Does Sup Forums support high speed rail for more of the U.S.A.?
Relatedly, since Donald Trump said he supports renewing and improving American infrastructure, how do you see him doing so with or without high speed rail?
Does Sup Forums support high speed rail for more of the U.S.A.?
Relatedly, since Donald Trump said he supports renewing and improving American infrastructure, how do you see him doing so with or without high speed rail?
I support the high speed rail being constructed in Texas from Dallas to Houston, which is 100% privately funded (will be the fastest HSR in the U.S.).
>portland to SF
>phoenix to san antonio
>houston to atlanta
>dallas to st louis
>vegas to chicago
>orlando to anything
literally why
Australian Green Party
>high speed rail, high speed rail
ok, we'll build this route
>you can't build there, there's an endangered frog only found here
what about this route?
>endangered fern
this route?
>sacred abo rock
this route?
>the same endangered frog we found at 50 different building sites
fuck it, no rail
>why can't we build high speed rail?
I was 100% on board with that until I saw they were getting Japanese trains
I still support it (because where the fuck else are they going to get bullet trains) but I hope something like this could lead to a revival of American transportation industry
With our airlines dying I think trains could end up being very important
Speaking of which, can anyone redpill me on airlines? Are they still viable and are being killed off by overregulation or something, or are they just not profitable enough?
We can't even do inner-city public transportation right except in a few cities and you want inter-city rail lol
We already have a massive freight rail network
Passenger rail between cities isn't that hard
We did it in the fucking 1880's
Well if we had rich white people in our inner cities I bet they would change pretty rapidly to have better transit options.
they would just buy cars
problem is all the rails are privately owned by freight companies like CSX, you cant just throw a bullet train them without severely impacting the existing train scheduling, and the rails are not banked properly for speeds exceeding like 50-80 mph
This could have been America in the year 1962 if Germany would have won!
i want high and low speed rail and overnight trains with sleeper cars. also, it would be nice if train seats didn't face each other because i don't like being forced to socialize with normies.
I don't mean to say that we could just throw passenger trains on freight rail, but just to say that creating a rail network is not the Herculean impossible task some people make it out to be.
Clogs up dense cities. Plenty of people live in Manhattan and don't drive.
Useless outside of the northeast and probably California.
I can't take a train to Denver from DC in 3 hours but I can get an airplane to do the same for 100 dollars..
Whoever has these routes going through Chicago has a terrible concept of right of way. We already have 2 separate rail grades they'll have to work around in addition to all the highways and local roads.
this would be pretty useful for visiting family from dc to ny
>useless outside of the areas where a massive portion of the US population lives
Building highspeed rail across the big empty great plains isn't a good idea but it could really help, especially I think with connecting the rust belt to New England
I would only be comfortable with this if we got our nigger problem under control and Trump follows through on his campaign promises involving immigration (he fucking won't, he cucked you all)
how much would it cost
If it somehow makes fedex and USPS less kikey, I'm all for it.
They'll probably find a way to raise prices because of it though.
I fucking hat jews.
I guess the way I think about it even if it takes the same amount of time on paper for the journey flights realistically take a lot long with having to get to the airport well before your flight, pick up baggage at the end, and they can't have terminals near downtown areas of cities. So trains, with less security measures required, could be much easier for consumers if they were an equivalent-time option vs. flights.
It's pointless at the scale and density the US has.
Barely anyone is going to commute from Des Moines to Chicago, or from Seattle to Portland, so why even connect them? Further, the few that do commute can just FLY, with high speed rail only being marginally cheaper.
Unless you can attach freight to these things, its a waste of resources.
We wouldn't be able to have such nice things unless only whites and wealthy Asians were allowed on them. Niggers and spics would treat them like camps/public toilets and they would be completely fucked up and in disrepair shortly before a peaceful mudslime spread some diversity on a track.
why is there a rail going through Missoula?
stay the fuck out of my town you city niggers
HSR is a meme the was used to give Buffet and the rest of his shitters more rail to transport oil and shit. It's called a fucking airplane.
I do not.
Planes exist.
