Jesus christ take a look at this. Everyting about the Antartic summed up in one post
Other urls found in this thread:
give me a tl;dr seven
remember to sage, there IS no ice wall, kys.
Remember that Pope Francis sent down the Patriach down to the Antartic to perform a ritual, this alone and pepes digits that blessed both this topic and his post made me believe
Jesus fucking christ Pepe is with us tonight, Quadruble, dubble digits
Kek Vult
Now thats what we call shitposting
This sounds way too wacky to be real to me... and I believe there is something in Antarctica and am starting to believe in the hollow earth.
God you're a lazy piece of shit.
just tell me are the nazis making a new germany or not
>antichrist frozen in Antarctica
>Masons edited bible
>bible true
>antichrist might be a virus
>Russians know, one turned to ice then vanished
>end of days
Bunch of pseudo-religious BS by someone who can't keep any of the mythologies straight.
>OP is a faggot
Well he pope is a fucking faggot promoting multiculturalism and that we should'nt have any walls or borders.
Plus He is the last pope by Legend, so yes he is definentely not /ourguy/
How do I contribute to the decyphering method?
Do I just become a freemason and go from there?
It's only the higherups in the freemasons that get to know whats going on, the rest are kept clean to promote a good reputation
My intent is pure and clear, I'm a low level wizard already.
Could I just join and go up from there?
it was Cicada 1337 true objective, recruiting .
Recruiting for antarctica?
Cicada is a DoD (pentagon) program as I understand it.
If they want clever machines I cant offer that.
Nice LARP. More entertaining than Anonymous5's "truth bombs":
Anonymous5 is a low level goon with ties to what I suspect might be a cult
This leaf is not believable at all. The way he's just spewing everything out like a drunken frat bro telling you about "rad science." It sounds like complete bullshit and I'm surprised someone even screen-capped it...
Also, why would a 31st level mason be granted this information? Seems like it belongs to a master (33rd) mason.
>Also, why would a 31st level mason be granted this information? Seems like it belongs to a master (33rd) mason.
On what grounds do you say that? Are you as retarded as you claim to be?
>31st lvl mason
Yes; this was my first thought as well... 31 really isn't that high up the ladder.....
But then again; he might just be held back by his lack of "using the dynamo of living power" & be allowed to do other shit despite that.
There are still Nazi bases in Neuschwabenland.
But don't tell anyone.
you can contact me on steam
What's up with all of these faggots lately contacting anonymous posters?
Why dont you create a discord?
Larp fag bullshit
Would be cool if it were real though since I have a full factory set of the illuminati card game
ur a faggot
Pure fantasy. Game of Thrones was a book. The "show" didn't invent white walkers they are just an invention of an author. To claim the "show" GoT is trying to desensitize people purposefully when they really just bought rights to one man's fantasy world is to have no knowledge of how the show came about in the first place.
Fake news
Move along boys....nothing to see here.
If this is legit I bet some of us Sup Forumstards could solve the temple.
>friend of 50+ years
>talking in memes
>a fucking leaf
Didn't make it past four sentences.
A leaf isn't that imaginative, thus it almost proves it to be fact.
>taking Leaf RPers seriously
>Claims to be over 50 years old
>Writes like an autistic 12 year old
I want it to be true but it's an obvious RPing faggot.
Good old psychedelic induced psychosis. Been there before OP. sage
all the shills in this thread are convincing me this shit is legit. my mind is blown but it all makes sense
holy fuck why are we not demanding arctic disclosure lads? lets make it a meme and start the zombie apocalypse
The final red pill is that you share this board with actual schizos and retards
what the fuck
>mfw this thread
>donald trump will make evangelion real
>Canadian LARPing
Is confirmed lads
A researcher confirmed it, and pepes numbers to
What do they know about this?!
Threadly reminder that this is what LARPing looks like and nothing will happen
save this image theres not much time left amigos
Assange was killed for the Antarctica leaks, not for DNC leaks.
Its not larping if digits confirm it faggot yes
controlled disinfo.
he's the 7-bis tho, next one is going to be the heavy one
Someone just fucking tell me when this hell on earth will end. I just wanna die already.
Leafs have really stepped up their larping game lately. First pineconeanon and now this. There was a third one too which I can't remember.
pppsh keep waiting
>anti-christ is anti-body
That vial's the one with the antibodies to the virus?
I'm a member of a research vessel team that hiked and studied Antartartica in 2011 and I will only say one thing as to what they've discovered in there. Be advised that it is a highly contagious pathogen that has not seen sunlight for many tens of thousands of years. It is literally not of this Earth.
How long senpai? Either death or becoming rich would suit me. Pee pee my wee wee
let me check
I feel like this is thee "plan b" since too many people know about blue beam and will call it out for horseshit
can you explain this for an infidel like me?
Shutup mexican, this is THE (apparent) truth about the world & religion. What more information could be given after this? The ultimate redpill (which the user claims his level 31 friends knows) is only granted to level 33 masons.
palpatine did quit from being the pope, and we got this new one, technically this new pope is doing palpatine's mandate
ty for enlightening me. so the next pope gonna rek us?
