I seriously hope none of you guys do this
I seriously hope none of you guys do this
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he's pretty cute for a homeless dude
When I was a bluepilled teenager I gave some change to a sheboon who claimed she needed trainfare to 'insert cityname'.
Next week bitch tried the same trick with me. Lying fiends
Then again maybe it wanted to buy the entire train instead of just a ticket
looks too good to be actually homeless. If there are actually qt3.14 homeless grills I would care.
I found out my gf was doing it for no reason other than pot money, and I beat her ass. How fucking embarrassing.
I loudly wish death upon any and all beggars. I once gave an old redneck a couple of quarters and I told him it was because he was white.
I fucking hate panhandlers
we wuz conductahs n sheit
Both of my parents open their windows in the middle of a dangerous city to hand over a dollar to beggars.
the only correct response
The only ones begging here are gypsies, so no.
Beggers in fast food restaurants are the worst.
Pose for shutterstock?
>find out girlfriend did a nono
>chimp out on her
she's BLACKED huh?
If it's a nigger beggar which is 90% encounters I always mock their stupid mumbling monotone nigger voice and say shit like "I aints gots no quota mane" and poke my lips out while walking like an ape.
One time I was leaving an indoor climate controlled storage unit my band practiced in and there was a nigger lady standing outside the access gate wanting me to let her into the building because it was warm in there and an ice storm outside. Me and a friend started laughing at her and she demanded we stop acting all indignant. Then she started crying and we mocked her harder.
One time a nigger came up to me at a gas station and I was in a foul mood, so I splashed gas all over him and told him to fuck off.
One time an aggressive crazy bum was getting in my personal space so I kicked him in the chest with a sharp toe.
Another time a crusty punk was begging and trying to appeal to my metal shirt, after many no's and fuck offs I grabbed his dreadlocks and pulled him down the street for a few couple of feet, he got the message.
There is the classic fucking inbred trash pigs standing outside of drug stores asking for gas money or "my car broke down" and I tell them to walk their fatass home, they need the exercise.
Kill the poor, indeed.
We have lost all common sense of solidarity, the core principle of democracy. It's a mindset of me against the world, where the poor are degenerated for not being on par and the rich elites are crooked for having more.
Show some damn sympathy for the citizen of your nation.
Around winter Ill spare a couple of dollars so they can get a hot drink. Other than that they can suck a fuck
There is no reason anyone in my country needs to beg. But suddenly there's now an industry of panhandlers in my cities downtown.
Recently the police rounded up everyone who was begging in a day. Of the 17 people they pulled off the street, only two were 'legitimately homeless' both of them were mental and decided not to live in an institution or with family.
The other 15? All kids or able bodied men just looking for a quick buck taking advantage of idiots well meaning nature.
I despise these people. They are vermin and we should reserve the right to remove them from society.
I love sending beggars away.Always makes my day.
>sheboons in Europe
>romanians steal his pennycup
>hobo fights against the mudbloods
>the crowd disperses
Blame (((capitalism))) and (((diversity))).
Of course I don't, I'm not enabling the absolute dregs of society who have every social and charity service to turn to and yet for "some reason" decide to spend their time sitting on their ass, guilt-tripping people.
Most of these people are mentally ill and unfit for regular life in the first place, and we better without them.
Not instilling discipline in your woman
>Undocumented panhandling nigger
>Citizen of my country
Pick one, Uwe
I do. But only if they're black people.
Only if he is disabled or old
People (18-40yrs) have no excuse
Seems like ethnic germans are showing solidarity to Ahmeds instead of each other lol.
Why not? Doing this is good for your soul, and for all the legitimate homeless people. If you don't like giving money because of the scammers, offer to buy them some food.
There's a world of difference between personal charity and the government taking people's money by force and giving it to welfare recipients.
Give money to the poor?
Fuck no.
>citizen of your nation.
They're all fucking Romanians.
Am I the only one on Sup Forums that's ever picked up young cute homeless chicks for sex?
Capitalism isn't the problem, it's the main drivers of capitalism that is. Who makes the most money in most developed nation in the world? Banks. Insurance companies. General money business.
I do this if he is white and no leftist. but it is very uncommun.
I once heard an old lady grilling some beatnik, dreadlocked panhandlers on the street because they weren't homeless and needy, they were just travellers/backpackers/sightseers having fun who ran out of money.
Fucking NEET parasites.
I redpilled my mom on beggars just the other day, nothing was more satisfying than watching the disappointment set into the nigger's eyes as I talked my mom out of handing him that twenty.
That's why this photo is so unrealistic. Attractive people cannot be homeless. Especially women. Because that's is the only thing that matters in life - good looks.
So many of them in my neighborhood. I wish someone would do something about it already.
