>Donald Trump tweeted a winking message to Vladimir Putin on Friday, saying his decision to not expel American diplomats from Russia was a 'great move'
Top kek. Low energy narrative. Dropping redpills.
>Donald Trump tweeted a winking message to Vladimir Putin on Friday, saying his decision to not expel American diplomats from Russia was a 'great move'
Top kek. Low energy narrative. Dropping redpills.
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump knows Obama is trying to bait Putin as any Muslim leader tries to bait dumb Jihads.
Both Trump and Putin possess superior genes to O-nig, and are reactingly accordingly.
Well lets see here. Lets start with the history of Islam considering that everyone loves history
The Truth about the Crusades and why the Islamic hordes had it coming
Islamic conquest of India. Bloodiest in the history of World
Native Germans to be a minority in Germany by 2020 at current rates
Islam in the west (infowars compilation)
Over half of Pakistanis in the UK marry their first cousins (in four parts)
Obama - The future must not belong to those who stand against Islam
With Open Gates
Rotherham rape by Muslim rape gangs of 1400+ underage Britons
Oy vey how could I miss the best one!
Battle of Vienna and the saving of Europe from Ottoman rule
With explanations British subject and his kids thrown out of a pub in UK Police harasment
Havard "students" """argue""" for the killing of whites
(((Spectre))) calls for multiculturalism
(((Ignatiev))) calls for FUCKING WHITE MALES to kill themselves
The Truth about Brexit and the lies from the Government concerning migration
Yuri Bezmenov on subversion
Bill Whittle on the Frankfurt School/Social Marxism
Bill Whittle on Violence and Race
>Reds think they won't be eating the shit they shovel
>Ok pol quality thread
>Only threads that get bumps are those setting out Sup Forums on a backfoot and limiting them to defencing action
Douglas Whitman on Human Biodiversity
“Racism” in the Animal Kingdom
Mohammad Ali talks on interracial relationships
Dr Pierce on Haiti and the evidence concerning black governance
I'll give you a bump for the get.
Thank you kind sire. Would you like to hold a conversation with an active OP? Just pick a topic. Population control and the effects on white propagation maybe? Or you need a devils advocate?
OP still here
Based Putin. Roll on January 20th. What a farce Obama is turning his Presidency into. Obama should just transition and go with some dignity intact but he's wrecked it, not a shred of dignity left.
But at least he got a nobel peace prize r-right guise? And he can outbench putin any day
Where abouts are you stranger? In a city or the countryside?
The Nobel peace prize Obama was given before he actually did anything? That Nobel peace prize? Before killing untold amounts with drones? More farce.
And as for the Russian interference 'evidence' in the daily mail article that the Obama administration have offered, it looks completely doctored and made up!
Even a college student could make better power point slides with made up data.
> Laughable
Hmm I wonder why the dem's are really so incensed, I wonder pic related I wonder.
No questions asked, no questions answered. Well, questions about myself anyway.
Imagine a world where the US and Russia worked together to achieve common goals
Dream on tards
Kek smiles upon you
>Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials said Friday they have identified the cause of an incident that led the state of Georgia to accuse the agency of attempting to hack its network.
Inb4 it was Ruskis pretending to be us
DHS officials told reporters on a conference call Friday that the attempted entry came from an employee at the state's Federal Law Enforcement Training Center who was accessing Georgia's database of licensed security personnel. The training center regularly accesses that database to verify that potential employees are licensed.
Based on the data provided by Kemp, the DHS was able to identify why the alarm was triggered, it said: The center employee cut and pasted data from the website into Microsoft Excel. Excel sent out what’s known as an HTTP option command, a request for server information.
DHS officials said Microsoft verified its conclusions.
Putin is playing 5D chess with (((Trump's))) testicles and he's not even president yet. You brits wouldnt understand its been too long since youve been relevant on the global stage.
But jesus can you imagine the butthurt from the US if the Russians gave weapons to AQ or Saddam when they were going in
The US government was PAYING for the death of white christians
>trump is going to start world war 3
>oh he's not, shit start world war 3 king nigger
baby bush (and the GOP) started the wars and based obama finished them. he got the award in advance because any retard can finish jewish wars of prosperity it literally involves booking flights on major airlines for everyone to come home and thats it.
DHS, CIA, NSA. All have been omitted and left out deliberately by the Obama Administration as culprits of computer network infiltration, like they aren't capable of doing that when realistically they are the only agencies with the resources to carry out large scale security breaches of computer networks of that magnitude.
Obama has a lot to hide. If I were him I would just walk off into the horizon while I still can, whistling Dixie and just leave it at that.
Can't King Nigger just recall them?
Your not winning very much are you Jeb? At least I don't have to bow to King Nog
Nice distraction tactic by the way JIDF
What I meant by that pic was that Hillary and the dem's lost a lot of money when she lost the election. Did it ever occur to anyone Obama might be causing all of this shit because of the financial loss from the Hillary campaign and the dem's and Hillary hate him now because he campaigned so hard for Hillary? Obama might get blamed by Hillary's sponsors and It's egg on his face as well. That's got to sting,
Lol I'm sure hes more then free
>Look Vlad do I even need to replace those ambassadors? I mean we see eye to eye don't we. Good luck retaking Constantinople!
Obongo and Clintcunt overthrew their allies and Libya, throwing the country into chaos, then they tried to do the same with Egypt but the Egyptian army managed to remove the USA-backed Islamic extremists themselves. Obongo left Iraq, leaving US military equipment behind which then got stolen coincidently by Islamists who then created a terrorist state which has already genocide large groups of non-Sunni Islamic people in the region forcing Putin to clean up the mess before it can consume Syria which was probably the plan all along.
Lets just checkel those shekels
HAHAHA oh my fucking god
Like I said, that's got to hurt.
