I don't like our President-elect taking sides with a foreign nation against our current President. Whether he agrees or not, he should either support our current President on the international stage, or keep his mouth shut. If he has a gripe with Obama, keep it in house. Don't fucking take sides with a foreign leader.

This is crass, juvenile, and very un-dignified. And I say that as a 100% Trump supporter. I am a patriot and a traditionalist. You don't take sides against the country. Obama is still our President, love him or hate him. It is not about the person of Obama, but the Office of the President.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're the puppet

Kill yourself. No niggers on this board.



Putin got cucked by Obama, Trump got cucked by Putin.

What is this world coming to?







> taking sides with a foreign nation against our current President

The Democrats have done that shit since forever. Teddy Kennedy sent an aide to Moscow back in the 80s to try and get their help in beating Reagan in the 1984 election.

You're retarded.

Different subspecies, same species. Same goes for Caucasians and niggers.

Obongo kicked out some Russians because he was mad at Trump, and that's OK.
But Trumbly says he respects Putin and you flip your shit.

>And I say that as a 100% Trump supporter. I am a patriot and a traditionalist.
I-i-i swear I love Trump guys!!!!!!!! T-Totally not a shillary supporter!!!! hahaha am I right?

>12D chess player
>not congratulating a fellow player when they make a good move

Obama's doing work for your democratic party now, not for your country.

This is what you get for voting for a Manchurian candidate who is in massive debt to Russian oligarchs. The signs were already there that he's a Russian puppet. Why do you think that Trump taxes never got leaked or RNC leaks in general?

>Obama's doing work for your democratic party now, not for your country.

Sure thing shill.

Very well said user. You should be loyal to your state and try to resolve conflicts without the help of foreign actors

You better get used to sucking Russian dick this side of the Century fatty cause you'll be sucking Chink dick on the second half of the century when they make you their bitch as NO 1.

>either support our current President on the international stage, or keep his mouth shut.

said no liberal ever


Our current President is objectively an imbecile. Saying so is simply speaking the truth. Are we now supposed to not speak the truth just because Russia also says that which is obviously true?

>one post by this id

I don't like our current president having a temper tantrum because his side lost an election

OP clearly said he wasnt a libshit though you fucking retard


0.50 shekels have been deposited in your account

if obanana cared even a bit about usa he would have thought twice before releasing such a fucking disrespectfull to the IT community disclaimer about the hacking activity of russia...

fact is he never cared to do anything good for usa and the fact that he fabricated shit just to justify some sanctions over russia and to make harder for trump to continue shows that he was acting as a party puppet than an president..

how does it feel to be cucked by your president?

Trump can speak the truth all he wants, and he should, but you don't pull in foreign leaders to take sides against your own President. Keep it in house.

Yes goyium hand over your sovereignty to our puppet Jewtin in Russia.

is that so,... huh

>Obama is still our President

Fuck that. He was born in Africa and is not constitutionally eligible to be President. Just because he's gotten away with his little coup for 8 years doesn't make it any less true.

Every American citizen as a DUTY to oppose Obama.

Pretty much everything Obama is doing now is damage control to try and blunt Trump as much as possible.

However Trump will tear all this to shreds easily once he is in office.

Obama is acting like a child and trying to make a huge mess before his time is up. Fuck him and fuck you.


Think again, cuck. He wasn't born in America, so he is NOT your president. He is a fraud, a criminal.

Savage. Trump denies even Obongo's swan song.

>He should support current president
Yes but the said president president should support the next president-elect instead of trying to fuck up as much shit as possible.

I respectfully disagree. Obama is acting like a fool and needs to be called on it. Trump simply commended Putin on acting like an adult. It only reflects bad on Obama because he's such a fucking dickhead.

Obama was being a bitch and baiting Russia to mess with trump, and trump didn't fall for it. You'd have to be ignorant of CIA not to see this move coming.

He's not. Trump is making it clear, publicly, that the current administration's behavior was irresponsible and unacceptable. He's delivering a clear message, to the world, that games like this are intolerable, and his own administration will conduct diplomatic action maturely and appropriately.

Get in line, you left-wing psycho.

Freddy was in the wrong. You still don't take sides. Keep it in house.


t. Fox News comment section

jews want to tell us that chinks are smarter than whitey
How about "I disbelieve"

Nigger you already posted this shit in another thread and got called out for being a useful idiot tool. Enjoy wrapping yourself in the flag so you can pretend to have the moral high ground over your fellow countrymen.

Why? Obama's doing nothing to support Trump in his transition, so he can go fuck himself.

CTR please go.

your current president is trying to start ww3 while on his last days on the job, he should be tried for treason

can someone explain this
and this?
how did wikileaks was the first one to spread the fake news around the school and the buildings?
did someone spoon fed them just to call them out no who is actually behind of wikileaks?

You can't tell the president of the united states who can and can't be friends with.

Im sorry thats just not how it goes buddy.

"How DARE Putin not escalate these hostilities into a full scale war between nuclear superpowers!"
-What trump should have said

>h-h-he's not a Russian puppet
You guys are really fucking stupid


>said the leaf

t. Uncle Juan

that's sensationalist bullshit. are you seriously arguing that retaliating against cyber-warfare with sanctions is "starting ww3"?

Congress can though lmao

>CIA backed/McCain sponsored military coup when?

