How does Trump plan on making the military bigger and more powerful while cutting taxes across the board?
How does Trump plan on making the military bigger and more powerful while cutting taxes across the board?
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Because he's going to beat China in trade, duh?
More people making money should balance out the tax cutting. That's the plan, anyway.
Why is he fucking us over our aircraft carrier planes?
My understanding is China is only great for trade because their workers don't get paid shit and the shit (read currency) they get paid is purposefully undervalued and that entices trade.
How does Trump plan to do that without making everyone in the U.S. poor?
Man he's some kind of genius magician.
He's gonna take money from cucks like you
Haven't you heard of his nuke the poor policy?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
reducing spending on useless wars.
also 10% of a million is the same as 5% of two.
You can make our military larger and more modern by simply using its existing budget AND NOT GETTING INTO FUCKING NEEDLESS WARS.
The poor are the exploited, they're the wealth generators. Why would anyone nuke the poor? .. take it a step further why would anyone in business secure the borders. Mexicans are literally tax free money.
By not giving federal funding to places like Commiefornia and not giving illegals welfare.
Wait didn't he say Obama created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq too soon?
>How does Trump plan to do that without making everyone in the U.S. poor?
He doesn't, his staff picks should mae it pretty clear whose interests he is protecting.
>spend shitloads of money on military
>don't even go to war
You are literally a nigger.
>How does Trump plan to do that without making everyone in the U.S. poor?
The Republican plan has ALWAYS been for us to "compete" by undercutting the wages of Mexicans and children in Singapore sweatshops.
Trump's Carrier deal uses tax money as a subsidy instead of having the workers themselves make $1 per hour, but it amounts to the same thing.
Oops, forgot pic.
Isn' Commiefornia one of the largest economies in the U.S.?
Wouldn't taxing mexicans bring in more money?
Let me put this into perspective for you, user
It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you spend it poorly, you're going to be the king of dirt.
It doesn't matter how much resources you have, unless you spend them properly and wisely, you won't get very far in life.
Plain and simple, he's going to make sure there won't be any more wasteful and/or unnecessary spending.
>Wait didn't he say Obama created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq too soon?
I don't know what Trump said, but the original basis for this is that the US funded anti-Assad, US-friendly forces, but them some of them turned against us.
That's the same way we "created" Al Queada in Afghanistan in the 1980's.
You stupid fucking leaf. Haven't you ever heard "we'll make our military so strong we'll never have to use it?" What's the point of sending American men and women to die when we can avoid that by intimidating other countries into NOT wanting to war with us?
Well, obviously US is going to invade another country to profit again.
Wow Donald Trump is running for Congress?
I see my mistake now
>Wouldn't taxing mexicans bring in more money?
Blanket amnesty would force millions of Mexicans to start paying more taxes.
But don't forget that every Trump business except real-estate development has bombed, including RUNNING A BUNCH OF CASINOS!
So I wouldn't count on him having a good grasp of economics.
Just look at Gary Indiana, that's America's future.
With that 300 billion a year we waste on immigrants.
By making it so we stop overspending the fuck in Military I hope.
>Plain and simple, he's going to make sure there won't be any more wasteful and/or unnecessary spending.
This is my favorite part of the Trumpfag's narrative.
"You can't listen to what HE says, you have to listen to MY interpretations/predictions!"
Trump: "We're gonna restore the military to the size it was hen we were fighting two wars at the same time. Oh, and let's start a nuclear arms race too!"
Sup Forumsack: "He'll eliminate unnecessary spending, that'll fix the economy (that isn't actually broken).
Cutting niggerbux
China will pay.
Remember the Simpsons showing the real life Trump escalator-meme? Well they predicted a brokeass Milhouse inheriting from Dolan with Lisa. You guys are fucked sideways
I'm going to enjoy watching your country go to shit a lot.
>the original basis for this is that the US funded anti-Assad, US-friendly forces, but them some of them turned against us
IS is just another rebrand in a long list of rebrands for an organisation that has existed pre-9/11. even if you don't want to go that far back, the most anyone will ever concede is that they're the same org as AQI which was the direct result of the invasion of iraq. if zarqawi was still alive, he's still be at the helm of IS instead of baghdadi
Reduce military waste
We already spend 45% of the world's miltary budget.
He could downsize the military and we'd still be unchallenged.
Try to keep up.
Spend more time reading, and less time yelling at Canucks.
Bush decreases taxes, tax revenue still increases. Hmm
that's not actually true, though.
He's literally said he will get away from bullshit military contracts and stop buying shit we don't need
I can personally confirm he's said it twice in person
Unless he told AZ something different from what he told the rest of the US
guess we better put taxes to 0%, that way we'll maximize our tax revenue.