>indiana jones level traps
>movies/books giving people the idea on what's going on
It's plausible despite the absurdity. It only takes one planted movie or book to create a genre that independent and simply artistic people to pick it up and start creating their own stuff.
It may seem all silly because we immediately imagine all the goofy things we've seen in the movies, making us disregard it.
What if we start looking for books or movies that first brought up certain sci-fi/fantasy elements.
What was the first medium about extraterrestials?
What about artifact hunting in temples?
What was the first medium to present us with seemingly impossible infections (zombievirus)?
Then perhaps we could connect together these dots and see maybe there's something behind the creators.
>inb4 jew names
so what is that shining object? how is it not the sun?
supposedly yes, being the anti Christ, time will tell, just some prophecies
33 level of freemasonry. Within a normal realm of 365 days of sol a solar day of year.. In islam it is different.. normal fags.. bit wondering.. this is why ramadan changes every year because lunar calendar.. as on observes the times and the seasons and one doesn't.. for the jews they have also which are talmudic.. similar lunar days rather than sol of 365.. thus.. for whatever strange reason.. the festival of the harvest of the hebrews and the ramadaan meet once every 33 years.. in islam the mahdi their supreme emperor (bow into dust with regards to them by mentioning it) appears.. as one lunar calendar faction observe seasons and thus correct themselves.. islamic calendar is strict 354 days.. so they meet eachother by then, this is the 33 degrees of freemasonry, jews and muslims align for their messiah..
i think these whole antarctica threads are just to distract from something else going down in antarctica.
Maybe there's nothing down there and all these rich elites are just bored fucks with nowhere else to go because they've been everywhere already at least once. You morons ever think of that?
In essence the mahdi is the conflation between both the muslim and the jew the two combined. Mahdi means in islam the guided one, the supreme emperor of the muslim world in islam, to the jews they don't know.. but that they reject christ as messiah.
that story is fake, although it does give us a glimpse into what the fuck is going down in Antarctica. Even the user that wrote it said it was fake, but it allowed more anons to become interested in the Antarctica discussions
This is absofuckinlutely the most retarded shit I've ever read
Back to /x/
aside from the 33 that you are speaking of or that your friend is speaking of it is said of the mahdi he will a) look like a child b) appear at the kaaba appearing at the age of 40.. what is 33 + 7 it is 40 so they expect him to continue christs behaviour. Where they say he will appear at the kaaba looking advanced of ages but one of the signifiers of him is that he will look like a child and allah will extend his age. He will be of advanced age but look like a child..
It may be the sun. I really don't know a lot about how things work down there. but why would the 3 people come outside to point at it? And I assume it doesn't happen at the same time every day, since the video feed was from 2011. But I don't really know. Pretty odd, but I could see it being a helicopter with light or something. Also, I noticed the frames are taken every 10 minutes.The 3 people seemed to appear out of nowhere, I assume they walked out from the station, but I doubt they could all get out of the station and over to where the camera is in only 10 minutes without being seen on the frame before. I suppose it's possible, but I really don't know. They seem to be wearing a lot of gear, and would be moving pretty slowly. I wonder if you can see them in any of the frames after they appear... I'm thinking they were on a chopper, the chopper had a light, the chopper dropped them off, out of frame, and then they walked in front of the camera. As far as to what they're pointing at, who knows, I guess they could be pointing at the chopper as it's leaving? I don't know. Not enough to go on here.
what is the 7 the signal of completion of the high ones.. so they expect the mahdi to honor jesus and also advance an agenda aligned with it.
hence the 33 + 7. = 40.
Holy shit...it all makes sense...Islam, Judaism, masons...they all got, at different periods of history...dubs
You're welcome.
>believing anything a foul leaf claims
wtf were you born yesterday or some shit?
LARPers pls go
Welcome to the 0.001% ;) Now that you have come close understand this.. they will lie about it they will decieve you about it but this is what it is about! and more that i have not told you. pay no attention to these hypocrites.. you are one of the few humans who start to know the gameplan.
Le Michael Bay and Hollywood all know about this stuff and hide secret secrets in movies to wink at the goys about how much they know....ya go fuck yourself with my dick your fucking faggot. Webm related, one of the people they pulled out of the mines of moria of Antarctica
And tomorrow don't worry, it was some strange person on the internet.. and that will be the end of it.. know better and remember my friend :)
Holy fuck
I missed you man, hope you're well and wish you a happy new year
dude youre just falling into the western conspiracy, leaving half the world, chinese japs and asians out.
its projected that the chinks will dominate the world by 2020 if not already. they will surpass the US by 2018.
my uncle said
larpedy larpedy derp derp
To you aswell. enjoy the reindeer feast greenland ;)
That's a side issue to what you are talking about.. they already have smog in their nation and their own price to pay for the incompetence do not lay with me the stupidity of these matters with regards to this.. All has a place and time.