Ask a black supremacist anything

Ask a black supremacist anything

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Is it true it was really a black person who landed on the moon?

If not trolling, how the fuck can you be a supremacist of the race who achieved NOTHING in comparison to literally ANY OTHER on the planet without going into massive cognitive dissonance?

and funnily enough every other role he ever played turned out to be just will smith again.

How do you feel about ghetto/hood culture? Do you consider jews "white"?


I mean, white supremacists have done a shit job in [CURRENT YEAR+1], but they still exist

I'm not a white supremecist, I'm just better than everyone else and I happen to be white.

Go larp somewhere else.

Was Alfonso redpilled?

Are you black?

That has more to do with the constant feminization of men and the fact that pussy's value has gone up so white men are literally willing to become cucks just to get some of that poonani

Is trump /yourguy/?

Does it bother you that most of your race is unemployable?

why can't you farm?

Can white males peacully coexist if we allow you to fuck us in the ass?

Nigga, I'm Mexican-American, all my people have ever done is farm and ranch. I can look outside my window right now and see a pasture full of cattle.

lol i thought you were op my beany friend

How long would a 100% black nation last?

Smart. Jerry Seinfeld is the only one from the show known by his real name still. Even in Julia Louis-Dreyfus's other shows, everyone still calls it "that show with Elaine"

It's a race that has accomplished tremendous feats but hasnt been able to yet raise a black state to superpower status because that privilege was denied by a hundred years of colonialism and the various social-ethnic problems African nations have faced in the wake of colonialism.

Ghetto culture needs a serious revamping, Im thinking something bigger than the Harlem Renaissance. Ghetto culture as culminated in black power was originally against this degeneracy and drugs and out-of-wedlock marriages.

Jews are white.
He's not my guy because he was elected out of white institutions into a white institution. No president, not even Barack Obama, is a legit leader to black unity. There would have to be a new institution through which the power of self-determination is practiced, where blacks are governed in their affairs by blacks proud of their nationality. The white house in its current form is not recognized by me with legitimacy.

Ooga booga bix nood

His name wasn't Will Banks on the show?

>not even Barack Obama
Why would Obama even be considered to be an exception?

How does it feel to still be a slave?

>because that privilege was denied by a hundred years of colonialism and the various social-ethnic problems African nations have faced in the wake of colonialism.
but european colonialism on started (full-steam) in africa in the last centuries. Explain the void before that then.


Depends. Would it be a black nation, penniless, because the international jew, the white man and his negro ally has stolen it all from us? Or is it a black nation started up with the wealth of all the white man owes us for his 400 years of rule.

Thats Zimbabwe, a nation whose borders were drawn by colonial imperialist europeans in a way to leave the nation unable to be governed and the people there not respecting of their government or national pride. Seriously, look at the shape of that country.
The white power structure feels that black consciousness of his nationality is to be forgotten because a black man became President of the United States. And Obama isnt even that black. I just had to clarify Barack Obama's administration has been no exception to m people that have been kept down for 400 years.
Not me, I've freed my mind of the white constraints shackled upon it :^)
We had cultures, strong empires and understandings of the sciences. You say we didnt accomplish much because we were conquered by the imperialist european. Remember that the white man conquered Africa with gunpowder. The white man had only had access to this type of weapon for 150 years, a drop in the bucket in time. Thousands of years before that, the white man used the fighting skills of a jungle guerrilla, fighting like a savage, like an indian. The white man formed "battle lines" hundreds of years before firepower was utilized to make was more humane. Drawing battle lines took the disciplining of the soldiers.Troops under strict discipline wouldn't massacre indiscriminately. Discipline prevented the slaughter of POWs. The African had adopted the idea of the battle line, like whites, to allow for more "humane" war. Whites with firepower overpowered us but had we had fifty more years to learn the sciences to utilize them for warfare, or used guerrilla tactics against whites, the Europeans would never had conquered Africa.

that's right we don't deserve black people, please don't burden yourselves with us anymore and go live in your own lands

>Majority of poitns have to do with the white man

Can't take any responsibility or your self eh?

>Or is it a black nation started up with the wealth of all the white man owes us for his 400 years of rule.
lolno. Go bitch at some rich plantation owners for that. You built the South up and the North burned it down, there is no wealth left to give you.

