BASED Irish pagan society gives racist homophobic American Odinist some helpful advice.
It doesn't get much better than this.
BASED Irish pagan society gives racist homophobic American Odinist some helpful advice.
It doesn't get much better than this.
>Approving of gay marriage
I thought they were a bunch of Christfags over there.
Based pagans did not take bait.
>we are odinists
What's this, the new 'muh heritage' meme from America?
It was bait.
>current year +1.9
>Expecting pagans to be anything but a bunch of fags
>that font
>that font!
I bet those faggots don't even give sacrifice.
>Pathetic cucks asking for pathetic cucks to help them be pathetic cucks and the pathetic cucks say no
Ireland is the only country in the world to actually vote on fag marriage and pass it. Almost entirely thanks to you cunts funding the "Yes" campaign.
Fag "marriage" has been legal for awhile.
Estonia voted for it too.
It passed.
There is only one small glitch - the actual implementation laws are not voted into power.
So homos remain in a limbo. And this is just about right.
I fucking hate you cunts. You know that? In the past 5 fucking years, you've erased my entire life time of Republicanism. I no longer give a fuck about uniting this nation anymore because I don't think you cunts are worthy of calling yourselves Irish anymore.
virtue signaling spuds
>implying this is real
Boy I sure do love it when libshits virtue signal
>race-mixing and gay marriage
thanks for the laugh
>autistic fat pagan BTFOs autistic fat odinist
go back to stormfront please
>Thinking a small nation of 5million can withstand the force of international jewry.
It was never going to be any other way m8.
We never stood a chance.
I thought most of these retards grew out of this shit once they got through college?
And fucking yet, no homo marriage in Northern Ireland. Against the international Jewry and the fucking UK itself breathing down our neck.
Funny that.
The only tolerable neo-pagans I've met are the Slavic and Greco-Roman ones, Celtic and Nords are full of hippie faggots.
>that gif
My fucking brother is a pagan and god dammit does he make me cringe. He collects little crystals and shit because "they have energy" and got mad at me once for calling it Halloween instead of Samhain. He likes to get together with his friends who brainwashed him into this shit every week in a "coven" to "perform spells". He also liked to burn incense in his room when we still lived together with no ventilation. He didn't even use it to mask the smell of pot like every other kid does with incense.
I guarantee the fruit pronounces Samhain as "sam-hane" too.
They're a bunch of gays that act like fairies, religiously. I bet they don't even speak Gaelic lmao. They're frauds
I always get a chuckle when the fags on here start with their varg memes and "kike on a stick" knowing what the alternative is.
>perform spells
You know they're all fags, right?
I fucking WISH. I would literally prefer it if they were but no, they actually get together and do stupid pagan shit and play video games.
>Irish degenerates deny someone a service
>American odinfags go somewhere else to get the same service
Literally never been there, but I've used this site for a decade.
Get out newcuck, gb2 gaia
only if (((you))) gb2r first
Contrary to what most people believe, Ireland is basically liberalfaggotville nowadays, same with Scotland.
You shouldn't believe what the BBC tells you.
Odinists have no place in Ireland.
>I didn't get my way so now I don't want to be Irish anymore
Actually, I explicitly stated the opposite. I stated that YOU are not Irish anymore. De Valera is spinning in his grave.
Learn how to read.
How progressive.
Ireland YES!
This isnt real paganism
Are you still upset about the vikings?
I ignored that bit because it was very uppity, nordies who don't want to be part of a unitary all-island Irish republic are not Irish.
Vikings were louts.
I don't want to part of a British-made "Irish Republic". My loyalties lie with the 32 county Republic that was declared in 1916. The Catholic one. Not your new hippy-dippy "progressive" Republic that advocates the death of our religion and our culture.
Those Irish faggots are gay smelly Wicca hippies. I saw plenty of those idiots at stone circles in Cornwall when I was there.
