explain to me why i dont deserve to live in a first world country but just because you were born in one without your will you somehow do ?
Explain to me why i dont deserve to live in a first world country but just because you were born in one without your...
Because your forefathers were trash and ours were not.
Your family have done absolutely nothing to make first world countries what they are. Even in first world countries, the resources are limited. So tell me, why should you be allowed to reap the benefits?
we will all die one day and disappear completely. why not let me live my time in peace ? i didnt choose to be born a thirdworlder.
because your a turkroach and turkroaches are ugly people
>why not let me live my time in peace ?
You are free to do so; just not here. I really don't give a shit about intruding your life. I'm just not letting you intrude mine.
Because our race is superior and our gene pool alone constructs this earth's great, free nations. Freedom is our birthright, Our fore-fathers bled for it.
Be the generation that makes your own country first world then maybe you'll get to live in one.
Does any animal on Earth deserve to live in a better environment than their own species/kind can create for itself?
Because your people are subhuman and your country is not first world because Turks are not capable of doing what needs to be done to make a good country
Why do you deserve to come to our country and ruin it like your ruined your own nation?
Subhumans who are already in this country need to leave as well to be honest
Your natural place is in your home country Turkey, among your people
user, you deserve the best, we all do. But life is just an unfair thing.
i-ily user
Why not live in Istanbul OP, all the Westerners go there for holiday and it is a beautiful city with rich historical tradition.
You said it yourself, you weren't born there. Why do you really really want to live in out countries anyway? What's wrong with yours?
it has 15 million population. its full of shitskins and syrians. why the fuck would i go there ?
>why i dont deserve to live in a first world country
In order to deserve something, you must prove it. If you want to prove that you deserve to live in a first world country it's easy. Just turn your shithole of a country into a first world one. Our countries are not shitholes because our grandparents thought about our future (not so much our parents) and MADE them first world, for US. This is why we deserve to live in first world countries, and we have to make sure they stay first world for our children.
Not to mention the fact, that roaches had an empire that turned to shit. And nothing came out of it. A whole fucking empire to end up with a crappy country.
because you can't always get what you want
If you were born a Turkroach in Austria you still had no right to live here.
Only Germany, US and a few others do this.
Nothing worse than a person who are ashamed of their own heritage, nation and people. Do you think an attitude like this will result in Turkey improving and not being a thirdworld shithole anymore and achieving it's potential? Or do you just not care and want to run away. IMO racial and national pride for all people on the planet is the only way to save the world.
No one desearves anything.
Sometimes are just the way things are. I see no cosmic fairness
Niggers and sandniggers are genetic trash. Negative contribution to the human race.
Genes, bad genes, subhuman savage genes
What if my peaceful life is dependent on not living in a country full of shitskins?
It wasn't my fault that i was born in a country that every roach in turkey feels entitled to
because the reason your countries are shitholes is because there's so many of you and none of us.
Wherever Turks live won't be first world for long
And we didn't choose for you to be a third-worlder either, don't punish us because your parents fucked up.
Because you didnt inherited it from your ancestors who built it to be first world? Create your own first world country, fucking parasite roach, attempt to feed on others' work will bring you nothing.
someones mad that Trump wont do anything when russian tanks roll over your borders
Non whites are genetically shit
Anatolia was a nice Aryan place before the Mongols, Turks, an Arabs race mixed it to shit
> i dont deserve to live
Because nobody deserves anotherones work. Go build your own shithole into something useful and stop being a migratory nigger.
If you can show you can provide for yourself and don't pose a threat, you can live in a first world country. Seeing as you say you don't deserve to, which is it?
Why should we degrade our nice places just because you live in squalor?
If your people were, on average, good, then you'd live in the first world already. You don't and they aren't. Why won't we let you in? Because you and others like you would ruin it. How do we know? You and others like you have ruined your living space already.
It's lucky for us but hard work from our families.
You don't deserve to steal from my family by coming here.