>he said
oh thank god, there for a moment i thought he was lying to us about everything
That's not what anyone is saying, is it?
this and the fact he's been talking to Boeing and Lockheed Martin trying to negotiate price.
it's what you're suggesting.
also bush took over in 2000 and tax revenue fell immediately for the next few years.
yes the economy grows but cutting taxes always has lowered actual revenue from projected revenue if taxes had not been cut. we tried it with reagan. it didnt work. it wont work again.
Nothing Trump does will cost as much as any establishment analyst imagines. Their perspective is just too warped. Ask anyone who's done business with Trump. He's a notorious tightwad. He hammers contractors until they just barely make a profit, and if he's not happy with the job he won't pay them at all. It's what Democrats were talking about when they ran ads saying Trump's an evil billionaire who swindles the little people.
They weren't wrong, but reminding people of his business practices backfired. We just lived through an administration that spent a billion dollars on a website that didn't work. At this point we'll take Trump so we can watch him do to government contractors what he's always done to his business contractors. No more projects with endless delays and endless budget increases. No more games.
Refugees are the key
>it's what you're suggesting.
No it isn't. If you tax 0%, you'll get no tax revenue. If you tax 100%, you'll get no tax revenue. Clearly, there must be some percentage in the middle which gives the most revenue.
>also bush took over in 2000 and tax revenue fell immediately for the next few years.
Perhaps the growth slowed down, but it didn't decrease, did it?
>Blanket amnesty would force millions of Mexicans to start paying more taxes.
blanket amnesty would also set a dangerous precedent that there is no reason to follow immigration laws if you can just hop the border and get away scot free because muh taxes. if that were the case, why even have borders?
ask reagan
mexico will pay for it
STFU Merkel.
>Perhaps the growth slowed down, but it didn't decrease, did it?
it actually fell and then went back up in a few years, but it was way bellow projected revenue because it turns out when your tax rates are already reasonable, cutting taxes just gets you less revenue.
That's ridiculous. Mexican immigrants burden public services and don't pay much in taxes. They also vote as a block for bigger government.
>it actually fell and then went back up in a few years
Not according to the link I posted. Do you have another source?
uh the one you posted earlier. it fell from 2000 to 2001 2002.
Jesus Christ, I was reading from 2008 and onwards. I've been driving all day, I'm so tired.
would that work?
Theres only one way to get jobs back from china/mexico, renegotiate trade deals, pay off national debt, and cut taxes: hyperinflation. get ready to make $300,000 per hour boys! we're going to be rich!
what do you make of inflation pre 1965 and post-1965?
>would that work?
Just think how many business would come here to pay our tax
>It's nearly 2017 and he still believes the government must balance its budget
Why would you need an even bigger military?
Minimum wage. It's a terrible idea by people who think with their public images and love to virtue signal about paying for bad ideas with other people's money.
Anything prior to 1913 says it's an estimation. everything after that looks like some sort of exponential curve, even prior to 1965.
IRC, Inflation slows or deflates during economic crisis, 1916 - 1945 U.S. was dealing with wars and the Great Depression. And then you see the trend continue with the expansion of the economy.
have you heard of the bretton-woods agreement?
Yes, and I dismissed it by not addressing it with my post.
Inflation is happening in china as well even as they deflate their currency.
As an economy expands inflation seems to occur, especially with the advent of globalized markets.
he is going to make good deals.
when you get the stuff cheaper you dont need that much money
and inflation has nothing to do with printing money?
Coupon shoppers impress the fuck out of me desu
No I didn't say that, there are a lot of factors. I mean Printing money is a way you deflate your currency, they call it QE
He's the boss of the branch of the government that actually spends the money. Congress can set budgets or whatever and Trump can direct all his subordinate agencies to stop spending money.
I mean inflate
tell me the other ways
Printing Money,
Surging population
GDP Growth
ok, how does surging polution cause inflation?
I'm not an economist so I could only speculate, They all tie in together.
Population affects GDP
Inflation appears to be affected by population and / or GDP
Could have something to do with money supply? Could have something to do with banks making money from lending money? (but I think that's a U.S. thing I'm not sure that's done in China or India)
I really couldn't tell you but it's a good question.
You put enough money into your military, you just don't spend it efficiently. Russians are capable of producing similarly effective stuff for tenth the price tbqh.
We contract with American companies that demand to be compensated at American prices.
From what I understand Russians average 300 dollars a month?
>I really couldn't tell you but it's a good question.
ok, well I'll stick to my guns then. inflation is ONLY caused by an increase in the supply of money
since convertability to gold has been ended worldwide, inflation has never reversed
the US dollar as an example, has lost most of its value since the end of the gold standard
if the gold standard had not ended, inflation could not happen, certainly to that extent
fiat money is fraud