Is she, dare I say it, /ourgal/?
Sarah Andersen
she looks like the type of girl who dates asian guys
So cute
Is it the glasses?
Post your pic so we can tell you what kind of landwhales you should date.
what the fuck?
Fuck off r/asianmasculinity
She's the one on the right
I haven't been following this shit, have we ben-garrison'ed her yet?
No she's a bluepill whore. But her mc is pure.
Still can't believe she actually cut her hair to show support for the AfD and Frauke Petry. That is true dedication.
She's cute. Wonder hows her boipucci
>A Jew is for me an object of disgust. I feel like vomiting when I see one. Christ could not possibly have been a Jew. It is not necessary to prove that scientifically - it is a fact.
What did she mean by this?
More OC?
More OC it is
Personal favourite
Meant to post this one as my favourite
Someone post her long haired picture
I feel like people could mummypost her
sarah a cutie
You mean she look like $16,000 robot?
What is this supposed to be?
If by "our" you mean the left's, then yes. Yes, she is.
Unfortunately she is feeding the trolls
We need tay tay edits. Someone wrap some nationalistic quotes at the bottom of her pictures.
I'd hit it