The left has engaged in so many anti-American activities that, when they attempt to portray Trump as a Russian agent or cry about his lack of patriotism, it falls on deaf ears.

They have invented the melting pot, a transient population where nobody is truly illegal, just undocumented, and then they have the temerity to act surprised when "EBIL RUSSIANZ" doesn't work anymore.

Fuck 'em.

This is just the beginning you idiot. Wait til your scrambling for your life to find you and your loved ones a bomb shelter. I cant believe I have to share a country with you uneducated racists. Last time you have gave us 9/11 with you C-Grade president. And now, you have trump, a celebrity. A fucking tweeting baby. Oh my God. Why have you doomed us all. Oh yeah killary clinton. Well I hope it was worth it because I cant shake this feeling that the US is in serious danger of a nuke attack. All the pieces are so lined in place. You realize trump has to play all 8 years perfectly. A single major fuck up and the left will never forget or forgive it. It would be the final nail in the coffin for the republican party. I pray your man gets his shit together. But at rate, this is a national embarrassment. Twitter. Omg. Your God Emperor.

"Were gonna start a nuclear arms race" Might as well have told us to just buy a bomb shelter as the Elites glass the planet and hide in their underground bases.

I pray we make it through this with no loss of Life. May God have mercy on our souls.

>>CIA backed/McCain sponsored military coup when?
you already forgot libya? where mccain got there to congratz the rebels ? only to find out later on that they were basicly the AQ branch of libya?

Diod you forget that demcratic party is private and right to go against the people.Maybe you should go through the emails.DNC LEAK Democratic part are crooked.You lost eat shit

White race comes from albinism of dravidian indians.

>with no loss of Life.
you're living in a dreamworld

Why does he keep tweeting as if he was still running for office? The man is the president-elect, he should act accordingly at some point.



I'd agree with this more if the current political elite and Obama were keeping their gripes with Trump 'in-house.' They sure as shit are NOT, by accusing him of winning the election as a result of MUH RUSSIAN HACKING. In cases like that, not hitting back doesn't make you dignified, it makes you a little bitch. Obama and Hillary deserve all the taunting and hate they get.

This is the route human origin took, thats why india had the caste system thousands of years ago. Because of albinism.

Yeah he should just let the press do its job and misrepresent what he says

>And I say that as a 100% Trump supporter.
Schlomo detected.

A lie. You are not a Trump supporter. You know perfectly well Obama backed literal Islamic terrorists. You know perfectly well Obama is trying to piss on Israeli and Russian relations, all because he is mad over his party losing.

wish you picked a different line to apir that with.

>I am a patriot

> implying that a president who will leave office in 3 weeks is free to ruin relationships with other world powers in order to undermine his successor's policies
Obama's really acting like a child since last week

He should finally get the hang on keeping his voice down on some issues until he becomes president in January.

Trump is a massive cuck but Americans will still defend this

>This is crass, juvenile, and very un-dignified. And I say that as a 100% Trump supporter.

>I don't like our President-elect taking sides with a foreign nation against our current President
Fuck your current nigger president.
Nobody wants another cold war and Putins done nothing butbwelcome cooperation with open arms for 8 fucking years meanwhile Obongo refuse and kept pushing the globalist agenda and surroundinf Russia with NATO.

Obama is trying to start a war that Trump will have to deal with.

Obama can get wrecked by Trump and Putin.

science says your wrong honkey try stealing another races heritage other than indians you dumb cracker lol

> "cyber-warfare"
> Literally 0 evidence Russia orchestrated a hack of the DNC
> "Hurr it's not starting ww3"
> President himself said that such an attack would be an act of war
> VP later said that the US would be committing a cyber attack - an act of war according to his own damn administration - against Russia whenever they pleased
> "Acts of war against the two largest militaries and nuclear stockpiles on the planet couldn't possibly lead to ww3"
> being this dumb
> current year

>I don't like our President-elect taking sides with a foreign nation against our current President.

What if our current President is purposely trying to bring our great nation to ruin?

Bobongo is setting the stage to de-legitimize future US/Russia relations. He forced Trump's hand, he can't keep his mouth shut at this point.

In the post truth era it's not even as shocking as it should be.

He is a polarizing character, not as smoothed as your come and go politician. That what makes him so appealing, that's what they mean when they name Trump a fresh wind.

Trump's entire fucking run was based on disagreeing with Obama.


>Says Putin is smart not to expel AMERICAN diplomats

This is somehow unamerican?

"This development in me made rapid progress; by the time I was fifteen I understood the difference between dynastic ' patriotism' and folkish "nationalism'; and even then I was interested only in the latter."

>dynastic patriotism
>folkish nationalism

We know which one Trump is interested in OP

A dig against Obama is a dig against Obama, and you dont need to love the government of a country to love the /country/

>coup against Trump by neocons
Yeah that'll happen. Millions of Americans would march on Washington to hang that old faggot and his Globalist cronies.

Ha ha!!!

The butthurt Pajeet is back.

the hybrids are also very rare and usually less healthy

Meanwhile MSM is artificially pushing more hybrids

>posts pic showing that Europeans look nothing like bleached monkeys
Was your point to be wrong?

How your estranged father Pajeet?

I'd prefer to see the IQ results BEFORE mass immigration was implemented in the 1960's.


That's not how it works



only a goof would support obongos posturing

Have you got over your earlier tantrum?

But you'll never get over those feelings of inadequacy Pajeet.