Isn't this literally treason?
Trump sides with Vladimir Putin over America
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>Isn't this literally treason?
aren't you literally a faggot?
>over America
Over Obama, the actual traitor
Obama is not America. His bigoted Russophobic actions are not who we are as a country. It's 2016 and I for one reject the bigotry and xenophobia coming from that despicable black male.
as the president elect he has his own foreign policy that he just states early one.
you must not always like the policies of your government just because its your government.
be critical of everything.
Yes because he's a puppet who was put via a rigged election.
>Over Obama, the actual traitor
Name thing traitorous act he did faggot.
the left think everything is treason. so probably not
He is siding with America.
Treason is something only Democrats can commit.
Flooding the country with muslim african immigrants and deliberately placing them in white neighborhoods
Heightening the power of the executive office but that backfired on him
Selling off parts of corporate America to foreign interests and then demanding outrageous taxes from the ones that don't leave. Hell outrageous taxes on everything
Taking the stimulus package and pumping it into the stock market for him and his buddies to get rich
What else
how long you been sucking commie cock?
Oh trying to install "moderate muslim governments" in like 4 countries in the middle east against American interests. But CIA and Mossad want that so he's gotta sick the dick
Putin isn't America's enemy, the Democrat party is.
Gave away the internet.
when did russia become communist again, kike?
was it before or after hillary's emails were freely available on her personal server?
Unless there is an amendment in your constitution, that specifically says "Fuck Russia", Trump is merely doing foreign policy.
Traitorous piece of shit...
When Obama did the same and went on a worldwide "apology" tour, wasn't it treason as well , by the same logic.
"Patriotism" isn't blindly following the government.
>tfw you subvert yet another Democracy
Based Putin.
Obama isn't fucking America. Obama is just a desperate idiot trying to start trouble before he's forced out of office
That's hardly treacherous, or most presidential office holder are traitors.
No. Its treason trying to start a war with a country that had nothing to do with our election.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." -Thomas Jefferson
Operation Fast and Furious
B-but hitler hated the russians
Nice, white countries finally teaming up again.
Cold war is fucking over you fucking retard
Pretty sure it is a Trump-Putin-Netanyahu Axis.
>Trump complimenting Putin = treason! muh foreign government! muh evil Russians!
>Hillary complimenting Merkel = libs jizz their pants
Oh I forgot, Putin is a "dictator" and "literally Hitler" for not running gay porn on children TV.
Obama is throwing a temper tantrum on his way out of office. It's right for adults to support the other adults in the room while the whining children kick and scream.
So you're saying you've never actually looked up, much less understood, the definition of treason.
America has been usurped by an illegitimate puppet of a foreign power, namely Obama.
This will go down in history as the second time Russia saved America from evil euroswine. The first being the Civil War when both the French and British financed the Confederacy to render the Northern US a viable target for invasion.
It's called a compliment.
>Mfw the democucks used to the anti war party
>Mfw they're screaming and bitching to start a war now because mub madame president lost
>not hating other countries is treason
United States and Russian Federation were always meant to be best allies.
>not being a dick to another civilized country is now a bad thing
Lol Obongo thought he was tough shit, but Putin and Trump called this nigger's bluff.
It only shows how messy and divided the US is. When you praise a foreign leader just because he mocked the politician you don't like, then you don't understand what the state is about
>Son did I ever tell you that time President Obama got caught running guns into Mexico while simultaneously trying to get the 2nd Amendment revoked. Those were good times!
You're going to get betrayed Jewboy
Are you joking?
Obama gave Iran billions of dollars in the nuclear iran deal that wasnt legally binding. This means iran can fund sand niggers de-stabilizing the region and continue working on their nuclear capabilities. So now the elite of the USA get to enrich themselves with resources from Syria(oil,contracts and even people, sick fucks) and we get an enemy nation with nukes.
It is treason. King nigger BTFOing the Kikes, the Trumpkins AND the Rooskies in the same week. How can they ever recover?
You underestimate our power.
He sided with Netanyahu as well. Is that treason too?
hey fuck head. I want you to respond to these replies. Dont be a bitch.
It's pretty funny to see Democrats, who took the Soviets' side during the actual Cold War, suddenly freaking out about THE RUSSKIE MENACE.
What do we gain from allying with you, again?
Blah blah ive posted this in the other two. Use the catalog fuck sticks.
Both democrats and republicans will come together to realize trump is a Russian shill. How can you Americans support this shit. I voted for trump but I'm still able to be critical of him because I voted him in office, he's siding with Russia over every us intelligence agency. Shits really fishy.
