You'll pay for selling us out to Russia you fucking piece of SHIT

Other urls found in this thread:


weak bait

Kys. You still have time to be added to the 2016 hitlist shithead

Someone edit this with the Russian flag.

Yep, soon, Trump will send the American boy to war in middle east with Russia for Israël, sending to Germany more refugees.

Weak bait, but please go on fill my mug with your tears

allies with russia to destroy isis. peace on earth. one love. try to live in peace. love everyone and always tell the truth!


Yeah, and now, Trump is going to increase like crazy USA debt so Jewish banks make a lot of money.

Good job Sup Forums ! Good job !


God Emperor Trump will Make America Great Agian. Military Might! Allies with Russia. We will be an unstoppable force.

>God Emperor Trump will Make America Great Agian. Military Might! Allies with Russia. We will be an unstoppable force.
A force submitted to Israël interest, against american interests.

Good job Sup Forums, good job.

>King Nigger
Choose one

I feel like you don't understand how little of a fuck I give. I am just ready to go to war with some one

Lets see...should we

A. Try to get along with Russia


B. Fuck with them till something irreversible happens and we all end up in WW3?

Please go back to FB.


found the Ukrainian

Is trump not russian? He looks kinda russian. Was he born here?

Is his wife not russian?

Ivanka? She sounds russiany.

Look at this picture of Lake Michigan. Doesn't it's shape remind you of something?
See how hung that that cock is? That's what Michigan is getting pounded with, 24/7/365 for CENTURIES. Michigan is BLACKED by the superior bull dick. Women from all across America come to swim in Lake Michigan, to be one with the African cock. They dive underwater and swallow it's enriched waters, and carry it back to their homes. When the husbands see their wives all wet, they know that they've been cucked by the delicious, monstrous black cock of Lake Michigan.

And that's not even the best part! The best part of a black penis is when the bull has been pleasured enough to cum! The seed of a nubian member is the most precious of all, and drowns out the inferior cucked white sperm. See Chicago there? At the tip of the lake? That's where the precious enriching bull semen cums out of! Tens of thousands of ebony queens and African bulls are born out of this hot sticky load that the BIG BLACK LAKE MICHIGAN spews out.

Go ahead, Burgers. Let your wives and girlfriends and daughters and sisters come to Lake Michigan. When they leave, they will be carrying inside them the seed of the superior black bull.

Pure Michigan.

Every president since reagan has openly stated they want to improve us-russia relations. You are retarded and should be banned because you're obviously underage.

god I fucking hate faux Cyrillic

мaйкa ти цигaнcкa дa eбa, пeдepac

Nice shit coming out.
Prishol hohol,
Nasral na stol.
Fucking lol.

Why are Russians such poetic souls

this is advanced shitposting

you're fucking stupid



>hates jews

can't get much more cucked than this...

Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.

> shouldve been sold to saudis

I'd have to say, during your mental exams, all of the Rorshachs that you were presented with were black cocks as well. Some people will see a butterfly, you see black cocks. A vagina, you see black cocks. You are what is known as a cucked faggot. Stay on your medication and off of japanese image boards.



>Yeah, and now, Trump is going to increase like crazy USA debt so Jewish banks make a lot of money.

It's painfully obvious that you haven't noticed what out current president has spent.


meaningless equation

Putin is the one allied with Assad, Iran and Hezbollah

>God Emperor Trump
OK, no matter how you feel about #draintheswamp, not letting fags marry, not letting drag queens use the ladie's room, his bromance with Putin, corporate welfare, OR his zionist leanings, how the FUCK do you get behind his obvious idiocy?
He CLEARLY a dumbass, as was GWB.
You cunts didn't elect Mittens, and while I hated his politics, he seemed fairly smart.
GB Sr rode Reagan's coat-tails into office, but you retards wouldn't re-elect him, and he was probably one of the smartest men in the White House EVER, but you loved Reagan even though he had Alzheimer's, (and it showed).
Why the FUCK to conservitards only vote for idiots?????

>Allies with Russia. We will be an unstoppable force.
We already ARE an unstoppable force, dumbass.

do you want WW3?

Ignore all RIDF shills in this thread

>shill status: btfo

>Why the FUCK to conservitards only vote for idiots?????

Because only idiots are on offer.

