But am white. Should i still breed?
I have an 82 IQ
No. Are you actually that fucking dumb?
If this is true, statistically speaking, you will regardless of what Sup Forums tells you to do.
You're not white
>nigger with an IQ of 82 thinks he's white
No, you should not breed.
Yes you should. Regression to the mean ensures that your offspring will likely be of average intelligence, and an IQ of 85 places you in the 95th percentile for blacks, so you breeding will still be of benefit. You might want to lose the blue hair though.
Intelligence comes from the mother
Is this a boy or a girl?
Checks out.
You might be a slavnigger
No. Do not pass GO
Yes. I was tested twice in adolescent. 82 was actually the higher score, afraid to say.
I'm not an animal. I want to do what's best for my race, and any children i have will be reared in a comforting, supportive environment.
German-English ancestry.
I am white. German-English.
I've heard about that. Hopefully my children will be smarter than i ever was.
Does it? I know its genetic at the very least.
I am probably a distant cousin of yours.
absolutely, IQ is a jewish meme that means nothing
There's someone for everyone user.
You can do it.
Karl Pilkington?
My high school rated my IQ as 83 but that was mainly because I was a huge underachiever back then thanks to ADHD, I hardly did my boring school work as a result.
He said he's a girl bro.
>IQ of 82
>manages to find Sup Forums and make a coherent post
Tha'ts not completely true.IQ is a good meassure of some forms of intelligence. Such as calculation and pattern recognition.
Also, if you have a low IQ, you are very likely to be stupid. On the other hand, a high IQ does not mean you are smart.
Where you born with a benis or a vagoo?
He said the OP image was a girl, he implied he was a man when he replied "Does it? I know its genetic at the very least." To
Could teach anyone, even a monkey with an 82 IQ to score 10-20 points more within a few hours.
Eh memes aside you seem well meaning enough cuz. Do whatever you want, at least you're white. With common core in the states your grandchildren will be Mensa no problem.
Ok retard piece of shit, I deduct for your answer that either you are a troll or a functional person (more than the mean for girls) with a big but unimportant issue for solving jewish puzzles. So go on and mate like a fucking rabbit.
YES! a self aware dumb person can have highly intelligent children.
some pointers:
1- make sure the mother takes plenty of vitamins (prenatal multivitamins) while pregnant. AND MAKE SURE THAT SHIT HAS IODINE DO NOT FORGET THE FUCKING IODINE
2. Commit to a strict asian-style type of parenting. Many parents use their expectations of themselves to measure their childs performance. THAT IS A HUGE MISTAKE AND YOU MUST ALWAYS EXPECT YOUR CHILDREN TO DO BETTER.
3. research and figure out the school system. YOU should be able to hold a conversation with a college professor about the school system in america, and routes to getting academic positions. No Im not exaggerating. Thats why their kids get into ivy league schools. GUIDING YOUR CHILDS EDUCATION WISELY IN THEIR FORMATIVE YEARS IS CRITICAL
be me, too dumb to post
intelligence isnt everything, I have an IQ of 136 according to some tests I did some years ago, but Im a failure in life
I doubt you have an 82 IQ. People so dumb are ignorant of everything and would never post on a forum such as this. But instead watch porn, take drugs, eat a lot of things, try to fuck and nothing else. Because a philosphical question like "should I breed" will not even cross their simplistic minds.
And they would never talk about it on a forum that is dedicated to the exchange of ideas.
82 is animal tier.
You should bleach some black nerd.
High IQ is only one of the many advantages of the white race. Don't worry & go for it.
great for breeding soldiers with
kids that follow orders , but donĀ“t ask too many questions
Nah, just keep posting on Sup Forums, no one can tell you apart from the rest of the Sup Forumslution.
Try reading my post again. I said that a high intelligence does not inicate that you are smart, but that a low indicates that you are dumb.
You are a living proof of that.
I would get OP pregnant. I have a 180 IQ. it'll balance out and you don't need high IQ to cook clean and stay pregnant.
You write well.
Go knock up some broad.
Marry her first though, shitbrick.
God no.
Its female
you must be pretty arrogant
These guys have an IQ over 200 and are rumoured to control the Rothschilds, Soros etc.
me am smart
I never knew Julian Assange was a transvestite when he was young.
>180 iq
>shitposting on an anime website
Yes, with Rose.
Of coarse. That's above average for america.
yes. stupidity has evolutionary advantages.
Normally you wouldn't have to breed, but it's not the best time for whites to be picky, when your race in on the brink of extinction because it's comprised of cucks and those who are too afraid of the cucks to stop them. Excluding Southern Europeans and Slavs from the definition of "white" just because muh Hitler (and his purely political propaganda) wasn't a very smart move after all, was it?
People with high IQs often are Autistic and socially non functional. Their emotional development is often stunted due to their intelligence as they can not come to terms with our flawed reality.
>Likes rose
>low iq
You can breed
Is this a gets thread?
stupid parents usually breed smarter children. look it up
I'm not a troll. Promise.
Thank you! I was dropped on the head as a child so it might be more environmental than genetic.
I was tested in a professional setting twice, with 82 being the higher of the two scores. The first score was 78.
My IQ is 145, husband 145, son 155, daughter 145...take from that what you will. But since you are white you should definitely procreate and your spouse needs to be high triple digits to make sure the kids aren't dumb.
So what you're telling me here is that user is a faggot autist?
Dear user unless it's related to some genetically transmitted condition if you're white and get with another white then no problem,that's how medians work,you sometimes get 136 sometimes you get 82 but overall it will tend to even out at around 100,maybe your children would even try harder at school to try and compensate I don't see any problems
only if you are over 18. it will take some years before that.
It's alright little buddy, you just need to learn about the Jews.
Post your tits dummy.
Yes, have kids with a white partner. There is a regression to the mean of 100 for whites. So your kids will have a higher IQ and likewise there kids.
Intelligent blacks have dumber kids as their children regress to the mean of 80 as do Mexicans.
Don't let Sup Forums fool you, you may very well be white. The White Race had its share of genetic defects and you are likely one of them.
We invented and continue to produce pretty much every essential material and convenience you enjoy today, but some few of us also came out retarded like you. But lucky for you we are so successful we can carry a few of you so you won't be killed.
Please don't breed though.
85 is OK for a woman, you are pretty much at the top of your gender. You must make really good sandwiches.
>I have an 82 IQ...
Mothers contribute more to IQ
Is there anyway you can describe to me what life is like with an IQ that low? Are there things that you notice that you miss out on that others pick up? I have been tested twice as well, 134 being my highest, and though I may have a quite high IQ I find it hard to imagine what it would be like to have an extremely low one
but we're talking IQ, not kilos.
Doubt it. They couldn't even afford a good plastic surgeon.
Well, yeah. I am a dumb white person myself and I plan on having a big family.
have just one kid
raising Children is part of life and you would be unfulfilled otherwise
IQ test are done so woman would score in average as same as men. This is why you see that there is a lesser variance for them.
Yes. Low IQ white people still have a place in society. It may be doing manual labor since they cannot understand anything else, but you are still a valued member.