Oh he does. He's also started conversations by going "hi I'm x and I'm a pagan". I am so, so glad I moved and don't have to associate myself with him in front of people anymore. He's still my brother and I love him, but god fucking dammit does he make it hard sometimes. I wish he'd have never met those kids in college, they fucking brainwashed him. He spent all his time doing dumb pagan shit with them and flunked out of college because of it. Literally threw my parents' money away and fucked up the rest of his life to collect rocks and pretend to be a wizard.
The Catholic church pissed away any good will it could've had pretty quickly. Gay marriage is an easy sell because nobody intrinsically cares about men bumming each other. Killing babies will be a harder sell.
There's a video.
They're Irish people in denial.
This trendy partitionist thinking in the South is really fucking annoying.
>Pagans arguing with each other
Why is this so amusing. It's like the Catholic/Protestant banter except everyone's dumber.
I was wondering about this as well. Is there a lot of resentment against Catholicism in their left?
I might study abroad there in the future, I want to know.
>muh catholic codology
I'm no fan of the further erasure of Gaelic culture and pointless embracing of Anglo-American leftist values but you're some spa if you're seriously into the Christfag thing.
Cry harder
It's even better with sound.
Homo weddings have been legal for a good while they just weren't called "married". The Fag bill passed last year basically changing the meaning of the word in regards to the constitution. It passed cause people were unaware gays could get married anyway. But it was just tacked onto another vote they had that day. The other thing people had to vote for was lowering the age of the presidency. The fags got their feel good vote and the age lowering was overlooked and did not pass.
I want you to remember this post when abortion gets legalised down there and not up here.
I want you to remember that you are a traitor to De Valera and all the men who fought for your freedom.
I am convinced paganism is just elaborate meme, that only neckbeards and people who want to be unique follow.
Do you honestly believe in the religion meme or do you just use it as your own form of counter virtue signalling because you see leftism and atheism as correlated?
So this proves that "Odinists" are autistic stormfag larpers and other "pagans" are Nigger loving Faggots. Was this supposed to come as a suprise?
I go to mass every Sunday. Why are you deflecting away from the fact that Catholicism is at the very core of Irishness and that the Irish Constitution was writen specifically with the Catholic Church always in mind?
>you see leftism and atheism as correlated
They are.
There are no redpilled atheists.
Catholic Church should have a closer relationship to the state i.e. Being on public school boards. They're good at rooting out degeneracy when rearing the young. I know you micks have a bit of a rough spot with them but believe me you need the Curch
t. (((secular))) America
We're fully aware of the benefits of the Catholic Church and their teachings up in this part of the island.
>European paganism
hahah oh wow what a bunch of cucks
This is why I'm currently converting to native brazillian paganism.
I'm already preparing myself for the ant glove ritual to become a real man (not european ''''men''') and I also plan to move to the amazon and insert myself in one of those uncontacted tribes and grab myself a tribe-assigned GF.
Stay worshipping a marvel superhero losers lmao
I apologize on behalf of these cucks
I hear Ireland is being fugd by foreigners really hard, even worse than Sweden.
When will we create the Irecuck meme?
Ireland has occasionally good bantz. They also tend to have okay right-wing opinions that aren't edgy stormfag shit like America.
Good on you, I'm sad about the South though, getting kekd by (((multiculturalism))) and amoralism. SAD!
>fugd by foreigners
You should know. Your shithole of a country are the ones who funded the fag marriage campaign.
>pagans are faggots
What else is new. Notice how it's only the American ones that are actually White Nationalists.
(((Who))) in our country funded it exactly? In all seriousness Fuck these Kikes ruining the world
Why is it that American "pagans" are the only ones that are white nationalist? I'm curious
You don't even recognise the constituion, moreover it was written such that it could be amended.
Being religious is textbook blue-pilled, it's basically embracing complete delusion. There is nothing in reality itself that should lead you to conclude that God exists let alone believe in all the other bullshit stacked on top of it.