'Member in 2012 when Romney mentioned Russia the libtards shit all over him for being an out-of-touch boomer?

I 'member.

They've been our enemies for just under a century, and we've been trying to keep them from gaining control of Europe's oil supply for over 60 years.
Our success is why the iron curtain fell, and why ww3 hasn't happened.

I'm glad it worked out like this... USA and Russia, being friends.

Hillary & Co would have certainly plunged us into a war with russia. But the russians played it smart and exposed them.

Why are liberals such warmongering blood-crazed psycho's btw? They REALLY want those wars dont they?

It's interesting to come here and see people aggressively subverting or shunting a subject matter from a certain angle but then going to lesser known chans and dw forums and seeing what an organic conversation still looks like.

Someone in America is extremely scared about letting this man into office or allowing the Republicans to reign again and I wonder why.

And someone wants open warfare with Russia, but why?

>he clearly a dumbass


>If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
Congrats on paying attention.
It's always been the republicucks that are the tools of Zion.


>Trump compliments world leader at making Obama look like a temper tantrum-throwing idiot

>Obama creates, funds and arms radical Islamic terrorist group in Syria and Iraq, which goes on to terrorize the planet and kill countless innocents
Obama is a good boi, he dindu nuffin

>American neocons
>current year

How can one be so fucking deluded?

liberals are all bloodthirsty warmongers. Name one war that was started under a republican presidency. it can't be done.

here's hoping Trump joins forces with Putin and uncucks Europe

OP confirmed buttmad

Because they are neocons. Fucking morons are getting the rug pulled out from under them and now they are in panic mode

Democrats everyone.

Before 11/9/2016:

>You have to see everything from multiple points of view, wingnutz. Russia wuz good boyz they dindu nuffin. It's all just capitalist Republikkkan fearmongering.

After 11/9/2016:


>And someone wants open warfare with Russia, but why?
A no-fly-zone is hardly "open warfare".
Meanwhile, The Donald has pledged to send US troops to help Russia build their pipeline (oops, I mean "defeat ISIS"), so they can control Europe's oil supply.
At the same time, he wants to start a nuclear arms race.

i don't mind your meming, but it is so damn funny that Lefists are choosing this line of attack. "The new McCarthysism"



>A no-fly-zone is hardly "open warfare".
what do you think happens when they fly their planes into your no-fly zone?

>OP confirmed buttmad
Of course he's mad.
America has just become a Russian satellite puppet, thanks to retards like you.

It's like you never even wondered why the sticky is what it is.

Why do you see Russia as an enemy?

>You'll pay for selling us out to Russia you fucking piece of SHIT

CTR is still heavily assblasted.

The president who has been called a traitor to israel? Can't even keep your criticisms straight with this guy

>Why do you see Russia as an enemy?
OK Ivan, the CIA already told us Russia has troll-farms.
Please try not to make it so obvious.





>It's painfully obvious that you haven't noticed what out current president has spent.
Despite the opposition-controlled legislative branch, he's managed to reduce the per-year deficit, just like Bill Clinton before him.
The last republican to do that was Nixon.

Still on payroll, shill?

This is the typical leaf post

Oh look some dude who doesn't want to start ww3. Burn him, he's a witch.


He just called Putin a good boy for not retaliating the Obama's sanctions. That's all, what are you all so butthurt about.

>Kissing the ass of someone you don't agree just because same nationality

Apparently he was supposed to support Obama for whatever reason.

Drumpftards will defend anything he does.
They are truly the mindless minions of Putin.

Fucking senile demoncraps can't get over the loss a month later.

If it's Putin vs O-nig, I'm going with Putin.

White skin, FTW.

Everybody have, so what?


Are you fucking.. God, you're fucking gay.

What? You are so mad, you can't even.

вaй дoнт ю лaйк ит, итc нoт a биг диaл pилли


even once

>Has no say in Syria
>Has no say in Russia
>Has no say in China

Face it Amerishit's unless trump pulls off a miracle you will be kissing POO IN LOO and CHING CHONG ass by 2020. Welcome to the club boi.

>It can't get worse

You're literally a faggot. You posted "demoncraps." That's faggotry.

and you are writing this from your mom´s basement.. ahhahaha...

MOAR -- Reagan is rolling in his grave.



Delicious --- Trump sucks fat commie cock.
