Hey Sup Forums great job at making Sarah verified! Wonder how many new fans she got who disapproved of your doing and wanted and how much money she's making on Patreon now.
Hey Sup Forums great job at making Sarah verified! Wonder how many new fans she got who disapproved of your doing and...
Looks like Sup Forums's pathetic trolling backfired
Doesn't this board ever get tired of getting BTFO?
She is cute.
>Argentina, Brazil...
>Whiteknighting for this chick.
We don't give one fuck. OP is a faggot.
That's a man, baby
>implying this is a bad thing
>implying this isn't just the first step
Now the real fun begins.
It's not whiteknighting if the malicious intent is completely baseless.
Man she's a qt. Although I don't understand why Sup Forums is so obsessed with her she seems like another brainwashed lib.
IS the "Garrisonification" of a cartoonist really completely malicious? Obviously to the lowest thinking stormtroopers it is but really I like to think of it as a little career boost and nudge toward a wiser approach.
She's so cute.
she should be thanking us then, we did her a favour
>thinking Sup Forums doesn't like Sarah Andersen
you are the newest fag
Deep down she knows it was funny
yes it is faggot
Can someone post one of her unedited comics? For some weird reason, the "edited" comics that she's pissing herself over is all she ever posts herself :^\
she'd be cuter with longer hair
No it isn't, you child.
>Hey guys, I keep seeing these comics show up in my Facebook feed and they're annoying. Lets Ben Garrison them.
That's hardly a reason for raid or whatever gay shit you people do in those generals.
What's wrong about that?
It's the same ones who are all into mgtow who really seriously hate her because of generalized misogyny and feeling like they've been given the nod.
This girl is a 10 to me.
Are there pictures of her with long hair?
>a recognized on a dead site
Why is reddard here?
I'd fuck that pixie-face until cum shoots out her ears
I'm pleased we have made her life better and enjoyed ourselves at the same time
Everyone's a winner
I'm still wondering, how did this shit started?
I was on the original thread when it happened and it was just an user asking to make edits for fun, with a swiss offering to make porn out of it.
A few hours later everyone on social media like jewtube told that Sup Forums was raiding the artist and now people are doing this kind of shit.
Lesbians Confirmed
Probably not because she's a feminist SJW and has probably intentionally kept her hair short for years.
go back to plebbit faggot, we made genuinely funny edits, not our fault she makes easily exploitable comics
> child
says the grown man on a Vietnamese underwater basket weaving forum
Why would we mad about this? Do we look like gamergate fags to you or something?
I assume boredom, but now you got a bunch of newfaggots bandwagoning on the "raids" and now the whole thing is just fucking retarded.
Were the edit threads banned or what happened?
Learn to type, nigger.
I'm a 1488 fuckhead and am glad the edits brought her success. She played us like a damn fiddle lmao.
Before she started Muff diving
We need to spam him for being white
Eh fuck it. The edits are still fun to laugh at. And made more successful or not, she continues to be ass blasted we're making them.
Still a fruitful venture imo
i don't know, is editing facebook comics 'politics'?
thats hot user
*cough* Child. *cough*
If I ever saw her as my librarian I would literally break down and cry, what a goddess.
If their theme is politic, I guess?
More comics to add the zyklon ben touch
It's unimportant. It was never about raiding 'against' her. It was about having fun.
>learn to type, nigger
Says the faggot on an Icelandic deliberate shitposting negro reunion page
pls face and feet I'VE BEEN LOOKING!??!
Well Sup Forums is political and social commentary and since the edits fall under both, then why not.
Her drawing style reminds me of a old Japanese horror mangaka, Hino Hideshi.
Eventually, if it hasn't happened already, some artist is going to make their own nazi edits and try to blame Sup Forums, but they'll get found out because there will be original artwork that was never published anywhere except the cartoonist's twitter.
Nazi edits are just good for business.
Fuck me running, she is.
Fuck u Jew if I become Hitler I will kill u are and reptilians
This. I don't give a fuck if one bitch gets a couple of new fans. The point is that it bothers her and causes others to realize that nothing is sacred.
I think they're just jealous of her beauty
Not everything is about winning.
That gets old when you literally win everything.
So sometimes, it's just about lulz.
Lmk when you get laid whiteknighting for this bitch friendo
She should thank us for the publicity and money from white knights.
Edits /=/ trolling.
Because she's a tranny from leftypol who wants to monetise her shit despite capitalism being for pigs and they keep posting her shit here and baiting retards to act.
>implying this wasn't "just as planned" by andersen herself
she will come around
The more money it gets
the more shitty foods it will eat
and the sooner it dies slowly of a degenerate disease
I don't think pol was trying to destroy her or anything like that. The edits were funny.
Good for her if she made more money.
I mean who really cares, the purpose was never to really destroy her or hurt her career, just to make some edits and get some lulz.
If anything this'll give us more content to edit and laugh at.
Because she has a gay brother and doesn't like Trump, and a whopping total of 2 of her comics are political.
Therefore she's an evil SJW feminazi and must suffer Sup Forums's wrath, I think.
She looks like (((Joseph Gordon Levitt)))
Why doesn't this stupid bitch grow out her fucking hair? She looks like a little boy here. She'd easily gain 3+ points if she would just grow it out.
Why do progressive women believe dude cuts look good on them?
All it takes is one single person to make a thread with some original content to get the ball rolling.
Short haired women are ovenworthy.
>implying Literally Who didn't have some part in doing this
it got linked to /nba/ who have turbo photoshop autists
I was ITT too. I don't get what's happening. How have the edits made her life better?
>"hey some people are making white supremacist edits of my comics, I am very much against this."
>that new hair
I hate the sudden obsession with traps.. fucking first its anzu.. who is a fucking babe btw, I would totally impregnate her.. now this chick, who is is obviously a chick. What is it with you motherfuckers and assuming every chick needs to be secretly hiding a benis
For all we know, she could have done it herself just to boost her popularity.
Short hair on attractive women infuriates me because it makes them look like prepubescent boys. They look like a 5 out of 10 when they could easily be an 8.
Was she trying to tell us something here?
>giving a shit about other people's haircuts
Quads of truth
>homo detected
She's cute and her comics are cute. Why did Sup Forums try attacking her?
I first learned about Sarah Andersen today on Sup Forums
So i began looking up her original comics i find them absolutely brilliant and genious.
Sarah Andersen has a new fan.
I'm going to buy her book twice one for myself and one as a birthday present.
Manufactured outrage.
Because it's a waste of a hot girl. Why is she trying to look like a dude?
If you'd bang a chick that's nearly rocking a crew cut, you're the faggot.
If the facts aren't there or is the autism isn't strong enough.. well you have a recipe for Sup Forums becoming involved
Apparently she is a coal burner. Why are the cute ones always the race traitors?
And I think it looks good on them
We are just having keks
She gets views
Everyone is happy
Yeah it's too bad because I am sure women who have short hair probably have extremely tight vaginas for the exact reason that you are stating..
I win here.. your argument has been invalidated
Last I heard her boyfriend is white
>And I think it looks good on them
I'm assuming you're under 25 then. The kids must be brainwashed into believing chicks that rock male hair cuts are sexy and dudes that look and act like women are what women want.
>memetic engineering
Do we have to study that shit for 7+ years in order to become memers?
>What is it with you motherfuckers and assuming every chick needs to be secretly hiding a benis
Literally jews.
>Meh meh meh racetraitor meh meh muh pure bleugh bleugh bleugh meh meh