If you don't like spicy food, are you automatically a nu-male?
If you don't like spicy food, are you automatically a nu-male?
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The general consensus on /ck/ is that hot sauce is a lot like a mustache. Good in theory but increasingly used ironically.
spicy food is degeneracy
Herbs and spices are good.
"Heat," capsicum, is a meme and doesn't make food taste any better.
Spices used to be used mostly in food preservation.
Fresh food is not supposed to be so spicy it kills the flavor of the ingredients. It's supposed enhance.
Hot sauce is used to add heat to otherwise bland food or food you have regularly... staple food. Eggs on toast can be boring if you have it everyday. Some hot sauce can change it up a bit.
I love "root spicy" (mustard, horseradish, wasabi" but I hate "pepper spicy". Anybody else?
some hot sauces aren't too spicy, add some smokiness to some food.
I eat hot sauce when I'm having regular chicken, a bowl of rice, or during breakfast when I'm having my fifth egg sandwich for breakfast in a row.
Is it ok to fuck degenerate girls if you reveal your powerlevel after that ?
wasabi is overkill. It's like jet fuel. a tiny swab of wasabi can kill 1000 elephants. The shit wakes you up, good if you're groggy.
mustard is good all around 24/7.
Food got nothing to do with it. But only pussy's can't handle spicy food.. so maybe
Nothing better than a traditional British curry from the Chinese or Indian's.
Let's be honest, spicy food is eaten in shitty third world countries to mask their shitty pauper flavours and to kill the vast amounts of germs that make it onto their plates from their rodent infested kitchens.
>white people talking about spices
wasabi is terrible, pepper is a completely necessary component in almost every dish.
nice trips
also that looks really good makes my mouth water just looking at it
Spices don't kill germs jesus christ how are people this stupid. You mean it masks the flavor of spoiled food.
Spicy food is good, but I can't stand the dick measuring contests between cu/ck/s over who eat the most spicy food. Actually that's not just on memechan it's also in real life too. If the food is so spicy that you can't really taste anything else, then just dump it in a toilet to mail to pajeet.
Jesus Sup Forums must be a bunch of fun fellows IRL as seen in these threads.
>when that ranch too spicy exdee
We conquered the globe for them.
I usually put so much chilly on every meal that i can only taste chilly and not the food, love te hot feeling and the sweat
>not sour masterrace
>mfw love spicy food but have ibs
No, but being a picky eater in general does make you one.
Go back to turkey you fucking raghead goatfucker. White people's cooking is lightyears beyond whatever garbage your third world cockroach ancestors could ever put together.
Fun is blue pilled. Having fun is how you wind up with a country with no toilet paper.
Low T for sure. Not necessarily new male, as some some ancestries are born with more sensitive palettes than others.
Can you drink coffee or smoke?
Spicy food is numale, spic, and foreigner shit.
>If you don't like spicy food, are you automatically a nu-male?
Quite the opposite.
Machismo aside, the reason for hot sauce and other extra-spicy stuff is to hide the nasty-ass meat Mexican poor people are forced to eat.
Go eat a steak, medium-rare with salt, pepper, and MAYBE a little garlic (if that's not too ethnic for you), just like John Wayne would.
Hot sauce is for poor-ass Mexicans.
Not without consequences.
What is a numale?
Sure. Parts of Iraq for spicy oil.
>White people don't use spices because they don't have to cover up the taste of rotting meat
>Garlic, onion, allspice and oregano, for example, were found to be the best all-around bacteria killers (they kill everything), followed by thyme, cinnamon, tarragon and cumin (any of which kill up to 80 percent of bacteria). Capsicums, including chilies and other hot peppers, are in the middle of the antimicrobial pack (killing or inhibiting up to 75 percent of bacteria), while pepper of the white or black variety inhibits 25 percent of bacteria, as do ginger, anise seed, celery seed and the juices of lemons and limes.
non white people using computers
A man is not a man if he can't handle extreme spicy food.
try my sauce;
one part German hot mustard or poupon.
one part honey
one part horseradish.
yer tastebuds will go pop.
