what makes them different
Redpill me on sephardi jews
they are the Jews from Spain, till they got expelled 1492, ashkenazim liked their special cultural traditions, overall they are not as smart as Askenazim
I'd invite her to spend some time in my oven, if you get my drift.
Ashkenazis are fucking damn smart
Sepharadis are the ones who settled in Spain with their mudslime friends?
I don't know anything about them other than they had decent folk music in the middle ages. Probably the Spanish influence.
Nope, moved during the Roman Empire, stayed about, expelled in 1492 largely to the Ottoman Empire (via Southern Italy).
Spanish larping as kikes.
This. Spain expelled its Muslims and Jews after the Reconquista was complete. The Jews dispersed to pretty much everywhere, but the user is right in saying that they mostly went to what was then Ottoman territory. The Muslims, though, were sent to Northern Africa.
When someone tells you it's not possible to deport thousands upon thousands of people, tell them Spain did it centuries ago, discovered a New World, and converted it to Christianity in its entirety.
No, they are actual kikes. The Spanish hated and expelled them.
The mean is at best 115, so it's not like a race of supergeniuses or anything. It's just that the average Ashkenazi is smarter (though with shit-tier spatial intelligence, mind you) than the average white or chink, not that this information tells you anything about any given individual you may be dealing with.
She belongs in the kitchen. The oven, specifically.
Just different backgrounds and different mixes with Jewish. Were less accepted in the very Russian and north European society of early Israel, but are perfectly equal now.
Why what?
why were they not accepted
>be spanish
>parents are aging, now trying to find god and shit
>dad comes across old friend who's obsessed with judaism. Not even jewish
>now parents are trying to convert to sephardi judaism
>tfw past week has been lighting fucking candles on some shitty menorah, had to set up the xmas tree by my fucking self.
How do I find an oven big enough to accommodate two people? If my catholic grandmother knew she'd murder my parents herself. Fucking jews got my family.
They were a minority, and their culture was much less Western.
>perfectly equal
>in Israel
Bullfuckingshit my man. You guys marginalize Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews because they're closer to the original tribes than the Ashkenazi Jews will ever be. Oh and they tend to be more attractive so there's that source of jealousy, too. Equal does not mean treated slightly better than so-called "arab israelis".
I just love it when some outsider explains my culture to me.
You are wrong. Neither is closer because both mingled with their respective local population for two thousand years.
Also, attractiveness is subjective. I personally like Russian looking girls.
>catholic grandmother knew she'd murder my parents herself.
Your grandmother worships a kike on a stick, she doesn't exactly have the high ground here.
Sucks to be Jew, Carmine.
is iq a jew meme?
Harp is the least degenerate instrument known to man
Anyone who shits on the harp is a subhuman IMO
Go talk to an average nigger, an average spic, and an average kike. See if you can detect any differences in intellect.
south europa and north africa
>traditional to jews
>traditional jewish music for harp
Ireland, do something about this shitpost
Thanks leaf, that was pretty cool. I hope the rake misses you.
leafy, you do understand that having a moderate difference in mean value means a very large difference at the tails?
it doesn't mean that all or even most jews are gifted, it means that jews with an IQ of 140 are orders of magnitude more common than in other ethnicities
9/10 would expell again
I don't know why but they love selling clothes. Like they all do it and that's their stereotype in many movies wheere they are starred.
I understand this. Still doesn't give you any practical information when faced with a random Jew. All you can say is that he is likely to be more intelligent than a random nigger.
Neo-medieval is the shit. Have some from the same girls, one of the billions of Cantigas de Santa Maria by Alfonso X:
Plus it's far more palatable for normies than more accurate medieval music, which is still god-tier:
Sightly less to no autism jews that aren't that rich but still alright on the social class.
My dad hates gypsies though, he said they're worse than niggers since they don't even know how to save money.
t. Sephardi descendant
>My dad hates gypsies though,
Does anyone other than Swedecucks like gypsies? I'm pretty sure gypsies don't even like gypsies.
True that, but the hate is real though.
He would fucking kill me if i berry my dick inside a gypsy girl though.