To be honest, Stormfront is a better place than this shithole. I'm talking unironically.
Atlantic Philanthropies threw like a million at it, or some shit like that.
>Another deflection
Fuck sake lad, sort yourself out.
>(((Americans))) fund a campaign to bring poop duck marriages to Ireland
Lol not even mad, atleast in freedom land there's a legitimate conservative presence, and a anti fag presence that will be since in the up coming years of a majority cuckservative Senate and house.
Also, we get it. We all know you're underage and angry that mummy and daddy make you get up early for mass. We know. Your entire generation is doing it and it's killing your country.
who the fuck is paying so many people to spam 'stormfag' and 'globalist jews are not israeli jews'
Disregard spellings errors, fucking mobile
Goy pls
>religion is bluepilled
When will this meme end? Why does believing in a higher power make yiu delusional, more specifically, why does following that higher powers set laws and rules, (the laws of Nature) considered "oppressive" when all they do is keep us from acting on dangerous and degenerate impulses (fag marriage)
>spelling errors on moblie
Same famalam
I'm still a bit blackpilled, I view mainstream US conservatism as controlled opposition
She's blithering about banning people from thier God given rights too.
Why do retards think "pagan" is literally A religion?
Is it because they are retards?
>pagans calling themselves Irish
Bullshit. You have to be Catholic to be Irish. One faith, One Ireland, One People! If you are not a Catholic who is a nationalist for Ireland and is of Irish descent then you are no better than plastic paddies from America.
Kill yourself faggot
>Irish pagans
>"Pagan" religion when it's a catch-all term for things bit Christian
>Official "pagan" groups not being liberal flowery cuckfests
What about Wolfe Tone?
Good attitude to have in the face of degenerates, Godspeed Seamus
Because Americans only turn to Paganism as a reaction to spite their Christian peers, whereas for Euros it's mostly because they're hippies that hate all the social values that come with Christianity.
That moment when an Irish republican who fought britain for so long is now contained in this country. How did this happen again?
So European Pagans usually aren't as serious as American pagans?
>mainstream American conservatism controlled opposition
Of course it is, buts it's a hell of a lot better than the mainstream left.
If the dominant narrative in America becomes a cuckservative one, then that would lead to greater acceptability of the far right.
>Wolfe Tone
Honorary Irish. He did his part for the country but catholicism is a part of Irish culture and it is what morally defines right and wrong in Irish society. He should have converted.
Apart from Neo Paganism being autistic as hell, why would you identify with a white religion if you would preform ceremonies on mixed couples?
The ones down south became Americanised and Ulster slowly regains its rightful place as the most Gaelic province on the island.
You need to research the historical signifigance of Christianity in Europe if you want to start with your BS about how it's "blue-pilled." Also, good job on providing others with proof that secularism is heavily correlated with apathetic or liberal views.
Enjoy the destruction of your continent and remember those "blue-pilled" people were the only thing that kept Europe from losing the cultural war, and experiencing liberalism on a massive scale.
I just like how blinded individuals such as you are, and you don't seem to comprehend how things that you support/are against in regards to religion are exactly why Europe is becoming the way it is.
It's one thing to believe in a higher power (no good reason to, but whatever) but believing those laws are dictated by a higher power is just delusion, nothing necessitates this at all. It is blue pilled because it has more to do with feelings (faith) than any observable reality. You simply just want to believe in it.
>greater acceptability of the far right
Wouldn't that just sate peoples tastes for "muh (((conservative principles)))" and "muh (((reaganomics)))"? Under all the previous cuckservstive good goy leadership, we've still gotten flooded with metizos while the left has eroded our culture, cuckservatives don't do shit
>(no good reason to, but whatever)
You're the reason the fedora meme exists. You know that, right? Your (ironically) holier-than-thou attitude about this. Your "I'm just oh so much smarter than you peons" shit as Europe crumbles around you. You're a disease.
>This thread