Why is bongo bongo fucking with Russia?
Why is bongo bongo fucking with Russia?
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the (((democrats))) did not expected trump to win
so he's fucking everything up before trump gets to the white house
Obama should just fuck off now he's in transition. But he has no grace.
Pretty much this
typical nigger irrational hatred and jealousy of superior white male.
To force trump to side with Putin to make him seem "too friendly" also this Another way to heat ww3
He's trying puff his chest but everyone is laughing at him.
gotta shit the bed before you move out, officially making the White House the Brown House
coz he aint a whitey cuckold like the rest of u
He's trying to control the narrative and guide it away from some of his treason.
Also these stories no one is covering...
Quite clear he is a Clinton puppet
they probably have threatened to kill his family or something if he doesn't enact Hillary's agenda as much as possible before he leaves
To downplay the fact he just completely assfucked isreal
Notice how the news cycle is already focusing on russia instead of 24/7 shilling for isreal
Trump is in on this, and is playing his role perfectly. In order to push a war against isreal through (((congress))) Trump needs to act like an ally, and then reveal what he discovers -- jews did 9/11. That way, the public is for the war, and can force the hand of (((congress))) despite their obligations to isreal
God damn she's still hot.
Based nips
Said the cuck...
you guys really don't see it?
the only chance they have at not losing BIG in 2 and 4 years is if they push the russia stuff while they still can
for the next 2 years, everything trump does that can be interpreted as pro-russia will be plastered all over the media, thus "validating" the democrats concerns that he is a russian puppet and motivating their base of anti trumpers to vote
the democrats have the numbers to win, they just need motivation
There is that word again.
He's prepping the narrative for their 2020 re-election. If they make things as bad as possible and can vilify Trump during his presidency, eg. Trump lifting sanctions they can call him a Russian agent again and so on - they are aiming at running on this ticket in 4 years and they have a hope of winning.
It is incredibly sad, but it's good, because it means 2020 is going to be such a fucking landslide it's going to be ridiculous
Step 1: Have Obongo chimp out at Russia/Israel in his last month of presidency
Step 2: Have Trump do the exact opposite
Step 3: Continue destruction of the West
He's a god damn traitorous bastard along with Hillary Clinton.
Niggers always trash the place they're being evicted from.
Because they only care about power. They're trying to fuck everything up on their way out so it's blamed on the republicans.
He's sabotaging Trump, Russia is just the tool he is using to do so.
The prophecy has foretold of this.
"Bongo Bongo Bongo
I don't want to leave the Congo
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Bingo, Bango, Bongo
I'm so happy in the Jungle
I refuse to go!"
Because he's a numb nig too stupid to realize he'll never be given the real plan.
The plan was written by generations fo people of people who've interbreeded to maintain their divine right to rule. This nigger is a tool. He shall never be anything more.
Fucking kek. Have some ..............
Same reason why niggers smear shit on the walls in the bathroom or set buses on fire before they exit.
Fresh meme. Where'd you get it? -_-
Obama is racist
kek'd so hard
>Trump shill detected
>Putin invited the children of american diplomats accredited in russia, on celebrating of new year in the Kremlin ...
plz Volodya... suffice.
He wants to destabilize US-Russia relations to fuck things up for Trump.
What a terrible man. Oh so hair triggered like Trump who can't possibly get the nuclear codes or we all die.
All of these wild theories posted in this thread, but the answer is quite simple:
He's trying to initiate a major white-versus-white war before he leaves. Obama's wet dream is to have another "World War" where whites kill eachother off.
This is a pro-trump board nigger
Obama is failing too, Russia isn't taking the bait. Its the beginning for the end for Obama and their Ilk. praise Kek
FPBP. Obongo knows just how stupid the average liberal is, and he's using that to his advantage.
>i-i-it's bush's fault that obama is drone striking children in the middle east!
>i-it's bush's fault for what happened with operation fast and furious after obama took office!
>Fucking up US-Russia relations to leave Trump with a mess to sort out
>Proving a narrative for the 2020 elections
>Distract the media/public from everything else happening in 2016
But perhaps most importantly
>Create a wedge between Trump and the much of the rest of the Republican party+voters
Remember, the GOPs base grew up in the Cold War with media telling of reds under the bed and evil Ruskies itching to launch nukes at the west. Through in a strong dose of American jingoism and any moves that could be seen as pro-Russian are dangerous for him both in regards to the party and the public.
Because Putin is a white man who won't kiss his negro ass
Because 'bama knows the ruskis can handle the bantz. He's just fucking with them.
Only I'm sure they can handle 20 days of O-nigs BS after enduring it for 8 years straight.