>Gatebox is new holographic home assistant that's similar to the Amazon Echo's Alexa, only more anthropomorphic—and creepier
>Gatebox is new holographic home assistant that's similar to the Amazon Echo's Alexa, only more anthropomorphic—and creepier
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What's the significance of her specifically being a writer?
Banned in Sweden now
I want one, with Pochaco
and you expected a reaction of what sort from such a cunt?
Oh, look! Another leftist cunt that doesn't know jack about technology.
Big news.
To give them some sort of "authority"
it's like when newspapers were quoting people during the DIY spaces thing.
They would all be quoted as "artists".
Go back and check it out. It's pretty amusing desu
>3DPD will get BTFO in you lifetime
Did you actually read the full article? All she does is summarize the product
Heh. She called it creepy and then described the features and said it was for lonely people. That's all. Good post cunt. I wouldn't want you in that cylinder for sure.
t. madison margolin
get ready to invest in cat food
I can't wait for somebody to jailbreak one.
you mean jailbait one amirite?
I'm buying one for the office.
if it can tell people to wait for me to come out of my office and direct them to the coffee, I might replace my receptionist and spend the money on myself.
Please God, make that a thing
Madison Margolin ((())) ???
Holy shit I need one.
Interesting desu. If it could tell people apart, track them in the room, get their attention and maintain eye contact, etc, it could be scripted to do all sorts of things.
A lot of the software for the hard problems are becoming componentized (even opensourced). Interacting with virtual characters could become very common soon. For now they seem to glitch a lot and people hate that.
Not too excited about even more people losing jobs though. At some point we're gonna have to ask ourselves what can ordinary people do? "Freeing up" people from automatable jobs SHOULD be a good thing, but there's only limited demand for non-automatable jobs (unless we try to change that). Too many people on welfare probably leads to mass degeneracy. Maybe people will start taking this more seriously now that women might lose jobs too kek.
Because women can write, too. Just not as well.
>Jewish beats.
Its like we dont even need the (((parenthesis)))
there is literally nothing in it that could be described as if the author feels threatened by it
kys OP
if she could cover LGBTBBQ as well she would've had a hat trick
so close, yet so far
It lost the only value it ever had.
implying your a creep if you use this.
literally can't win with these bitches no matter what. these lads aren't even bothering anyone and they're creepy.
and now they're replacing women with technology. and there's nothing those women can do but screech.
it's like pottery.
>tfw have a veggie garden
>get called "local horticulturalist" by local paper
makes me feel smart
i read the article faggot, she doesnt feel hugely threatened at any point in the article, she just points it out as creepy
because it is
its designed for genetic dead end, ie: OP
I used to think it was a meme western woman were threatened by this stuff
But they really are, everything men can get their hands on that can disassociate them with the fairer sex infuriates them.
Hobbies, sex toys, pornography, all of it.
Yeah. I don't think women ever feel threatened by things like this. It would be pretty silly if they did. Those who criticize it seem to do so out of genuine worry for the state of society and the situation of these people. And those who scream MISOGYNUH are just nuts as always. Marriage and birth rates are going down for a lot of reasons. Virtual companions and the like are a result of that, not the other way around.
women think they have monopoly at sex
they feel threatened by the fact they are not having it
>It would be pretty silly if they did.
it means less money for them, it's not silly.
If even 5 percent of men can get a blowjob hologram machine, it will affect things.
(((They)))'re fucking everywhere. How? How the fuck?
How many men will not reproduce in the west nowadays? Maybe 25%. Maybe more. That adds up to a lot of people. No much sense in shaming so many people for trying to make their lives better.
So wait, this thing is basically Cortana from Halo? Does it come in non-anime?
Japs are making it, so no. It'll take like 5 more years after this is successful for Americans to catch on.
Six million disappeared in Europe and showed up in America.
They go around riding the cock carousel, they divorce dudes for half their shit and keep the kids, they ruin politics, governance, the concepts of family and community, and everything fun always, and they seriously couldn't predict that we would do this?
>Jewish beats
>and they seriously couldn't predict that we would do this?
they are women, of course they won't.
Give them just a bit of freedom and they rushed to do a lot of things without thinking of the consequences
I doubt those who can get laid would be interested in this. Even if they are, it wouldn't change their behavior much. Sex toys are just masturbation. It's never like being with someone else (nor is that all about sex).
Yeah the more advanced it gets, the more effect it might have, but I doubt it will have much of an impact by itself. Seems more like just a reaction. We know that women ignore the low value males and would rather share the high value ones. This isn't good in the long term. But they won't lose many high value males from this. And many low value males might give up if they can find solace in technology instead. I think it will just amplify the problem, not fix it.
Why didn't evolution cure this? Oh, well. If they won't die out naturally, we will make them die out.
Just wait for Brave New World to begin. Every shitlord will have a semen demon waifu and we will genetically engineer the perfect human beings.
Probably this
>Brave New World
I don't think they'd want people to have waifus in the BNV. Gives you less control over them. In the BNV they turned people into hedonists and made them horny all the time. People fucked a lot but they still had to fit in and conform. If people had waifus, they would be more independent, more would become socially alienated and develop diverging values and possibly destabilize the system.
>kek speaks
Okay then, kek, how do you think our waifu future will look?
I didn't even have to wait for the pic, I just knew it was coming. I hate how you guys made me notice this shit.
>it's a bluepilled weebs think they're redpilled thread
more like this
The memes are true.
Now we've got lots of single guys while women have fun with the higher value guys. Then not enough people willing to form families after that. That's a problem. I think waifus will just normalize and amplify the situation, not fix anything. They make up for it with mass immigration but it's destroying our culture.
Ideally it would balance things out by devaluing pussy and spreading out and stabilizing relationships. Things would become more equal and it would fix problems. But that won't happen until waifus get very advanced. And even then I'm not sure it would help much. Women want higher status males, not their equal. I don't think women want men as much as men want them desu. And people might start to actually prefer robots over real relationships. That's a whole new problem.
I think the traditional family unit is fucked. Very advanced waifus could make families unnecessary, but that's too far off, the west will already be unrecognizable by then.
I can't really imagine a waifu utopia, there's just too many problems. Most people won't be wealthy enough to have them anyway. Inequalities will keep on increasing as society degenerates.
I also read it, was pretty unimpressed as well senpai no keks to be had
Pretty sure EULA would prohibit commercial use.
>Women actually feel that their entire existence is in jeopardy by an Ai hologram.
This is too good. If only man can create kids without women, they would be completely obsolete.
That shit looks disgusting
but why user-kun
microwave expert here, insert tendies, put on lid, turn microwave up to top notch in microwave program set cooking time according to microwave output for best tendies
If women feels threatened by piece of hardware, I don't know maybe act more feminine? But what do I know?
Will women get husbandos or start crawling back once the AI waifu revolution really gets going?
I miss safety squad already
>Will women get husbandos
They will because it's fun. It won't be enough for them though. Nothing's never enough for women. Men could learn to be happy with an AI waifu (especially those used to being single). But probably much more rare with women.
>or start crawling back once the AI waifu revolution really gets going?
I don't think it'll change much of anything senpai. Porn and sex toys haven't.
No. A wife for a man is first and foremost a sex object. A husband for a woman is first and foremost provider/emotional companion.
does every japanese person live at the house at the top of anime street? and how do they all sit in the second to last seat by the window?