I don't know if it's feasible.
I wish it was. Trains are rad.
Chicago is so fucking niggery, and they're openly hostile, but I like going to metal shows at Reggies up there.
Houston to Atlanta would be a great line
Total population of that area is like 20 million or less
Good Question. Anyone know what the estimates are?
There needs to be a route between New England and the Pacific Northwest
Lots of billions. I forget what the figures were but it is way out of the realm of being worth it when there are airplanes.
Plus Houston HSR to Atlanta would be great since half my family is more 14-16 hour drives.
Wow. From flyover states to choochoo through states.
There can be a high-speed rail system next to the wall.
Right, high speed rail doesn't need to go cross country, it should look to replace the Waste 2 hours at departing Airport in security
>3.5 hour flight from Denver to DC
>1 hour fucking around at arriving airport
If you built high speed rail as the crow flies (1487 miles), it would have to average about 230 mph to take the same amount of time.
Long distance rail is cake compared to inner city metro. You can't do more than slow upgrades to major city transportation without basically shutting the city down. I live in NYC and the transportation is solid, but its absolute and total shit compared to something we have the potential to build today.
Well we have to low-speed rail already, but Amtrak is far more expensive than flying.
but the amount of energy required to run that would be IMMENSE
need to think about that first.
We already have an interstate highway system.
I assume airplanes use a ton of energy to both manufacture and operate.
>implying the TSA wouldn't make the wait for 'high speed rail' just as long.
>I do not.
>Planes exist.
This. It will cost billions of dollars to build and be just as, if not more, expensive than a plane ticket. Plus take longer.
It'd be useful in the Texas Triangle, and along the Florida Peninsula.
That's not happening, its really long and there's no real reason to connect the two. Take a plane
>Does Sup Forums support high speed rail for more of the U.S.A.?
No, we have planes. We're a large country and the cost would be immense.
Renewing and improving American infrastructure must first be done in the cities. Create better inner city infrastructure, fix our highways, fix our airports, fix our bridges.
If there was a sustainable market demand for it it would already exist.
nope, i'm 100% against this. our niggers are mostly contained in the cities. allowing them to have access to high speed rails to anywhere in the country is a death sentence. get rid of the nigger animals then we'll talk
HSR could be ran on nuclear. There is no alternative fuel for jets. Gasoline is all we got.
this is why buffett bought bnsf
Well but its less of an inherent security risk because its always on the ground and easy to stop if hijacked. Also less fatal because easier to escape a train than a plane.
Implying one won't lead to the other.
Some cities have a pretty good transportation system, others might follow suit once a national program takes off
It would be nice, but Amtrak already exists on the PHI-NYC route and is very expensive, hell even NJTransit is way more than it is worth. I wouldn't mind an extension of the Light rail, as it already exists in my area wouldn't be too difficult to extend.
I think a high-speed freight train across USA wouldn't be such a bad idea, since it would save both money and time. Other than that it's only viable intrastate or interstate in like the west or east coast.
I'm in favor of the concept, but I don't think it should be a government project. A high speed rail system operated as a privately owned commercial enterprise designed to compete with airlines would make much more sense. The government could probably help with some of the real estate issues, but that's about the extent to which I think they should be involved.
Go back to having Ahmed Mohammad dicking you cuck
Yeah, local metro areas can benefit, but cross-country high speed rail is a pipe dream with few practical uses.
Waste of money. Would only be viable in the Northeast, Texas, or California.
considering that airplanes aren't manufactured and operated continuiously,
the amount required to push a load across rails across america, at high speeds is going need to to take several thousands of terawatts just to move those things
and don't even get me started on the amount of engineering power needed to make the trains and rails.
but god we need this so bad.
High speed rail isn't necessary in USA. To build and maintain such a network would cost waay too much $$.
Aviation is faster, cheaper, more safe and cost of advancements would be minuscule compared to HSR.
Lockheed is working on a jet that could take you from NYC to LA in about 2 hrs. It wouldn't be called "high speed" rail anymore..
Trains are for freight.
>How to get Inner City niggers transported directly to your state in record time.
