
Speedy Gonzales better run the fuck away real quick.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you are gay you HAVE to fuck and love women, OR ELSE IT IS MISOGYNY

He's got this one too:




We should do a community outreach and ask what thinks of this fine divider.

Make sure to downvote this shit too. Another of his.


>having a personal preference is LITERALLY racism
Ironically makes me want to associate with non-white people less.

I would like to pallet wrap him to a tree and shoot unripe potatoes at him with a fast pitch machine.

Shlomo shlomenstein couldn't be anymore of a meme

I think we should urge his fellow faggots to disavow him, instead of us directly doing so.

Otherwise it will end up with just "racist homophobes are attacking this fine Poofta of trans-color!" and the faggots will rally around him.

We should not undermine the divisive nature of his message by giving them an enemy against whom to rally.

This. I know you /polgbt/ homos are out here, help a Sup Forumsbro out

Why do they always look like absolute faggots and have that 'I'm better than you' expression.


>Fun fact
People with that type of handwriting have never elevated beyond Barista in their professional life.

That's definitely not a kike encouraging men to be more feminine.

I litterally did not understand what he was talking about, Scary world

>"hey gay men! you need to welcome women into your communities more!"
>"oh, and if you don't feel attracted to feminine men, or FTM trannies, then you're just perpetuating misogyny!"

Christ, it's beautiful to watch these assholes devour their ideological kin.

god this kike look hilarious

>That nose
Nope, don't need to see it.

That's how you spot nu-male faggots, breards never look good on them.

>oy vey, these gays arent being degenerate fucktards! how dare they look for other family oriented non-pozzed gay men!

A thread has been created in /lgbt/ to judge the degenerates actions. Give it a bit of time to lure a few of them in before we make our presence obvious.

Not certain if i linked it right or not. But will be curious to see what might be their reaction.

That was amazingly descriptive and a damned good idea.

is this satire?

>"this isn't about Trump!"
>he said, immediately making it about Trump
It's a twisted relationship where you cannot stop thinking about the person you hate

my oven senses are tingling

had to do this

>fuck masculinity

I will use this webm all the time. Thanks.

Thank you, and heil hitler, my white brother...

is it possible to use this to jew faggots against other sodomites?
orlando shooting had some impact in redpilling gays
divide and gas chamber

>look at his disgusting (((((ratface)))))
>Every fucking time

How is this even an issue? I mean how many women are there in the gay community?

That second half is some of the most bizarrely bigoted, self-righteously judgmental shit I've ever heard a gay guy say about his own "community". He's literally telling his fellow queers to change their sexual preferences.

Western moralists have gone from "Stop being attracted to men, for the sake of Jesus!" to "Stop being attracted to *manly* men, for the sake of Feminism!".



He may be named 'Gonzalez', but every last feature of that guy's face and head spells Kike to me.


How long do these "people" think this era of retardation will last?

A lot of normies are getting sick of this shit already

SJW civil war. Opinions and preferences are triggering. Self-hate implosion

Enough to the point where they think they're entitled to some kind of special treatment.

>family oriented


>that low test voice
My voice was deeper at the age of fourteen.

Look at him, he's copying the Jew glasses with beard phenotype. What's wrong with these people?

It's to cover up his close set eyes

>those glasses and beard
this kike is str8 out of the Der Ewige Jude

Oy vey.

Gays are excellent at manipulating popular culture.

They are going to be our best friend in the fight against Muslims... look at the redpilling that Happened after Orlando.

Gays aren't so bad when they're not being total faggots about it.

>to reddit

Its great weapon against lefties. When a libtard accuses you of islamophobia just say you are gay and their religion wants your head therefore you want them out. Its as if a nigger starts saying shit about niggers and liberals cant call him a racist

He's Hispanic, Gonzalez isn't a Jewish surname even if his ideas are very Jewish.


>Gays have ditched the lame ass LGBT alliance because they were fucking buzz kills

Wow, it's almost as if they forgot that gay men were still men.

> Lesbians complain they don't feel welcome at pride events




>He's Hispanic, Yglesias isn't a Jewish surname even if his ideas are very Jewish.

My mom converted to lesbian in the Midwest and says she and her... life partner? only get judged by other lesbians.

They are mostly insufferable cunts.


Send this to Sam Hyde

based gays

>Nothing more clearly illustrates racism is alive and well in the gay community than this election season.


The nu-male movement is a disguise for a preponderance of Jewry.

this guy looks like a real life Mr Potato Head

This Gabe "Gonzalez" is about as convincing as "Coyote Peterson"


Kikes everywhere

I barely ever thought of Niggerbama throughout the years.

Not this beta cuck again....

Sounds like Sup Forums and black people.

watching liberals cannibalize their own is incredibly satisfying

that's so jewish

>left eats left
I love how the entirety of the political party that specifically pushes diversity is the most prominent example of exactly why diversity doesn't work

at least Coyote tortured himself for our amusement

Wait, that guy's Jewish?

He can run but he can't hide



how does one manage to watch this whole video?

So one woman?

Can someone make a foward and rewind version with IT'S HAPPENING text?


He looks exactly like JJ Abrams which makes it even funnier.