Huge difference between chimping out and "instilling discipline"
>"ayo man i need some money for gasoline, my car broke and shit man i am from this far part of our country man i am just trying to visit my mom that is in hospital in next town you have some money man ill pay you back man be a brother please"
>"what, no? fuck you then i hope you get cancer you white piece of shit faggot go suck a dick
most of the time you're feeding drug habits though
Beggars in Europe, especially the UK, deserve no money at all.
I do feel a pang of remorse for beggars here in the US, especially in CA, because most of them have legitimate mental health problems and were punted onto the street during the Regan era. They need help, but any dollar I give them is likely going to go to drugs or alcohol and not to the kind of drugs that they need to manage their issues.
>when you have to pull up to a red light and the beggars come crawling out of the bushes to knock on your windows
>Undocumented panhandling nigger
There are many beggars that are white men. Of course you have the romanian scammers, but they aren't in the majority as of now.
>Seems like ethnic germans are showing solidarity to Ahmeds instead of each other lol.
I tend to not write this, but you are a fucking leaf.
>They're all fucking Romanians.
Maybe in Sweden. You have one of the most developed social security standards in the world, it's really a surprise that there are beggars at all.
A surprising amount of homeless people post here. you can find them especially in all the free MMO /vg/ threads , where they tend to hang out and become guild officers.
Capitalism is amazing. This summer I picked raspberries. I spent whole day in the sun. I managed to pick 20 kg and I got 5€ for it, so I went to the market and bought 2 kilos of raspberries. I'm so thankful of the opportunities that capitalsm gives us.
Kek. When a bum asks you to give him/her some money for "the train" it actually means they'll use it to shoot heroin in the train station's bathrooms.
A friend of mine would shoot up lile 10 times a day just from the money he got from begging
The only help they need is a bullet in the head. We should round up the poor and put them in fenced in area for military target practice and marshal law training. Also test out of slow motion camera technology because I want to see a nigger head ripped apart by a shotgun shell in HD slow motion.
>when your nation acknowledges gun rights so beggars never do this
Ok, guy.
>TFW I regularly give money and chat with homeless people
Am i a cuck?
Are they all abo's?
Why are f2p MMO's not considered a hard drug
People waste their lives away and stay/become homeless by spending the maximum amount of time at cafes
Maybe they'll overdose..¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would it be legal too put poison in Food, give it too the homeless, film when they are dying while you Call the ambulance if its for the art?
I am just wondering if that is taking it too far or is it ok since its art?
I had a guy come up to my brother and I when we were washing his car. You have to have bills/change to use the do it yourself car wash, so there was quite a bit of homeless people there I guess because they knew this.
So this guy starts approaching us, my brother is like don't give him any money, he's gonna lie and get drunk with it. He comes up to us and tells us how hungry he is and how he hasn't ate in days. He keeps talking, offers to help us wash the car in exchange for money.
My brother is like no we don't need any help, but the guy keeps begging. So I just give him a five dollar bill and say don't worry go get something to eat. He walks away, my brother is like you shouldn't have done that, but at least he left us alone. We finish up with the car and are about to leave and my brother notices him in the Wendy's next store actually getting something to eat with the money we gave him and feels bad, goes into Wendy's and gives him another five to eat something later. Maybe he got drunk with the other five.
It's illegal here. Absolutely based. Just call the non emergency number and cops show up and get rid of the druggie.
> be me, live in built up area if downtown
> find a park outside my building, great!
> quickly run upstairs and grab some beers, next stop a BBQ at a friends
> dude walks up smelling of sweat and alcohol 'hey man I'm hungry can you give me a couple dollars'
> I've got my head buried in boot of my car (trunk for some people)
> caught off guard say to him, definitely no money BUT I've just been shopping, there's chips and junk food in here, take a packet of something if you like
> guy looks in, sneers, nah there's nothing there I like
> tell him 'well you obviously aren't hungry then you useless cunt'
> feel pretty boss, kinda relieved he was too out of it to realise i called him a cunt
> a guy seeing this shakes his head at the homeless guy and gives me a thumbs up
Mostly white men in their late 20s early 30s. 99% are normal people suffering hard times.
you have to be a real fuck-up to become a beggar in sweden (if your a Swedish citizen atleast)
I remember being 15
saw a beggar smoking yday
fucktard can afford cigs he can afford food
He obviously can afford food, since he's not dead.
2 packs of ciggies a day is gonna run like 22 bucks here but the fuckin schizos and homeless find a way.
I would have done the same thing leaf
I actually don't begrudge beggars who smoke. They have such a shitty life they need a vice, and, if it's gonna be one, I'd rather they smoke instead of drink or do drugs (though I accept they are likely doing all three).
Your brother sounds like a nice fellow.
