Is it redpilled to beat your wife or gf to teach her a lesson?
Is it redpilled to beat your wife or gf to teach her a lesson?
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It's taking masculinity to the next level, so much so that it goes to the point of being feminine.
Beating your wife or gf if probably one of the gayest. most feminine things you can do.
No, now spanking her is different.
Quads of truth. /thread
Only necessary if she attacks you physically first
Those are actors so it's not real. More man hate from the politically correct, interfering in the relationship. It's no wonder I'm having to do a pillow waifu.
exactly. if you are so intellectually disabled that you cant just reason with her (and they CAN be reasoned with) you dont deserve to breed.
Sometimes I think we are supposed to but I don't do it because I don't do it because my wife's boyfriend Jamal keeps her in the hospital most of the week.
Probably not, its cowardly to beat someone who physically cant fight back
bad example, friendo. melopan is a normie, has a well paying job and a gf.
>it took him 4 may-makers to bring down a female
>white "men"
I'm not a violent person and I think generally violence is best avoided. But that bitch got what she deserved. I hope she lost a few teeth.
only if you are slapping her ass, otherwise no.
you are a cuck if you need a force to control your women.
No. It's chicken shit.
Moron. There's certain types of immoral men that only respond to violence. Likewise there are women who act the same way. Corporal punishment is completely red pilled.
If you have to use violence you've already lost.
If you're very calm and patient, you will always win in the end. Chimping out has inflation. The more you chimp out, the more used to that behavior your wife gets, and the less effective it becomes.
If you're calm and steady as some fucking super zen mount Fuji on sunny windless summer day, putting even a very slight hint of anger in your voice will make your wife alert and worried, and she will listen, because she notices that you're not acting like your usual self.
fucking faggots. white society is doomed.
Hello Ahmed
If you don't beat her you're a fag.
no, what are you a muslim? fuck off Ahmed
lmao. You can't hit your wife or gf in these times.
The police are utter faggots with too much power. If they believe that you have hit your wife they will barge into your home with no warrant. They don't need a warrant.
A friend was mine was arguing with his wife, and it was heated, he broke something in the garage out of anger. Neighbors called the cops to report yelling and sounds like a fight. The cops knocked his door down, and instantly started punching him. He said that they hit him so hard in the side that there was urine in his blood.
I was there in the court room to support him, and it was HILARIOUS seeing the police officer on the stand describe the incident. He talked about "focused strikes to gain compliance."
When the attorney asked him how many strikes he delivered he said "Enough to gain compliance."
Police officers are suuuuch fucking liars and faggots, man.
Seriously, if you so much as touch your girlfriend in an argument you may get violently arrested by the police. Don't do it.
Of course not.
No, it's nigger-tier. Picking her up like a child and putting her in her room seems whiter.
here have a suicidal alcoholic single mother who's husband left for cock and asshole on me
first post best post (an aussie as always)
here who hits a woman is considred gay unless its his wife (they cant get into others relations)
>knowing how to apply force
The contradiction is unreal, Serb.
>That falcon punch at the end
that was tense, i was on edge the guy might not hit back
The key to find a balance between talking and implying you might end her life if she tries to fuck you over without ever coming to any blows.
It's better to go into a relationship with the idea in your head that women have fickle hearts and will eventually leave you. I've never been broken up or sad over a fucking woman, ever. If they are mean tell them to go away.
No, it's a good way to be a nigger
Oops, meant blood in his urine. Was typing fast.
if I was black
Beat? No.
Spank every once in a while when she's being particularly bratty? Yes.
Nope since it is not redpilled to have a wife if we were in a actual society and not the shitty dying one we have now then yes id recommend it.
This comes from someone who is completely fine with domestic violence (to the point i wish it was legal) and is not afraid to be violent against women or children for that matter.
It depends on the situation, but if in the midst of a heated argument your girlfriend lashes out at you physically, then you really have no choice but show who's boss by retaliating. When in a relationship or when you're getting to know a woman you need to set boundaries for them, otherwise they'll shit test you at their heart's content and then you'll become a cuck. By the way if your girlfriend tries to get physical with you then maybe it's time to start thinking of an exit strategy.
He showed a lot of restraint considering he's shitfaced.
>Saudi Arabia
You have a point though
Even General Mad dog mattis knows psychological means are more effective than beating/torture.
Yes. My buddies gf used to date a guy who hit her and she's so fun to be around. All you have to do is bring your fist up quickly like youre going to hit her and she cowers in fear. Hell sometimes she even makes these erection exploding shrieks.
how's the ranch cletus?
More like this?
Depends what it's for. It's okay to slap them if they make a semi bad decision. The only time I can imagine just beating the shit out of your wife or gf is if they commit adultery/ cheat.
See, for me, being shitfaced would make it easier to show restraint.
Of course it is.
I'm more of a thousand island guy.
Fu-uck no!
you kids
Can't let women walk all over you.
Sometimes they drive a man go violence
The mighty fine flag you got yourself there.
>Women are just as equal as men we can do anything they can and better!
>Don't touch me though silly boy I'm a princess
I don't even think hitting women is okay but you can't ignore the blatant hypocrisy.
Beating? No. Never.
But a little choking and spanking goes a long way in the bedroom, surprisingly.
Why would you date one of those immoral women?
If you do not beat your wife you are not really a man, beating is the way to keep women in line. They please you more as well.
Sometime bitches need a good slap across the face. Still doesnt mean its ok to beat them.
No it's not red pilled at all and if you have kids it's even worse. My dad is the greatest guy I've ever met but some nights when I was a kid he would get drunk and go off on my mom. He never punched her or anything but he has pushed her to the ground and thrown things at her.
I was seriously afraid of my father until one night I was old and strong enough to stand up for my mom. Since that night he hasn't gone off on he.
Now that I wrote this all out maybe it is red pilled. For one, I was genuinely afraid of my father growing up which may have helped keep me in line. Secondly, that night where I stood up to my father felt amazing and my father and I actually became really close after that incident.
tl;dr don't do it. No respectable guy does that sort of thing. There are ways to win an argument that aren't as one sided for the male.
The weak must always fear the strong.
Most of you guys will never have a wife or a gf so why bother yourselves with those kind of questions ?