Why were the 1980s so comfy?

Just watched the James Bond 1987 movie, "the Living Daylights", which takes place in Czechoslovakia and Austria.

Everything is perfect.
Clean streets full of whites, not a single shitskin in sight. No graffiti, the women are feminine, the men are masculine, people still go to the opera or waltz even if it´s a not the mainstream, Europeans kept their traditions alive.

No trannies, no faggots, no degeneracy, even this James Bond sticks to one girl for the entire movie rather than whore around.

Even communist-ruled Czechoslovakia feels like a paradise compared to the multiculti European experiment we see today.

Why were the 1980s so comfy Sup Forums?
Was the fall of the Berlin Wall a mistake?
What went fucking wrong?


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Timothy Dalton was the best Bond by far

Dalton > Connery > Lazenby > Brosnan > Craig > Moore

Cold war forced the west to keep it's population happy.

That makes a lot of sense actually

Multiculturalism and that is IT.

This, even the nigger music in his Bond films was civil and non-degenerate


I know you probably have high functioning autism and don't go out much but please tell me that you're not comparing real life to a movie

The very fact that they would only hire white extras for the city streets back then says enough.

The common Sandnigger duplicates itself like bacteria, their numbers grow according to Eulers Constant to the power of time passed.
Thus to uncover the root of our current day epidemic, one must look further back to when the concept of multiculturalism was introduced and mass immigration accepted.
This started in the 1950s for the greater part of Europa - but the ideological root of it is the end of the war and the Allies being the victors.

This is the root of a great lot of the havoc we see today throughout Europa and nations descended by it. From cultural, to economic, societal - the West is being led into oblivion by the very powers that will let you believe National Socialism was the greater Evil.

It hurts watching older movies due to the facts you just pointed out. Its even worse watching documentaries..


>when semi autos were legal

i thought Australia had stayed more or less white over the years

Because that's Eastern Europe.

Situation was so fucking shit that one day people jsut decided to not go to work, students didnt go to school and they just went to protest so current government falls, millions people demonstrated and there was 500.000 soldiers ready to shoot them dead at any point because soldiers were kept without any information.

You couldnt travel anywhere, you couldnt own anything unless you sucked dick of party

>streets are clean in movie

top fucking kek what an argument

Situation right now is basically same except for Praha which is full of shitskins, but everything is 15x better, and even then, both countries are fucking shitholes

This entire post just sums how fucking stupid Sup Forums is, kys


I wish I experienced this as a teen/early twenties.

Pinnacle of the modern western world were the 80s to early 90s.

You're German, you should be already educated on how the media and government works and how much they lie.

People can be manipulated into protests and strikes for the stupidest reasons, the masses are confused sheep.

The fact that there was a national strike proves nothing. Look at Ukraine today, they would be better off without any color revolution nonsense.

You are fucking dumb, seriously, end your life

Nice argument.

Ukraine color revolution was in 2007.


>no faggots