That's pretty derigueur for actors in general lol

>blah blah blah whitey b suppressin' us BLACK bois...
None of your gobbley gook theorizing will wipe away the fact that blacks are objectively the stupidest race and that no amount of middle class upbringing can undo their genetic disposition to be complete idiots.

I have pointed out it is Africans warring against each other that has kept those countries down quite often. But remember, these are longstanding conflicts that intensified thanks to the way europeans drew the borders around nations that still stand today, forcing rival tribes to be unified in a way they cannot be unified. The drawing of these borders forced the migration of millions of communities that had to choose one border to be on the side of. This migration of people from one nation to another creates friction.

>Do you want a race war?
>How do you think blacks would fare in a race war?

I wouldn't mind being ruled by blacks if they were like Will Smith and Carlton. But unfortunately the vast majority are semi-retarded niggers not even capable of reason.

>yet raise a black state to superpower status because that privilege was denied by a hundred years of colonialism and the various social-ethnic problems African nations have faced in the wake of colonialism
That's not an excuse, nor is it relevant to the current year. Europe and East Asia were wrecked into rubble and dust in 1945 because of ethnic conflict and are now basically occupied by jews who use our societies for international usury and are obsessed with destroying our race.

Us blacks would face well. We'd be very united, as blacks in America have a heritage of uniting in times of turmoil. The majority of whites would be ignorant to this struggle as long as their TVs are on, their roads can be used and their store shelves are used. Once these things are gone, most whites will turn against each other for scraps whereas only a small number of the Ku Kluxers, the Minutemen and the Nazis try to fight against the unified black revolution.

I dont think there should be a race war but America does need a Mau Mau. The Mau Mau in Kenya threw so much fear into the imperialists that the rest of Africa could be freed just by the threat of a Mau Mau in those countries. A Mau Mau in America would scare the whites at the top of the power structure that the rest of the black nation may unify and rise up. This brings the power structure to the negotiation table.

You're a delusional egomaniac then

t. Pakistani deflowering white girls on a daily basis

Are blacks the true Jewish people?

>Not even using the wheel before colonization
>Eat dirt
>No written language only verbal
>Cannibalism, war, and rape has been rampant before whitey took their first step in Africa

Hey, nigger, how are you going to win the race war when your average IQ is a standard deviation lower than anyone else's and you're only 13% of the population? You welfare queens would get fucked by the millions of white gun-owners quicker than you can say, "sheeeeeit".

>careful what you wish for

>accomplished tremendous feats
name two

You are as delusional as the "white nationalists" here, if not more. You belong here. Bring more people who think like you, it will make for interesting threads and memes

The Chinese had gunpowder longer than the Europeans and more people. They were subdued for much more than gunpowder: organization, electricity, large scale economy, fossil fuels, etc.

tick tock tick tock goes the clock while you desperately try to find something that africans actually accomplished themselves tick tock tick tock

>Not me, I've freed my mind of the white constraints shackled upon it :^)
>speaking english instead of oogabooga bix nood

>the white man owes us
poles, rus, finns, many others don't
most have yet to meet a black person face to face
perhaps refraining from generalizations can only help your cause

What do you think of King Noble/ Prince Yeshanua on YouTube? He irritates the fuck out of me.

Lol I pity the lil nigly I even tried to find one that didn't involve sports was unsuccessful

>I have pointed out it is Africans warring against each other that has kept those countries down quite often.

>implying states warring against eachother is unique to Africa

in addition, war and competition typically brings innovation and motivation in many societies and is a catalyst for social and technological advances.

>Us blacks would face well. We'd be very united, as blacks in America have a heritage of uniting in times of turmoil.

Obvious bait, but I'll bite.

Yes, blacks would unite, but rather than organize into an army, they would most likely form inner city enclaves run by Muslim war lords and slaughter nearby whites. These enclaves would quickly be cut off from resources and the people inside would starve. At best some raiding parties could be formed from these enclaves but these would quickly be eliminated.

It's obvious op is a white guy trying too hard and just ran out of ideas

Shit thread

>mentions logistics
so you be sayin a nigga gotta eat? sheeeeeeeeeeeit
>It's obvious op is a white guy trying too hard and just ran out of ideas
i didn't read anything other than the first line or so of each post but yeah i agree completely that he ran out of ideas

even a white troll struggles at roleplaying as a black supremacist. he just couldn't dumb his brain down to that level

being the key word here.

