Donald Trump and Russia again

He's quite the ruseman, that Trump.

it's real

That's enough, Trump!

Well Trump played them for fools to

>tfw Trump and Putin will be the Gruesome Twosome!

such a fucking troll, he keeps talking about Russia
i bet CNN is seething with rage right now

>this dipshit is gonna be in the whitehouse

How the fuck can you idiots still not see he is a Russian plant?

Isn't it obvious now?

Fucking retards.

Not bad leaf


Also, Murdoch owns Fox News.

Trusting Murdoch over CNN, CNN at least didn't crap on about emails 24/7 like Fox did.


I think that he is just baiting media right now.

I watched MSNBC and CNN for a couple of days and whenever he tweets about Russia or Putin pundits start losing their mind.

new chinkland is pissed they dont have a based leader. Stay mad aussiebros

>China China China China China China
>Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia
>US politics

Thanks for the second by second twitter updates. Keep me updated.

What the fuck, "You's" are gone.

Trump is a stereotype of what stupid Fox News watchers believe.

Jesus Christ the next 8 years is going to be great

>Russian plant

Not he's not. He's not a Jewish puppet either, like some Sup Forums retards think. That is literally what makes him so scary to the establishment.

Past presidents have been controlled so they were predictable and safe. The danger with Trump is that he could be in it for his OWN interests.

What he's doing with Russia is for fun. He's just trolling the media cuz he hates them for what they did during the election.



He scares the espablishment because he is not a plant (or a puppet).

If Putin and Trump are allies, great times are coming.

Liberal cuck detected. What's it like to unironically believe CNN is the voice of the people?

fuck. I meant establishment*


Russian shill pls go


The wall just got a little taller there, Jose.

>CNN at least didn't crap on about treason 24/7 like FOX did.

>he hates them for what they did during the election.

like what? showing that he's a jody that tries to buy pussy with furniture and still can't land the deal?




that should make rafeal maddow's adam's apple bob

this is what winning looks like. he has completely taken away their power and has no intention of giving it back to them.

Goodnight corrupt media

I've been a Russian plant my whole entire life, retard. At least I've been in contact in one way or the other with the Kremlin my entire life. Blame my father. There are MILLIONS of us in the United States and we're not going anywhere.

ya stupid nip moot took them away

im from the future, putin is just playing with trump. he will betray him soon.

everyone is still playing checkers i see

go back to watching your normie news normie


> >tfw Trump and Putin will be the Gruesome Twosome!

Oh man, next four years are gonna be great. Thanks Murica!

subhuman barbaric russians controlling anglos and those pricks do brexit and eu kill starts, now burgers fell under their spell and pick this shitposter as mr prez.

Where is the world going, how do we cope with these challenges?????? So much uncertainty!

No, he's not, you guys told us he was a Hillary plant.

Why is this surprising? We all know he was more pro Putin than he is obama.
I hope that bs drops when he gets in office otherwise it can be problematic.
Russia has their own agenda.

Everybody's Russian



I like this guy



Trump is self-corrupted.
Russia pretty much made a deal with him and he accepted it because he is a conman who doesn't care about you.

Enjoy having your country be robbed by businessmen.

Rustling jimmies bigly.

Enjoy having your country taken over by rapefugees

I bet RIDF is eating this up. Hopefully they back the fuck up now and stop shitting up the board by posting homoerotic pictures of Putin working out without a shirt and making 'based Russia' and 'I want to move to Russia' threads while using an American proxy.


>watching how murrifats turning on each other.
>subversion works just fine.

Trump is going to undo everything Obabo does.

It's going to be HILARIOUS watching how mad lefties get when he does.

Putin and Trump bromance. But not in a gay way.

there really should be a merchant meme version of Dugin

Better Trump then Hillary.

> Anti-Gay AG

>implying that's wrong.


We shall endeavour to keep you giggling.

It's more like the media is owned by mostly foreign interests, like people in China, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico.

>Canada will never have a shitposter-in-chief

why even live