cavemen that had knowledge on how to fly commercial airliners in difficult maneuvers and pinpoint accuracy to bring down these buildings in literal freefall? Extremely extremely unlikely.

The third question is: Could they have hit the pentagon (Most likely the most monitered and high security building in the world) without any video evidence of the crash? Impossible.

The assumption by the designers that the towers would withstand fully loaded airliner impacts includes the fire of the fuel in the scenario.

this isn't a coin flip you massive faggot, if i told you i know your ssn and its either true or it isn't that doesn't mean that there's a 50% chance that I know your ssn

>I believe that two airliners travelling from Europe


100% but it was an inside job you fucking melanistic faggot



>either Muslims did it
>or jews did it
>either way it's a terrorist attack

why weren't fighter jets deployed after the first attack?

didnt account for all da paper fire

That is what he is saying. It would flow out silver long before it got enough to put off light

It is the modulus square of the probability amplitude of the corresponding flight durations to hit the towers, quantum mechanically speaking.

At the time there were no procedures to scramble fighter jets to shoot down commercial airliners. They did eventually get up to patrol for other planes, but by then it was over.

Also digits confirm the jews did 9/11.

Simple fact is recorded temperatures were higher than could be achieved with fuel, paper, plastics, etc. Where did all that heat energy come from?

so what about trump's promise to reopen the 9/11 investigations?

It was a terrorist attack....from Israel. 1000% truth and will be dumped once the Amerikan market is crashed.

It assumed the anti fire measures would work but the impact was hard enough to damage the fire retardant material around the collumns and it cut off the sprinkler system

yes it does.

What were the recorded temperatures?

>At the time there were no procedures to scramble fighter jets to shoot down commercial airliners.

where did you hear this? It's a complete and total fabrication and denial of reality. They always scrambled fighter jets to investigate the slightest flight anomaly. And there would be no point in doing that if they didn't have a course of action.

Simply put, they had a flawless intercept record, except for one day, four times.

I ok with everything, maybe the USA security sistem really was that stupid at the time, fine!...
but what about this little fucker here? that decided to collapse too for no reazon

shut up faggot

rare flag?


Would you like to buy my lottery coupon? It costs only 100 dollars. I've printed a million coupons, and only one of them will win 50 000 000 dollars. Imagine that, fifty million. You either win or you don't, so you would be a fool to not buy one, since it's obviously 50/50! Buy two and you're basically guaranteed to win, since 50 % + 50 % is 100 %! Now is your chance to be rich!1

The whole "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" meme is so dumb, sure it can't actually melt them, but it can definitely weaken them to the point where they can't sustain a heavy load, nevermind the structural damage done by the plane crash itself

>like they had a convention there that day.
maybe they were trying to save people from a building that got slammed by a fucking jetliner

>huur jet fuel can't melt steel beams!11!
It sure can weaken them
>b-but why did it collapse if they were only weakened by the fire!
>because a fucking jet had slammed into it, making the structure already weakened, doesn't need much after that
>w-what about WTC 7?!
a much bigger building fucking fell on it
you guys are fucking idiots

What is the probability that the USS Liberty was attacked because of an error?

At first? 90%
Repeated attacks?

you are the fucking idiot if you can't tell an explosion from a collapse. regarding 7, 6 sustained much more damage and did not collapse.

This. 100%. I don't know why OP asks such a stupid question.