Obviously not the case in Africa

how to fix black on black crimes?

bumping this shit thread so everyone can laugh at op as he ran out of ideas and abanoned 15 posts into his own thread

We don't owe you shit, rebuild your rotting communities and make something out of yourself.

>only a small number of the Ku Kluxers, the Minutemen and the Nazis try to fight against the unified black revolution.

You do realise there's like 6000 klan members in the US, right?

They're not this ever-present threat to black people. They're a dying breed of slack-jawed morons clinging to outdated ideas and beliefs. Don't let the media fool you into thinking that they're still a legitimate organisation. Same applies to the american Nazis and minutemen. They're a fucking non-issue.

You're also greatly overestimating the ability for black people to get along.
The ghetto is a hellhole for a reason, you know.

wuz you kangz?

Why do you deny you are subhuman shit?

It Africans don't like the borders why don't they redraw their borders? Europeans aren't there anymore

Brah a Mau Mau will do one thing in America, ensure blacks are put down like animals.

Don't cling to fantasies spread by pan-africanist nutjobs.

Wuz u kang?

>why don't they redraw their borders?
You seem to forget how stupid niggers are.

>get colonized
>economically and culturally dominated for hundreds of years
>we are the superior ones


can you name a successful black country?

Why do I want a black man to fuck my gf so much?

will smith is a filthy nigger racemixer
just check most of his movies
usually ends up with a white woman "sidekick"

Are you white?

Same reason dudes get off of their dogs fucking their wives.

Might I ask what X and A stand for?

How accurate is pic related?

yes, of course, we value free speech and inquiry here

>blacks in America have a heritage of uniting in times of turmoil.
I could actually see that, just do it over there, away from me.

This is a black thing isn't it?

Thanks for the dots

>checks flag


Fresh Prince is GOAT.

>black supremacist
Oh shit, media actually created them.

Why cant we start a program to send these refugees to Africa? The same way that muslims come here?

what do you think of white supremacists.

ITT: A member of the oldest and least evolved race blames the complete failure of his people to use the thousands of years of a head-start they had over the rest of the world to make anything of themselves, boiling down their failures to ever produce a single thing of value to "the white man", despite the fact that semitic tribes were raiding africa and taking slaves long before whites even knew anything deeper than Egypt existed.


Why black denied their right to be a racist (stated only whites can be racists)? Do you feel oppressed because of it?

this, OP is a fucking race larper

What fried chicken is better?
KFC or Popeyes?
Which soda is better?
Grape or orange?
What car is better?
Mid-late 90's Pontiac Gran Prix
Late 80's Lincoln Town Car
What rimz be better?
22in or 24in?

do you honestly go around all day yelling


niggas will shoot a whole "clip" and won't hit a muthafuckin thang

Are you christian?, if you are christian been racist is a sin.

This, holy shit I can understand black separatism or black nationalism but I don't understand how someone could possibly justify black supremacy and be even the slightest bit in touch with reality.

Is this the same Mau Mau who killed literally thousands of Africans more than Europeans during the uprising?
And you're first sentence was all about unity.

Look up what happened in the neighborhood of Algiers Point during Hurricane Katrina, that ought to give you an idea of how black vs white conflicts turn out in lawless situations. I think you have a very unrealistic view of white communities during times of hardship.

I know its a bait thread. So can any whiteys answer me why niggers and spics never go after the Jew even though the Jew literally is the epitome of "privilege" in America?

They always go after the hard working middle class blue collar whites who pay for the kikes and niggers free lifestyles through taxes.

I guess... a better question is... how do blacks feel that the smartest people on earth... the kikes... use them for muscle against whites? Use them as wild dangerous animals who can only bring down the white man's civilization? (Muslims pretty much are used the same way in Europe but at least they're smart enough to know the hook noses are behind it all)

Lol ironic that Carlton would say that to him

did you build space pyramids in africa? but then white people ruined everything

It depends on what you mean by "go after." Most black criminals are equal opportunity and target whoever crosses their path, Jews are like 2% of the population and mostly know to stay out of the ghetto.

If you're talking about social views blacks are on average more anti-semitic than white people but it doesn't amount to much and they mostly just view them as a minor variation on white people with some extra stereotypes. Jesse Jackson used to drop anti-semitic slurs before he was coached in how to be more media friendly for example.