Sup Forums poll

Sup Forums poll


>700eur/month, recently started

shameless bump, I want to know what sort of demographics browse the internet meme machine


> 34
> 45K a year, plus Exelent benefits
More than enough to live comfortably in rural VA.

Fucking florida

Also fuck off NSA

Pff, go to uni faggot. That salary is less than a rent here.

>thinks (((they))) can't see into his dick hole through his tighty whiteys with a satellite in space

>800 gross
>635 nett
>10 % discount in the biggest store that i visit all the time + free food at work
Life is bretty gud desu, saving over 400 eur/month, started 3 months ago.

That's hot

>2nd world country
>thats what you get for the first 3 months in the Armed Forces
>wage will rise up to 1k in a couple of months

Wendys manager

~3800 eur/month


convert into real money you faggot

Hello nsa


Age 19
Salary $500 - $720 a week depending on how much I work

>1 and a half year left of my countries HS

No, officer on one small governmental bureau.

>Approx 2200 USD per month (close to 150000 INR)
From google adsense

I am on vacation here because of my sick wendys position

2400 after taxes

>$104,000 + bonuses

>age 24
>Salary $50k yearly in NEETBUX from an auto accident

36, $89k per year

I'm 12 years old, I'm a 6'8" tall chef at Wendy's making 750k a year and I have a 12" cock.

>burger managing burgers
How poetic
you must be getting all the girls that poo in the loo huh pajeet? Looks like we have a millionaire in the thread.

£3,600 p/m doing fuck all for Uncles Company


I though France was richer

Age: 33
Salary: 50k/year, HS teacher, science and engineering.

A little less than $4,000/mo after taxes.


Not even burger
Guess better

What cities?

>Just finished college and entered the NEET life

>$3000 a month

23, $75k/year, engineer

I am not rich, I work as an engineer in IT, the most crowded sector here. Too many schools, not so many jobs.

Orlando, FL.

didn't they close down all the Wendys in Russia?

If not burger then Uzbek or Tajik lol

75,000-95,000+/year depending on how much I work, if there is work
(overtime after 8hrs double time after 10 mon-fri, OT 8 hrs DT after on sat, and DT all day suinday)


Still wrong
From Europe

I mean I've heard Switzerland is super rich, but why would you do that? You finished college to be a neet?


>Latvian brother
>700 Eu/month
What exactly is your occupation?

There was never Wendys in Russia.

>300k with Ph.D. In Mathematics

$32.75/hr until 40 and $65.50 over 40 plus dope ass union healthcare, dental, and pension. Also bonus at end of year based on how many poles I work on.

the faggot said he was on vacation in russia.

>77k AUD

Nah Ill find something soon.
Just figuring shit out.


50k year
arab with no degree.
thinking about going back to school but i really like my job at this point

Never had a consistent salary. I've been effectively unemployed for about three months now.

Also I live in Florida but I don't have sex with alligators too often.

There was until they closed it down, I was in the Arbat one in Moscow

Linesman? I am an ironworker. Thinking of making a switch, how do you like your job?

Soldier in the National Armed Forces. I get

1.450€ /month

>Chef at Wendy's making 484K a year

Turkey is not Europe roach

My country is richer than yours
Guess better

Yep, getting alot of offers for arranged marriage.

But with adblocker becoming more common i dont know how long the adsense income is gonna last.
Already seen 40% decrease in ad income with in the last two years.

Why do you guys even bother having an army lol

Yeah, lineman it's cool other than the fact summer is coming and it's 90+ every day plus 90% humidity. I really want to do substation work but I still love doing distribution for some reason.

age: 19
Make about 4k/month after taxes but peaks in June, December and March where I make about 8k after taxes.

> 25
> 63K/year plus bonus
> Engineer


40k a year part time bookkeeper. Finishing up my last year at uni though.


No way. When was this?
Also they have a preddy gud shake shack there now.

26 yo
Financial research stuff
$55,000/yr + goodies
< 40k after tax


Either you're aspie as fuck or you're a lying sack of shit.
I'm going to assume the latter.

So posting on Sup Forums can be subsidized.

what do you do if you don't mind me asking

Can you poo in the cinema during the national anthem or is that taboo?


122k + 25% bonus

Quitting soon to go off on my own.

35 and in sales, commission only
Finished the year at 330k

Also, I'm a faggot who still lives with his dad while I study, so I don't have to pay any rent or bills whatsoever so everything goes straight into my bank account.
I have an internet company.

12$ an hour, just under 30,000 this past year

25, ~11,600 USD/month after taxes

3k CAD a week before taxes when i do over time, 2.5k if regular. i live in onterrible of the Canasian Empire though


>Sup Forums fags responding to a data mining thread

Was there grad school involved?

26 though I turn 27 in January
Make bout 45-50k per year and I'm near the bottom of the ladder in my profession


Texas or Louisiana? Sounds cool. With your linesmen ticket can you switch between the different parts of the trade? Can you build the large structural towers that convey large amounts of electricity, work on the low transmission poles, and do substation work with the same ticket? I do not know much about it desu

>wealthy parents

but im on college so i dont feel too bad

>implying every thread isn't a data mining thread

>6500chf/month, recently started

You can poo anywhere in India, Just squat and you are good to go.
Just make sure you are saluting while the national anthem is playing.

>$70k base + $450/day offshore (did ~220 in 2016)
>deep water plumber

Live in downtown faggotville jewtown, west hollywood, ca

Who /workingclass/ here

>32k ish

Indeed. MS.

> implying 4chains ain't a jewelry webstore

Worked for it myself

>540/month net as an intern

>-300 per month

I'm a student atm studying software engineering. Over summers I make about $5k though