Help pol, my sister is converting to Islam
Wat do???
Help pol, my sister is converting to Islam
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stone her
fpbp pbuh
Show her a stoning video where a woman is the executed
Talk about the women in Islam.
If anything fails, buy her a ticket to Saudi Arabia
After a nice, peaceful month in Islam lands, she will be dead.
Glad to see your sister find the true way. mashALLAH
Will very strongly consider this, thank you
This is so logical and natural tbqh famalamarama.
Women will always cleave to the dominant tribe, especially when it begins slaughtering or threatening the womans "own tribe" (she has no tribe ofc, loyalty only to strength).
Don´t blame yourself ameribro. You know who´s behind this.
Also very related:
Is she a virgin?
Probably not
kill yourself.
where is the father in this situation
She knows they have virginity tests before marriage, right? And severe punishment for failing it. Yes?
Very involved, but she has moved and doesn't like our parents much anyway
Did not know there was punishment, will look into it. Thank you
I mean in this situation I would just explain her how life would be like under islam otherwise I would just cut contact
I'm going to bump this bait thread
Lol it isn't bait, but thanks anyways
We aren't even in a "culturally enriched" area, so I think this might be happening to more people than I once thought
Taquiyya's a bitch
Rape and honor kill her
im muslim too OP.
The conversion was aight. I think i feel better this way.
Mashallah, maybe this way your sister will be saved from the degenerate nature of Western feminism and embrace traditional and ideals ideals instead. God speed to her.
honour rape
Fuck her, become the dominant man.