Where is the proof that Russia hacked the U.S. elections?
I haven't seen anything yet.
Will this lead to war?
Where is the proof that Russia hacked the U.S. elections?
I haven't seen anything yet.
Will this lead to war?
If they did we had it coming. How many color Revolutions have we started? How many world leaders have we toppled? How many governments did we take down in the Arab spring? Literally half the world leaders in the world are US puppets. We don't have any room to talk.
who cares if they did?
We certainly do hack as much as we can from them and everyone else
the government says that if we have nothing to hide we have nothing to far from the NSA reading our emails without a warrant or even our knowledge, so they should be fine with us reading their emails, if they have nothing to hide they have nothing to fear
IIRC the report the FBI put out said that they were super duper sure that the hackers were Russian sponsored or at least using Russian infrastructure despite having very limited information on them in the first place and the methods they used being pretty basic. Then there were like 7 pages explaining how not to get phished.
It's just a cover up no big deal.
They hacked the DNC to reveal the truth. This is what the Democrats are upset with.
It's nothing. Countries hack each other behind the scenes all the time. Even if it's true the total extent of their interference is basically getting hold of Hillary Clinton's email communications and exposing what a corrupt cunt she actually is. It's just Obongo trying to smear as much shit on the walls of the oval office for Trump to clean up as he can because it's pretty much all he can do at this point.
There isn't any evidence
It is a repeat of Snowden
US officials busted doing dirty shit they can't defend.
Blame the Russians because it is believable and you won't have to prove it.
Plot from Yes, Prime Minister season 2 episode 2.
what's the cover up?
What's the truth?
There is no evidence. This is why none has been provided.
No, that's literally all that's been verified. Even the news reports saying the FBI confirmed the hacking. All the FBI (anonymous source, by the way) confirmed was that the e-mails had an impact on voters. The Democrats have twisted this into meaning, "Russians hacked the election." Even news articles admit this outside their headlines.
I don't think most people really care since all that got out were the dirty facts of our corrupt political parties.
>they rigged the election by proving the democrats were rigging the election
>Will this lead to war?
No, because Hillary didn't win.
Yeah because CIA can totally release "proofs" which will instantly teach FSB hackers how to better avoid detection
You're a moron. The CIA exists precisely for this reason: to interpret classified information and to advise the government on further course of action. I know they've declined over the years but here they are spot on.
Now go ahead and call me a "cuck" thats all you people can do nowadays.
The findings were advisory and had no solid proof. I get tired of the government using Russia as a scapegoat, especially to deflect responsibility for a political party's irresponsibility. It's embarassing, and disappointing to see punitive measures taken with no solid evidence.
This woman rocks... We need her in europe
>NSA is supposed to protect US from hacking
>Russia "hacked" US
>no NSA sacking or investigation whatever
really makes you think
The media is desperately trying to spin "hacking the DNC" to mean "hacking the election".
Fact is, they have proof of hacking coming from Russia (though no proof of it being state sanctioned and not just some random hackergroup) AND almost everywhere else.
So the DNC and Hillary having shit security and thus being hacked by almost every country on Earth, some of the hackers being from Russia, must mean that Putin and the Russian government "hacked the election".
It's just classic misdirection. The globalists desperately wanted USA to start a war with Russia, so Trump winning made them shit their pants and now they're trying to kickstart another cold war before he enters office.
What a beta cuck
well how did they hack the DNC? whats the definitive proof that they did it?
Specifically, there was no hack of the election- though there are leaked DNC emails, there is no confirmation how they were obtained. Its certainly possible that the emails were hacked from DNC servers, but Julian Assange has gone on record saying on video that the Russians did NOT hack the DNC to get the emails, but he wouldn't release who the source was. Wikileaks verified the leaked emails, but it stridently protects its sources.
The best educated guess as to the whistleblower/leak source suggests it was Seth Rich, a DNC staff member, who leaked the emails. He later turned up dead.
There was no 'hacking' though. Did the leaked emails influence voters? The FBI says yes, and that's their only official report on this. They do NOT confirm anything else. Certainly there are plenty of people who are purposefully using the word 'hack' instead of 'leak' to rile up people to think the election was hacked. When all it was, is that people saw the emails showing how corrupt the DNC and the Clinton campaign was.
Check out Norse to see how much hacking goes on, LIVE. And how the US is one of the biggest culprits of cyber attacks, as well as the most frequent target.
are you questioning me user? are YOU? questioning? ME?
This woman rocks... We need her in europe
Why is it left to a woman who was blown up by mussos to show us the way ..... Because we are blind or won't see whats happening..
>Russians hacked the election.
There's a lot of equivocation going on.
They are getting a lot of attention by slipping between the meanings of words.
Right next to the proof of Assad used Chemical weapons and it wasn't the rebels despite the rebels having chemical weapons
Even the CIA themselves said there was no proof of anything.
No war. Once Obongo is out things will cool down. Putin already decided to ignore the sanctions against them for the time being.
Reminder that whoever leaked the DNC election rigging emails is probably dead, "missing" or has "comitted suicide"
Press F to pay respects
here's the image the FBI made explaining it i wish i was joking about this one
Da goverant tol' me dat da Russians dun did it!
I ain't gun try to argument wif Obamer becuz he's da prez!!!
But didnt you see the list of hackers?
Hillary's closet is in "victim space?"
It won't. Putin will wait for Trump to fix things.
Very little.
the evidence supported so far is that the attack came from Russian computers.
Now you, as well as I, both know very damn well that someone who is dealing in international espionage would know not to use your own computer if you're going to be using it to compromise another computer. You would use another, compromised computer of your own.
If you go read the DHS report, they try to make proxies sound like l33t h4x0r technology. Like it is literally impossible for the every-man to find a proxy server and access the internet from there.
Considering it costs less money to rent an hour's worth of botnet time than it does to buy a can of soda, I am extremely skeptical that the report is any good or that anyone who made it has any idea what they are talking about.
the whole hacking thing is about the emails... those that a former british diplomat confirmed he leaked, in coorporation with a couple of disgruntled DNC workers...
That's fucking beautiful
The proof is the Democrats hurt feelings. Waaahhh-
> the attack came from Russian computers
what was the attack?
who/what specifically did they attack?
this, unfortunately
The DNC and Podesta emails were mostly related to screwing over Bernie. The leaks came from inside the DNC by an asshurt Bernieboy. Everything Wikileaks has published came from whistleblowers inside the organizations that were exposed. Wikileaks has flatly denied that the leaks came from Russia. The CIA and FBI have provided no evidence that the Russians hacked DNC servers, even to congress, and not one agent has even gone on record stating the Russians were involved.
The number one rule of propaganda: that if you repeat something often enough, the public will swallow it.