Are therapists a meme?
Ask r9k, they have more experience with the psychiatric industry.
what in the fucking hell do you imagine "meme" means?
it is not some catch all when your feeble vocabulary fails you
I had an affair with my psychologist.
They can help. They're someone to talk to about your problems and they can hook you up with drugs. Kind of like a really expensive friend.
Vast majority of therapists are women, and so the vast majority of therapists are terrible. If therapy and psychology ever hope to become legitimate studies, then they are going to have to kick out 99% of the women. And anyone with a political agenda
She wants to fuck
hes a white boy
It's a 36 year old Jewish guy who used to sell diamonds.
He wants to fuck your wallet.
99 gets
Actually it is you stupid meme
Using "meme" in this manner is a meme.
insurance covers it
>helping goyim
Yeah. They are pawns for the pharmaceutical jews. Their only purpose is to get us to buy their shitty pills.
Your therapist just gave you three different fucking answers to a simple question, of course they're bullshit.
Absolutely unprofessional
Therapy fag here. Yeah loads of it is bullshit. But there are legit therapists....good luck finding one in a sea of idiot women.
What kind of unprofessional quack are you seeing? Therapists come in a lot of different varieties. In my experience, psychiatrists tend to just push pills. Psychologists are best, since they tend to care more about actually helping people or at least containing them from being even bigger fuckups. Find a good male psychologist and they're god-tier for helping you better your life.
t. Crazy person who's seen multiple therapists over the last 15 years or so.
I worked with a lefty, we occasionally trained therapists on computer systems, he had therapy for being afraid of dogs.
He said therapy was a load of bollocks and the only people who ever said it worked were people who went on to be therapists.
Despite his tofu and pacifism, he could tell the truth too.
Yeah he's a psychiatrist who's been trying to push the pills. Told him from the get go I wasn't interested but he still keeps it up.
I'll keep that in mind about psychologists. Thanks m8.
Say i got a therapist and i want to fuck her what is the best way to proceed? (asking for a friend)
This is actually pretty close to dawkins definition of meme. Not the old Sup Forums definition though
be rich , come in to therapy with 2-3 hotter women than herself,
enjoy her thinking about you 24/7
fuck her when she cant take the thought of you fucking another woman
This is better advice than what I was expecting.
I was just going to tell user to grab her boob and see what happens.
they helped me when i was a kid but gettinv into sports helped the most