>food stamps
>soup kitchen
>roll your own cigarettes for like 1/8th the cost of a pack of marlboros
Homeless people are clever as fuck, only few of them are legit retards
nice ID
time for a siesta?
He is an absolutely based big brother.
That's my ex-gf right there. The German state has abandoned us, even after a "refugee" from Africa enriched her.
>Homeless people are clever as fuck
Okay. Then why are they homeless?
>Live in Austin for a few years
>Same fucking 25-40 year olds panhandling for change
>All drug-addled hippies, get high at night then panhandle by day
>Then there's the 60+ hippies who lost their mind ages ago
That city's going to be ruined once all the money flees in 10-20 years.
Good stuff user
Id rather donate money/clothes/food/blood to people in my own country than fucking Africans any day of the week.
>they need a vice
No, they need to improve themselves. Weak people who choose vice over virtue are not needed and should be rightfully ignored for the degeneracy and poor judgment.
Now, whenever the Son of Mankind may be coming in His glory, and all the holy messengers with Him, then shall He be seated on the throne of His glory, and in front of Him shall be gathered all the nations. And He shall be severing them from one another even as a shepherd is severing the sheep from the kids. And He shall be standing the sheep, indeed, at His right, yet the kids at the left. Then shall the King be declaring to those at His right, 'Hither, blessed of My Father! Enjoy the allotment of the kingdom made ready for you from the disruption of the world. For I hunger and you give Me to eat I thirst and you give Me drink; a stranger was I and you took Me in; naked and you clothed Me; infirm am I and you visit Me; in jail was I and you come to Me.' Then the just will be answering Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we perceive Thee hungering and nourish Thee, or thirsting and we give Thee drink? Now when did we perceive Thee a stranger and took Thee in, or naked and we clothed Thee? Now when did we perceive Thee infirm, or in jail, and we came to Thee?' And, answering, the King shall be declaring to them, 'Verily, I am saying to you, In as much as you do it to one of these, the least of My brethren, you do it to Me.' Then shall He be declaring to those also at His left, 'Go from Me, you cursed into the fire-eonian, made ready for the Adversary and his messengers. For I hunger and you do not give Me to eat; I thirst and you do not give Me drink; a stranger was I and you did not take Me in; naked and you did not clothe Me; infirm and in jail and you did not visit Me.' Then shall they also be answering, saying, 'Lord, when did we perceive you hungering or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or infirm, or in jail, and we did not serve you?' Then shall He be answering them, saying, 'Verily, I am saying to you, In as much as you do it not to one of these, the least, neither do you it to Me.' And these shall be coming away into chastening-eonian yet the just into life eonian
I rarely give money, maybe once in a blue moon, but I'll often give a homeless guy a cig or some snacks/extra food if I have it on me.
Why ? What's wrong with helping people in need ?
Nice digits
Cuz they lack long term planning, impulse control, and have mental and substance issues.
Many are indeed clever as fuck despite being ancaps
>Id rather donate money/clothes/food/blood to people in my own country than fucking Africans any day of the week.
You'd do the African people a favor by never giving them another piece of clothing. The African textile indudstry dropped by over 90% since the rest of the world is sending them clothing all year round.
Too bad
Fellow kiwi here. This 100%
Leeches, scum.
Once I saw a respectable young lad with a sign asking for a job. He had resumes with him and several businessmen were talking to him. That I can understand
I do it from time to time. Feels good knowing you are making other people good about themselves. or when out of money
I honestly feel bad for people
who did need just a little help. But those that take advantage of people's kindness and genuine good will to help should be shot. I hope that guy we helped feed that one day is doing better and was able someone else who actually needed it.
Yeah...chimpping out actually works
i gave foreigner woman begger some fruit, i expected her to be offended, but she was very gratefull. then imminently her friend also asked me for free shit as if i was a fucking granary.
Next day she asked me for money for shampoo. Told her i was merely a poor student.
i actually feel guilty for giving her fruit, i just encouraged her
enjoy the STDs
Not being Bosnian helps too
No all the beggars in Belgium are either gypsie thieves, niggers of drug addicts. It is almost impossible to be a legit homeless person due to our social support system.
Life well lived leads often to looking good even if you got dealt a short hand genetically.
This is why plastic surgery doesn't help as much as people think they do.
Virtuous brings forth the beauty in people.
If you're ugly on the outside, you've gotta start to fix that ugliness on the inside.
Virtuous living*
>All his clothes are pretty good for a homeless dude and he is in good health. He must be a wealthy homeless dude.
Once I gave a guy some money and as it was falling into his hands he asked for more because he "wanted to buy a salad." Never again.
I live in San Diego and the only people I see asking for money are white people.
Seriously wtf, most aren't even old.
I generally only give them money if they have a dog. The only exception was this dude with a really funny sign, but I don't see him around any more.