My family has been poor for generations until my father started his business he worked himself to the bone, and now I am too.
My children will be blessed.
I hope you can start the multigenerational climb yourself, Roach.
>why not let me live my time in peace ?
why not let your time be busy with making your offspring's life better?
>explain to me why i dont deserve to live in a first world country
Because you deserve to live in your own nation, just like the rest of us with ours which is being denied to us. Like it had been to Christians in the middle east for the past 1500 years.
Classic Felix
your best bet is to find some poor schlock who'll marry you and make you a citizen. once a citizen dump his ass, take half his shit and live like a queen.
Your ancestors were trash. Mine were not.
Survival of the fittest.
The mere fact that you do not understand this is why you live in a shit country.
Because I was raised with the same values as those within my continue. You, on the other hand, were raised on shitty cockroach values.
Bare minimum, it will take three generations before we MIGHT see some evidence of assimilation from your offspring. Until then, it's a solid half-century of dealing with your roach ways. And then, even after all of that, your offspring will still demand special treatment because "muh oppression".
If you wanna live in peace roach just gas yourself and every other roach in Turkey so Europeans can reclaim it.
because my parents and their parents before them built that country so that I could inherit it.
I wish cucks like you would die. You're also messing it up for the rest of us.
OP the answer is because your people are a race of degenerate thieves who never produce anything of value. The land you walk on every day was cultivated and made beautiful by the Greeks for centuries before your band of thugs decided to show up, take it, slaughter everyone and then turn it into a third world hellhole. Constantinople was the envy of Europe. Now it's shit because of you. Stay the fuck out of my country, you roach.
kys faggot
Just emigrate legally. A lot of people might moan, but they can't do shit legally
Also integrate.
>why not let me live my time in peace?
Why not let us live in peace among our own people?
We have no where else to run to, these lands were supposed to be our homes.
because first world countries are that way because of a majority or exclusive demographic primarily seeded out of europe
you have no entitlement to the society forged through generations just because technology today allows people to see just exactly how different things are in each respective countries - it is not the first worlds fault that you are incapable of sustaining a first world society
"If you love diversity so much then why don't you move to ?
Fuck Roaches. Make yourself a country. Quit trying to steal them.
Neither did I, so why should I give away my benefits?
>mfw turkish, wealthy, cute german gf and legal german citizen
has nothing to do with it.
we are alone in a room, both starving. I have some food, you dont. only one of us can survive on the food, so I dont give you any.
this has nothing to do with who-deserves-what. we were just here first. piss off and stay out of germany
>I don't get to live in a first world country
neither do I ;^) thanks to your kind
Because our alphabet doesn't have Parkinson's shakes on its consonant letters, for starters.
This is the basedest of based statements.
Go thru the process roach and come to a first world country and prevent your roach children from saying this.
>"mfw turkish"
>diaspora trash
kek nice meme
i can't wait for the day when krauts initiate a "final solution" to the subhuman problem
If your national identity is defined around getting out of the country then your country will never improve as its best and brightest leave and the toe-rags of society are left unchecked to produce the next generation that will repeat the cycle.
I hope they don't forget putting his trash gf into the oven as well.
Why not start making your shithole a better place for future generations?
*kills himself*
come do something useful
OK, explain. If she fulfills the requirements required to emigrate legally, and can prove she would contribute to society, what is the problem?
You will more likely die during a ISIS or PKK terrorist attack before this happens.
Stop believing Pol memes, germany is beyond repair
Because where you live - or anything else - isn't about what you deserve, you entitled piece of shit.
>explain to me why i dont deserve to live in a first world country but just because you were born in one without your will you somehow do ?
That kind of entitled, arrogant, lazy attitude is why your country is 3rd world and you should never be allowed inside 1st world country.
Why don't you go work improve your own life instead of asking for a life you don't deserve?
What if EVERYONE wanted to immigrate to Turkey?