Geez can't wait.
Of course, then it's not so far out of the realm of possibility to connect Houston to New Orleans, and then New Orleans to Tallahassee, and connect the two networks.
>give negros more mobility
no thanks
cars were a mistake
This cracks me up every time, it's funnier when you then realise that the high speed rail is the only proposition that the party has that benefits the Australian people.
If the Liberals remain in power for a few more terms, I predict we will begin the planning phase for a Melbourne-Sydney rail but it will be almost entirely privately funded and it would be Chinese investors at the helm as per usual, they might even push it to Brisbane.
Not always. I live in Chicago and take the train to visit family in Santa Fe and Memphis fairly regularly. If you don't have a lot of time to book ahead of time, and sometimes even if you do, it's cheaper to take the train.
Instead of deporting the mexicans, have Trump put them to work on the rail lines like the Irish and Chinese did back then.
After they're done building the Great Wall of America first, though...
paying for a ticket on a vehicle that depends on jet fuel
paying for a ticket for a vehicle that is electric and runs on nuclear,solar, and wind power.
>Pushing the rail to Brisbane
Sounds good to me.
>Live in regional Queensland on the coast
>Catch tilt train down to Roma Street
>Transfer to interstate bullet train
>End up in Melbourne in like 5 or 6 hours
I regularly fly back and forth from Miami to Dallas for about $140 a trip. Suuuuuper affordable. The Amtrak trip is far more expensive (and not nearly quick enough)
>not taking advantage of every chance to throw out redpills.
What are you worth to us user?
Yeah that's pretty good, I agree. Amtrak is really only viable if there's a direct line from point a to point b and you have the time to relax and look at the scenery for so many hours of transit. It happens to work perfectly for me and I do love the experience.
I agree.
Using wind or sun to power a HSR network is a libtard fantasy.
It requires gigantic amounts of constant controlled current. That means more coal or natgas power plants.
n u c c
atomic lel
That's what nuclear, and now Fusion, is for
>giving mexicans jobs
>when actual americans desperately need jobs
>Trump offers contracts to private investors to build the most advanced high-speed rail system in the world.
>Construction of HSR networks across the entire country begins, providing hundreds of thousands of jobs in construction, manufacturaing, administration, electronics, engineering, mining and servicing.
>Instant massive boost to all the major economic sectors. Mass medium-skileld employment (for those out of work who need manufacturaing jobs)
>HSR is complete and the fastest in the world, running on time, built under budget and ahead of schedule
>The ability to cheaply travel between major American cities sees a huge economic boost for business and freight.
>Kickstarts the nation's stagnant economy and all of a sudden America is getting 5+% growth
>Only Trump's first year in office.
>Second year comes round
>Announces the wall and the HSR network were Massive American Gearing Action stage 1 & 2
>Reveals there are MAGA projects every year for all 8 years of his presidency, aimed at boosting the enconomy, improving business, and competitiveness and Making America Great Again. Including, but not limited to: Improving American roads and highways, modernizing cities, creating a modern energy production system, reintroducing american manufacturing and exports, building the USA-Russian highway through Alaska, building millions of cheap, modern homes, rebuilding American mining and resource gathering, starting the American commercial space imperative.
I think the scale for travel speed is wrong on this pic. If not, this looks like a shitty option. I can drive these distances on public highways at 70mph that your 220mph train is claiming. Obviously it would depend on each situation, but I can see where driving across the country would take me the same amount of time. I drove Denver, CO to Nashville, TN in 20 hours, only stopped for bathroom and food every few hours. The trains on your graphic would actually increase travel time in that situation. Also either method is still drastically longer than travel by plane.
If you really want to cut down travel speed, fix the airline system. Fewer layovers, runway delays, and the return of the Concorde would out perform any conceivable land based mass transit.
Not going to happen.
If we cant build a small pipeline across nowhere North Dakota how are we going to build, what is much larger then a pipeline, across Kansas, Nebraska, and rural Texas?
Niggers would fuck it up like any other cheap transportation.
Talk to someone who's ridden a greyhound in the last 20 years it is hell with niggers.