Up in smoke.
Oh my days
W-what did Trump spend HALF? And carried over ALL the states he needed?
They aren't laughing now.
>Obama right now
Sorry, couldn't think of anything better to rub it in. But yeah, MAGA. We did it, we finally did it. Sup Forums did a little good in this world. Amazing.
Obama is trying to make things 'hard' for Trump testing him to see if he will reverse his decisions on the new regulations and this explusion/sanctions against Russia
Trump will reverse it on day 1
I think its safe to say Sup Forumsacks are pretty happy
How could we fucking top this? Le pen?
I hear that the polls are agai- I'm sorry I can't go on
Look at this picture of Lake Michigan. Doesn't it's shape remind you of something?
See how hung that that cock is? That's what Michigan is getting pounded with, 24/7/365 for CENTURIES. Michigan is BLACKED by the superior bull dick. Women from all across America come to swim in Lake Michigan, to be one with the African cock. They dive underwater and swallow it's enriched waters, and carry it back to their homes. When the husbands see their wives all wet, they know that they've been cucked by the delicious, monstrous black cock of Lake Michigan.
And that's not even the best part! The best part of a black penis is when the bull has been pleasured enough to cum! The seed of a nubian member is the most precious of all, and drowns out the inferior cucked white sperm. See Chicago there? At the tip of the lake? That's where the precious enriching bull semen cums out of! Tens of thousands of ebony queens and African bulls are born out of this hot sticky load that the BIG BLACK LAKE MICHIGAN spews out.
Go ahead, Burgers. Let your wives and girlfriends and daughters and sisters come to Lake Michigan. When they leave, they will be carrying inside them the seed of the superior black bull.
Pure Michigan.
>US butthurt left, let by the king nigger tries to start a war because they lost
>Putin shows to be the bigger man and ignore the man-children throwing a tantrum
>They go "how dare you not start a war! It is all Trumps fault!"
What's done is done. Please believe that. It will be easier to accept. Do not accept it and it will hit you harder later on, I'm only being caring, which is quite rare at Sup Forums. It is written like it is printed on a page in a book of past presidents of the USA glimpsed at in the distant future.
Trump is President.
And will be for at least until 2020, perhaps 2024.
>tfw black and been to michigan.
Dr Pierce on Haiti and the evidence concerning black governance
Yes you are kangz
You have your very own country
Oh yeah! I think I saw you one time!
Although you get a scale don't you
Tell me how many niggerwatts do you read?
>People call the police if a stranger is approaching their house dis is not like Sudan!
Kek almost as if theres bugger all worth stealing in Sudan
Anyone speak jive?
archive.is your shit, double nigger
Peace, black person. And as for Obama. Let it go, and adjust. 2017 is on the way. And Trump is America's great future for a while. Anyway thanks for the chat Sup Forums I'm off to get drunk. Happy New Year.
Tis like annoda potato famine! Stay salty shills
Oh w8 its just a Blackobrit
Don't worry I know how to handle this
Welfare office is down the hall to the left
thirsty for (yous)
seriously archive you're shit
No just chillin basking in the glory of kek
Good thread 2bh.
What other instances are there of outgoing presidents doing stuff like this?
I maybe shouldn't have put up the pic
People tend to make mistakes when they get triggered
>seriously archive you(are) shit
cease and desist you're perfidious topnfoolery forthwith good sir
What fouling up the waters for the next incoming president? In terms of impact I would guess it would be pretty major when they brought in 2 term limits over the salt level from Teddy winning all the time. Unless you count the time the Kennedys were killed
wtf is thread about then anyway?
who wants american diplomats excelled? the ruissian lefties?
Oh yes the good agents from the
Are you trying to draw this into a pizzagate deal? Care to elaborate on why you released a report concerning Nation of Islam in relation to Mohammad Ali? You hiring?
Well anything really, purposefully causing foreign relation problems is weird.
All I'm aware of is butthurt over midnight appointments and pardons.
>Oh my days
what? is that some gypsy vernacular you espouse?
>Nixon could be pardoned without even being accused of a crime
I'm surprised that obongo didn't do this (theres still time) considering he doesn't mind throwing the baby out with the bathwater
>The US government was PAYING for the death of white christians
You do that too nigie.
>This is what a yank would think a bong sounds like
Delet this
indubitably old boy, old phil is always hiring
did one pass ones GCEs?
You know thats very clever
Its an attempt to date the age of the subject
They added an S there I believe
Or are they wheeling out the last dying hippies?
ok, you passed the test. just go outside spin round three times and shout FBI FBI FBI!!
the closest black chopper will pick you up
welcome to the team
You know I'm honestly fucking tempted you guys need the fucking help by the looks of things
did they pick you up yet?
the code word is allahu ackbar
Don't worry lads Trump will go down in history as the faster Pres to be impeached
fucker is going to barely step foot in office before getting kicked out
This shit makes NIXON of all people look innocent
>rigging elections with commies
>in bed as fuck with commies
>praising Putin left and right (fucker isn't even trying to hide it)
he's finished
No still here
Just outside Durka durka street
oh dmn, just got a message, the helicopter got a high priority call
they'll be in touch thoguh
Considering how much he's cozying up to Israel I have my doubts about that. Republicans may dislike working with Russia out of principle but they like having AIPAC line their pockets out of practicality, and self-interest always beats high principle in the end.
>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
>Calling putin a communist
Well let me laugh. Never thought that McCarthyism would raise its head in such a slapstick manner.
'A society that can’t defend its children has no tomorrow': Putin condemns Europe’s handling of migrants and says the child rape in Austria shows 'a dilution of national values'
impressive numbers, shadilay
>Now thats what I call a leafpost
This really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of serotonin at key moments of sensory input as well as really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.