Post your favorite Sarah Scribbles comic

Post your favorite Sarah Scribbles comic

Other urls found in this thread:

>some weeb made it so it reads like a manga


>>some weeb made it so it reads like a manga

God bless their little souls.




Heres one of mine


Anyone got the pic that got deleted in the last thread with the "Refugees welcome" and that ass shot?. that was a good one even without the cartoon vag




Original content

Daily reminder that editing these cartoons will not red pill Sarah.

the gravesite and IQ ones are objectively the best

Threadly reminder that she is /ourgirl/


yea, and ol benny didn't take the red pill immediately either

Just give her some time. She'll become Mrs. Garrison soon enough.

Is she the new Ben Garrison?

Ben Garrison wasn't calling for people to respect pronouns. He was more libertarian than liberal. Sarah, on the other hand, is a full blown liberal shit.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't get redpilled, we just need to corrupt her character. We need to make her the mascot of Sup Forums.


What font did you use?

> Also

This is Ben in 2009. He wasn't tweeting about support gay marriage or shit like that but tried to portray the government as a cancer. Meanwhile, Sarah goes on Twitter saying "ohmergerd. drumpf is bad for lgbtshfjshdndhsnshrkejskas people"

We'll see about that.


How long until she gives in and becomes redpilled like Ben Garrison

Have you seen her tweets? I don't think Ben would've even tweeted like that before getting red pill


Never. She's a tumblr SJW bitch. Like all females, she is persuaded by her feewings and not facts and logic. Ben Garrison was able to be redpilled because he is a man that understands facts.



I don't think any can ever top this one




he is doing jew's work for free.

Nice to see she is aware at least.

>she thinks she can win agains kek

Is it gay marriage or marriage that is confusing? Also why no kabbalah stuff or talmudic stuff

Fixed the text.

I think that cartoon is the best one to fix.


Kek thats good

What do you mean these?
You mean editing our cartoons?



I like challanges


Man, I'm glad God doesn't order us to massacre foreign peoples anymore!

Now, if only the Muslims and the Jews were on the same page...

Can someone shop ancap ball on the last panel?

I thought the rape chart one was pretty good.




Yeah but that ain't good enough

Try being a homosexual Islamist.

Implying that's a bad thing.

Hey Sarah, if you're ITT, I just want you to know that I want to fuck you.

She probably secretly does browse these threads and giggles like a school girl at our edits. She can't endorse though, or she would lose her tranny liberal cuckold fanbase and their donations.

With or without the text in the bottom panel?

Sarah the meme is greater than Sarah the person

>Joachim knows how to read a manga


that means 53% condone it really disappointing


True. I got no problem with the comics but I do have a disagree with red pilling her by using her comics.


Her comics are so good!

Kek'd and Checked

>not mehmet

Danmark, I...


I think it will do a much greater job redpilling others. That being said, Sup Forums did redpill Ben Garrison. These things take time.

Thanks for the correction Pandeev Kumar

Thanks for the correction syrupbro

But Ben is accepting towards facts and logic compared to Sarah so there's no use of red pilling her but I don't mind using the comics to red pill others

I posted without seeing your post.


I say give her two years and she'll be goose stepping.

Not that it matters, they'll all be goose stepping eventually.

For what porpuse you autists keep editing comics of a libtard? the life in USA is so good that you have time to waste in this shit?

its for the lulz user



Apart from those, the rest are seriously on the tier of

> Heheh this should be funny
> Check it out guys
> *no one, not even Sarah notices*
> heheh *whips out cum rag*

No one posted my favorite one?


I want to go down on Sarah

Made this one the other day

Fuck you, mine are good

Really made me think...
That was a good one leaf

I really, REALLY want to have sex wth this girl

she's a transexual?

Me too mate

Me three desu

Here you go friends, fresh out of the meme ovens.

Oh, I meant to post this version.

She's cute as fuck b damn

A lot of these come off as really try-hardy. Some are good but Sup Forums use to be more creative than a lot of these.

I made a bunch of OC today and I was hoping people would criticize me, but only a couple people have remarked at my posts. I'm not sure if I'm laying it on too thick or what.



Most of yours range from okay to good, don't sweat it.

Damn, that is good. Could you perhaps help me out by making the girl look like Justin Trudeau in this?