How would you feel?
fucking top kek
holy shit all those fucking ameritards thinking they are a superpower because they're actually good or something. the only reason you're a super power is that because you're a fucking kike flag ship. you will turn into a 3rd world country when your masters decide it to
i know ameritards are stupid but this level of retardation is something else
why don't you build up a functional state on your own.
Turks aren't a race
They are a bunch of rape babbies who speak the language of their Mongoloid oppressors
Why do you think you have a right to the society my ancestors built not for you, but for their offspring, me. Ask yourself why your society is a shit hole. Protip, it might be related to your tendency to run from the mess you created, leaving shit behind for the rest of your kin
You can't if there is no democracy
your country isn't first world because it isn't populated by first world people.
This really.
Germoney/UK/Sweden, they are way past the point of no return.
The only thing that could fix them now would be right wing death squads. There is nothing in their politics that could reverse what has been done. A literal holocaust would be needed to fix that shit.
In the immortal words of Rachel Maddow: You are awake, by the way. You are not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you are not dead, and you have not gone to hell. This is your life now.
>Literally run by donmeh crypto Jews for centuries
>Hurr at least I'm not a cypto-Jew puppet like fat Americans now excuse me while I support ISIS to help Israel
we will all die one day and disappear completely. why not let me fuck your cute daughters ? i didnt choose to be born with ugly or male neighbours
Because you weren't born in a first world country
roach women will get the Bratwurst until they beg to be put in the oven.
then they will get some more Bratwurst
if thats true then why do you so badly want to move there?
deserves got nothing to do with it
>kike flag ship
it wasn't always like this. half of the founding fathers had the right idea, I think. Too bad we got sold out in the end.
Nobody is claiming that you do not deserve it, just make your own country one, instead of leeching like a pest from ours.
Not that hard to understand, roach.
Tell me why I don't deserve to kill everyone I don't like.
If your ancestors didn't destroy the Byzantine Empire you might now be living in a first world country. But they chose a gutter religion over civilization.
>actually arguing with Pol
Pol would go straight to prison if the police would find out about their posts. These are people who honor Anders Breivik and Adolf Hitler. Do you really think their opinions means anything?
Because you are not willing to make your own country into a first world country.
You want to just move to one and skip straight to the top.
This behavior is that of a leach or a flea.. or maybe even a roach or mouse.
no one said that, but if you move to a country for a better life, the least you can do is assimilate to preserve that way of life in your new country. I am one of those immigrants, it pisses me off when new immigrants try to change things to make them shittier. Speak the native language, observe the laws, and most of all celebrate the culture that gave you your new life
t. Kamaal Mdungu
what Sup Forums meme? i've studied in europe for a while. your kind is the fucking worst. REAL Turks don't see you as Turkish, Germans don't see you as German. that's what happens when you take disgusting backwards peasants and put them into 1st world without any education or whatsoever
seriously, maybe only %5 of you are decent, the rest can be barely identified as a human. i understood why germans were racist against you the moment i met one of you
get gassed subhuman filth
In Germany, probably.
You don't deserve it, because you haven't made it happen.
>let me use the "life is meaningless hurr" argument just as my degenerate forefathers did when they coulden't be arsed to at least keep up the society attaturk tried to create
Spray yourself
'Cause you're a sandnigger
that's one thing I really honestly could not defend just be thankful I am here and not some muslim shithole or something. At the same time my ancestors did build this country and contribute to it, they also passed down their genetics to me and I will contribute to this country similarly, unlike a sub 90 iq islamist or sub 60 iq nigger would
>explain to me why i dont deserve to live in a first world country but just because you were born in one without your will you somehow do ?
Because you will come here and do kebab shit that makes your 3rd world shithole a 3rd world shithole, this making Canada a 3rd world shithole eventually.
your flag looks like a small big "G"
No one "deserves" it. You are not etitled to anything and neither am I. If you do not like the society that you're living in, get together with others and change something about it
Some of you roaches are alright