Started eating habaneros as a kindergartener. Lived in Korea for a few years and could hang with the natives. Not being able to handle spicy food is embarrassing and pathetic. My roommate in college thought black pepper was too spicy.
spicy food is GOAT, but the "muh infused ten billion scofield bacon beard beer" bullshit is terminal numale
cool attribute/flavor/etc., shit ((culture)). many such cases!
>not drinking undiluted Ribena straight from the bottle
What a bunch of namby-pamby sissies.
> white people literally traded your race for spices
But I love spicy food you braindead moron.
>like John Wayne would
hate to break it to you buddy:
saracha isn't spicy, just gross.
American traveling yurop for the winter break. I have had a real tough time finding spicy food. Ive been ordering the "spiciest" food on each menu. I even went to an indian place and asked for the spiciest food i could and made fun of their shitting streets and the server said "okay american you like spicy". Alls I got was the shits. Europe is gone lads. Cucked beyond belief. Tender buttholes just waiting for some islam.
Why did sriracha become so popular so recently? I think I've had it once and it was just a different sauce that wasnt really hot, just different than other mild sauces.
I don't get the meme.
when you get used the capsaicin the flavor of the spice itself really comes out desu
>tfw like Spicy food
>tfw can't eat it
I literally turn red and start sweating
I've passed out from eating hot peppers
sriracha just tastes sour.
Wasabi isn't spicy, it's just extremely bitter.
I fucking love horseradish and I have 4 different mustards right now. I like to cook with capsicums though.
I keep tabasco and sriracha that's it, oh and a couple novelty bottles I got as gag gifts and never use,
yeah we started buying stupidly hot shit to spike each others food at work. i got out of hand and people were hospitalized. if you are eating it to show how tough you are you are a Chad, if you actually like the taste then enjoy yourself. for me there has to be a good flavour as well as a kick, just spice ruins good food.
Vindaloos are fucking godsend mate, I'd like to see the average person down that without milk.
I'm from some asian third world country and it surprised me how much of a pussy everyone in America is with spicy food. I'd go to restaurants and in the dining hall at my uni and servers sometimes warn me "be careful, that's really spicy" and it's never fucking spicy at all. And the number of people here who "don't eat spicy food." LMAO that's like saying don't drink coffee or alcohol, you're a fucking child. 10-year-old girls from my country have more balls than that.
Do you have some sort of tongue disorder?
Extreme spice is traditionally used in cultures where the food is of very low quality.
>says the guy from the region where people traditionaly eat raw rotten fish.
Nope. Both of the things I said are true.
That's Sweden.
But I suppose the difference there would be that Surströmming is intentionally fermented, while the meat whose rotting taste the spices are meant to cover, is not intentionally fermented.
Did I honestly have to explain this?
Spicy food is the best
white people btfo
>garlic cuz onions are for pussies
>cinammon and chillies constantly on everything
>black pepper even on the hot bananas of Gordon Ramsay , xtra chillies ofc
What are Mediterraneans, cajuns,creoles....?
Spicy food is degenerate
What you think is mustard is weak shit. We over here make real mustard that fucks you up.
are breaded hot wings the ultimate redpill?
Spices are fucking great.
Hot foods are shit tier. Well, kinda.
Decent amounts of heat is fine if you use it sparingly.
People that consume so much that they end up getting food sweats are idiots.
It's basically food BDSM.
Just like cool flavours, too strong is just awful and ruins the taste. (I've had some awful fucking mints, god damn way to ruin a nice snack)
Also, if you want to try something weird, try heat and cool tastes at the same time.
Dip some mints in hot sauce, for example.
Enjoy your blown mind.
>mfw I know a guy that's done this for years and seems to have developed some immunity to the raging shits
I just like the burn of the really hot kind.
Yes. I'm white and I fucking love habanero peppers. Indian food, Thai food, anything with good spice is delicious.
curry seasoning
bay leaf
celery seed
mustard roots
sea salt
black/red pepper
You must have these basics in your spice rack and regularly use them so to not be a microwavable mouthbeather.
>Not even have Juniper Berry
Pleb spotted
If you like overflavored food, then you eat a lot of shit.
> no parsley
> no dill
> anis > basics
> sea salt instead of iodinated salt
> shrooms