>trump loves russia
>Sup Forums loves russia
>trump loves israel
>Sup Forums loves israel
>trump loves suck dick
>Sup Forums will suck dick
Prove me wrong
(pro tip, you can't)
>trump loves russia
>Sup Forums loves russia
>trump loves israel
>Sup Forums loves israel
>trump loves suck dick
>Sup Forums will suck dick
Prove me wrong
(pro tip, you can't)
>trump hates canadia
woah, damn.
uh oh
I love Russia and hate Israel. I only voted for Trump because he's good at triggering faggots like you.
I will be born in...
87 - as a worm in the bowel of a dog, lol
What's wrong with Trump supporting country's that support him?
I can't
This. Everybody assumes Israel and Russia are bad. Obviously have never heard of Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Iran!
Russia is stomping ISIS, this is why there is support.
Israel support is astroturfed reaction to Obama dropping it, there is no such thing as a trustworthy kike.
>if x support what I love they are good people
>Russia is stomping ISIS,
And Trump wants to invade Iran, the country STOMPING ISIS
We always loved Russia and we always liked Israels nationalism.
Try harder next time.
I'll suck dick for the God emperor. I'd take a dick up the pooper for kek. Why do you lack faith? Its just a dick
Denmark get