I can't wait. This is going to be awesome.
Wait, wut?
You still hope trump is playing some kind of 4D chess and won't really side with the jews?
Trump knows how to play the Jew, just wait.
We fuck with Arabs so you don't have to.
Both Putin and Trump are very friendly to Netanyahu. Putin's number one most visited foreign leader is actually Netanyahu.
Dead Muslims and pissed off leftists. More than most of our allies give us to be frank.
I know "whatabouting" is pure faggotry, but for real, liberals in the replies are losing it because this is "treason" but would think nothing wrong of Mexicans/ lefties burning American flags and flying Mexican ones around. It's so hypocritical.
He's going to use Israel to convince the neo cucks to agree on leaving the UN. I doubt hes gonna "betray" them like that other guy said though
>over America
Is Obama "America"?
America = Nigger, confirmed!
>Isn't this literally treason?
What kind of a dumbass cunt is behind this post, I wonder. Read a fucking book.
Lefties have a hard time understanding that thier administration or the DNC isn't America.
are you retarded? The US lost everything in Syria, the state remains a russian/iranian proxy. The rebels got blown the fuck out.
Also i prefer the sandniggers iran sponsors to those the US allies sponsor. Shias tend to focus on wahabi scum and israel and not blowing our shit up.
This. One of the biggest redpills for me.
You really still underestimating Trump, after the kikes have been having a year and a half long bitch fit and Trump literally wrote an entire chapter on revenge?
>mfw memes went real
Now if only Duterte joins...
Let's see here:
>Obongo deports Russian diplomats
>Putin responds by NOT deporting American diplomats
>basically sends a message that he doesn't care, makes the US look butthurt in the international scene
>proceeds to invite their children to new years party in Kremlin
>thus forcing the US foreign ministry to tell them to not attend
>basically ridiculing the US even more in the international stage
Putin basically made a fool out of him. Trump is right.
USA leaving the UN? Why? UN was founded by the us.
Hmmm where did all these fellas come from again...?
>Destabilized for a great Israel?
Oy Vey Goyem!
pick one
he's not aiding or assissting an enemy.
What obama is doing is possibly sedition.
seriously tho, do the lefties here even know what he's talking about? He's saying gg rusian, thanks for doing LITERALLY NOTHING.
US kicked out russian diplomats because obama wants a fucking pointless war, russia doesnt want a war and is not kicking out american diplomats. Trump, say "cool thanks for not escalating this".
>lefties eternally butthurt neither putin nor trump are fucking warmongers like obongo or mccain.
>1 post by this i.d
Should it be a rule that an OP has to actually put forward his argument by actually debating in the thread or what the fuck are we even fucking replying to?
You're the one flooding the West with Arabs you piece of shit
They give us more muslims and leftist, ays?
I didn't realise we were your King Nigger.
Because its to expensive and they dont do shit.
calling treason someone that actually wanna fix the relations between the 2 superpowers of the world..
no wonder why spastic monkeys have much more iq than muricans
typically evident of psyops of one form or another.
It's treason then.
Obama wanted to stir up a war with Russia. Putin wanted to prevent it. Which do you think is better for America?
No. In fact america should ally with Russia. Fuck the eu.
>Isn't this literally treason?
What? People were expecting Putin to retaliate after Obama ordered the witchhunt and kicked all the Russians out.
Putin was expected to retaliate against Obama but chose not to, and trump said that was a smart move. Trump was right.
She needs more sprinkles.
I don't support Trump and his followers are completely delusional. But this is typical double speak that can be interpreted as a great move: For Putin's own good. The hawks of the Republican Party aren't going to be "best pals" with Russia.
>he cares more about america than his race
0.02 shillings has been deposited into your account.
it's literally fucking nothing
ITT Putin deep throaters.
What do you want to say with that video?
Pick one
You think Israel using their influence over Western countries to destabilize surrounding regions around Israel to displace them for the purpose of Greater Israel is a secret? You will answer for your crimes sand nigger
Depends on which America you're talking about.
It would do loads for the military industrial complex.
For the people? Yeah, not so much.
you're retarded.
Sending Americans soldiers off to die for the sake of the Wall Street elite.
Don't you have somewhere else you can be autistic?
definitely not. he's either talking as a vulgar american and saying what he thinks, or as the elected president and as such the person chosen to decide the foreign policy.
All is ok in the Kingdom of Denmark.
Yeah, Roosevelt. Typical jew...
>trump is the puppet
If you think Trump, a gentile New York billionaire, isn't redpilled on the JQ, you'd be wrong, hence the year and a half long collective kike bitch fit
tell me who it is?