Would you kill muslim children? Would you kill a Jewish grandma? Would you kill a black person who was a good citizen?
Wouldn't you feel guilty?
Would you kill muslim children? Would you kill a Jewish grandma? Would you kill a black person who was a good citizen?
Wouldn't you feel guilty?
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>feel guilty
Ayyyyyy lmaoooo
NSA thread
i'll participate in a mexican genocide by killing myself first
No? Stop being so paranoid.
Where does this self hate come from?
No. I barely even remember what I ate yesterday morning. I probably wouldn't feel guilt after a week or two of being done with it.
Before nov 9th no
After seeing their insanity in the reaction to trump victory
Fucking yes
No. I would participate in a genocide of sub-100 IQ peoples only, irrespective of skin color.
are you fucking kidding?
NSA would throttle your black grandma if it was legal too.
In fact they would probably just do it if they could get away with it.
I'm mexican, no need for other reason
This. How are sub-100 IQ people even alive?
>self hate
more like self awareness
>Wouldn't you feel guilty?
No, at this point I don't even see them as human.
Could have sworn her legs were way thinner than that.
it's mostly just edgy kids, user
race war won't actually happen; we'll deport them before we murder them
I always actually wondered if sub 100 IQ people have self awareness like people with 100+ do. Like, they always follow the same trends and rarely have any individuality, almost like pack animals
she getting THICC m8
check out this guy, he thinks I have feelings. I'm 37 and I got rid of those years ago.
niggers and muslims gladly without even sparing anyone.
Jews no because i consider them very important in modern civilisation culture and progress.
Hope she continues. Always found her face attractive but the rest of her was giraffe-tier.
Half the white population has a sub-100 IQ...
Good on you. Paco.
I wouldn't be the one to pull the trigger or tie the noose, or turn on the gas, but I'd certainly drive the train
always wanted to be a conductor
Fucking pussies. Always with their damn feelings.
I'm aware. My question still stands
Feelings are for children and women.
> Seeing niggers, jews and muslims as human
>Tay Tay face with good looking hips and thighs
No I'm mildly sociopathic, I actually revel in death. Killing and torturing innocents would be the best revenge for all the white civilians murdered by sandniggers and blacks.
>Wouldn't you feel guilty?
Why they would do the same if they could, even worse maybe
No I wouldn't do that to human beings, only to muslims.
I'm in favor of giving them 30 days to leave peacefully first.
I'm also in favor of putting them in labor camps should they refuse.
There are low IQ people who are introspective.
I'd be perfectly fine with killing haji children. Already killed some adult ones.
hello not fbi
sup fbi
How's it going FBI?
Soros still his fingers in your wallet ?
if i ever get diagnosed with a terminal illness i'm planning to burn a few mosques or something
I would feel as guilty as if the tables were turned, like they are right now. Do Jews feel guilty for murdering Palestinians and taking their land. Do blacks in south Africa feel guilty about the brutal murder of white farmers and taking what is theirs? Do Muslims feel guilty about untold terror attacks and mass rape of European women and young girls?
Yeah, sure.
Not against Humans, but rats that cause a plague no problem. I heard NYC has a huge rat problem.
Would you fags stop editing her to make her look like a fat ass subhuman?
low test fag.
kys for not liking MEAT
Her thighs look fine here, mate. Women have curves
>inb4 bait
i would on hasidics
i would genocide god believers. i cant wrap my head around how can someone believe in man written book as a prove of existence of god. doesnt make sense lmao and surely shows how retarded average believer is. they rly need to be genocided.
Why would you feel guilty when you can have pic related?
>Would you kill muslim children? Would you kill a Jewish grandma? Would you kill a black person who was a good citizen?
Fuck no.
It would be harder to find humans who wouldn't participate in a genocide.
czech porn stars are the best desu
>Would you kill muslim children?
Absolutely of course, and not only muslims but also jews, that is the first threat against humanity and white mankind, anyway there are no differences about jews/muslims in the end. Killing their children will prevent our future to be under their filthy power.
>Would you kill a Jewish grandma?
Not before raping her in front of their grandchildren...or yes, actually idc about the order.
>Would you kill a black person who was a good citizen?
Define "good citizen", I don't actually personally hate blacks because luckily we do not have many of them around here, not like 'muricans at least. So I would spare his life and send him back to Africa, whit his entire family.
>Wouldn't you feel guilty?
haha nice one
We could sterilize the young and just keep them under control until they die. The old can be kept somewhere and used to learn their dark secrets from - with NO influence or freedom of movement of course.
No need to get all bent out of shape here.
No feeling
No mercy
Depends. Your average everyday kike isn't so bad. It's the media-kikes, political-kikes, zionist-kikes, and New York-kikes that gotta be oven'd
No problem. Kill em all
No problem. Kill em all.
Any government that supports my race gets my support.
I'd rather see them fuck off to their own lands though, or balkanized America or something. At the end of the day we just aren't compatible in the same society it just leads to a downward spiral of all parities involved.
no no ofc I would not really do it!
>please step into the showers now
I hope you cucks who said you're prepared to murder minorities like the inside of a cell, just reported this thread to the FBI :^)
if it is a muslim genocide I am in
I'd download a car, OP, so I can't really answer with any certainty.
>tfw you will never be a polish killing kebabs
send them all to Israel
case by case. Let the civilized ones live.
Kill them all no exceptions
Tbh all we need to do is stop immigration and raise white birthrates.
Slashing welfare and paying minorities to move back to their homelands would help, though.
Yes we need to get rid of them.
>Would Jews, Muslims, and Blacks be actively participating in white genocide?
Still playing these games?
Don't you still have to finish the NGI port, or is that done finally?