White girls are whores and deserve to be raped

Prove to me why white girls should not be raped. They dress like this, they deserve what they get.

If you want to not be raped then they should dress modestly like a non-whorish girl.

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Spoken like a true muslim

Being such a sub-human beta that you have to rape people because you can't get any, KYS

I agree.

I do not need to rape, white girls just deserve it.

Well they can dress more and they will not deserve to be raped.
But you can't turn white so you will always deserve to get gassed.

Humans were originally naked all the time, you fucking faggot. That's not an invitation to impregnate whoever you want with your shit-tier genes, skip out on being a father, and create damaged children. Rape is degenerate.

I'm just sad because the more shitskins rape them, the more they seem to gravitate towards them and defend them. In an ideal world, this would wake them up. How can white men even compete against these savages?

You must be fun at parties.

You are a Turkish rapebaby yourself, your entire nation is a whore.

Have ever wondered why your country is a shit hole?

You only want to rape white women, because they are a product of successful genetic reproduction.

Ever wonder why arab women are so fucking ugly? Its cause they are rape babies.

TL:DR - Go rape your own whores, thats why you shouldn't rape ours.

I'm not an Arab you stupid American.

[Islam Intensifies]

Move to Rottherhiem. You can buy a white slave girl from one of your smelly friends in your native tongue.

Yeah you're a boy-raping pashtun piece of shit. I hope you get droned desu.

I bet you can hear it buzzing right now :^)

I'm not Pashtun either.

This little thing called human decency. You know, where you dont murder people for thinking differently to you, or rape them for dressing differently to you?

This is why you're not allowed here, Achmed. Sort out your mommy issues.


Check's out, you filthy subhuman.

Like we give a shit. Why don't you go for a walk with an AK? I want to see more kebab meat on LiveLeak.

I don't fucking care what you are.

Whatever shit hole you come from, you can rape there.

It is so sad that you cannot even control your girls, you let them dress like whores with no control. It is pathetic. Your entire civilisation is pathetic.

You are a nation born out of shit. Even dogs don't approach you because you smell worse than dead dog meat. You live 10 males together and every day one of you is the woman of the house and multitasks during your filthy orgies. You pretend to be hardcore muslims but enjoy hardcore gay penetration.

If I take my shirt off, do I deserve to raped by 5 gay Muslims refugees ? - rt.com/news/369415-sweden-refugees-rape-afgan-boy/

According to Islam law, the only cases in which it is proper to rape a girl is if:

(1) She is lawfully captured in Jihad

(2) She is lawfully traded on the slave market and the slave has either been acquired from the market of another society or in a previous jihad.

These are the cases in which a Muslim can legally rape a woman.

We don't own them is thing. Thus we don't marry them off to our first cousins and have thus avoided becoming the most inbred country on the fucking planet

Are you mad that trump is backing India over Pakistan? You're gonna get fucked and you know it.

Get to fucking your first cousin while you can because India is coming for kashmir, Adnan

It is jihad when you punish them for their whorishness. They are not muslims, they dress as whores, they get punished. That is jihad, to take Islam to them.

>We don't own them is thing.
No wonder you are all so stupid.

getting drunk and dressing like a thot is every woman's right, but they need to know the risks they are undertaking by doing these things.

>lecturing us about civilization
Good one, you fucking autistic ape. Don't you have some elderly women to light on fire?
Next time you want to inform someone they lack control, make sure the sight of naked flesh doesn't drive you to homicide.

Trump is just another Jew puppet, same as the last American and the one before.

Go fuck your cousin, ahmed. It's not like you people can get any more dumb and violent.


you lack control of your girls, you are weak men

Obama is a Jew puppet? Uhh okay that's why netanyahu loves trump and can't wait till Obama is gone

That's a Jewess and Jew are not white Menachem.......but they are world class no-holes barred slags until they cuck a Jew wimp into marriage.

Jews fight Jews, dumb idiot.

>It is jihad when you punish them for their whorishness.

It's not. That's just you being a rapist and right now I'm just pretending that you're human so as to show that Islam is a system for animals. The reason our girl can dress this way is that we're not inherently rapist. You're free to stay in your perfect society in which rape never happens because your women are chaste a pure and whatever.

>big white cock search engine humming in the background

Sure, but by fellow whites, not foreigners.

Says the malnourished goat Herder

If our society is shit and our women offend you, you should stay in your shithole and stop using our technology. Stop speaking our language and stop thinking about us

fpbp based leaf

So was Mohammed.

No being a weak man is fucking a little boy in the ass and then getting blowed up because your government tolerates terrorist organizations operating within it's borders. You guys used to fucking own India but couldn't even keep that kek.

>Why wait for the promised virgins when you can assault your cousin's Ali hairy and shitty asshole?

he's not wrong.

>his religion symbol has a moon on it.

Now, that's so fucking gay.

Oh fuck off already. Dressing as a whore is inappropriate in most situations, but if you think rape is the answer, then consider suicide. You and the rest of your shithole nation.

>You cannot control your girls
Because we're not control freaks like you Ahmed, we control ourselves. We are manly enough to swoon women into having sex with us. If someone wants to go out leaving little to the imagination, that's their problem, not mine. It lets me know what they're like, anyway.

nice b8 steven

And you're mad that the Jews who hate Muslims are about to be in power.

Remind me to say a prayer for your dead children after netanyahu conquers half of the middle east

That's why he needed to have sex with a 6-10 year old Aisha. Confirmed

shut the fuck up and post more of that girl you goddamn CIA larper

Don't you have some rocks to bang together? Treat yourself, It's the weekend after all.

Pakistan is my greatest ally kardeşim
as bayrakları as as as

i pushed an arab into heavy late night ttaffic last night

Daily reminder that every woman secretly desires to be raped, wanting to be taken by force by brute, dominant males is literally in their genes.

>literally shits on the street
> "your civilization is pathetic"

At least we have a civilization, Pajeet.

>legally rape a woman
And why do feminists and Redditors want these people to flood out countries again?

My countryman has a point.

How else will they learn to be modest?

The West has allowed its women to be too free, and the result is declining birth rate and eventual extinction.

When was the last time your good-for-nothing country did anything worth praise ? Return to the rock you crawled out from under.

Muslims are animals and deserve to be killed.
Prove to me why muslims should not be killed. They speak like this they deserve what they get.

If you want to not be killed then they should respect western freedom.

You people throw around the word jihad like our SJW's throw around the word racist. Since it can mean anything, it means nothing.

He ruled hundreds of thousands of people, had loyal followers and many wives.

We must become the savages.

Because they won't get any cock unless someone rapes them
See above

this paki has been making shit tier bait threads all day

fucking useless mods

I never got the meme that Arab women look ugly
I would lose myself in these beauties

I'm glad you see my point.

Prove me why i should not kill all muslims?? When you act like this, you deserve to be killed.

If you truely think that someone should be raped because of how they dress themselfes - You are truely a fucking moron. As if they had no free will and weren't free to dress like they want to.
You son of a goatfucker better go back in the shithole you found your filthy morals, I'll burn you with that piece of shit to make this world a better place. And if that peace of filth is the Quoran, I will burn 10.

Just because you have free will does not mean there should not be rules.

Why would someone dress like a whore if she does not desire to be seen or treated like one?

lel a street shitting muslim tries to lecture white people on civilization.
memes are out of control

Do you drink a cup of whahabi milk breast every morning, Mustafa?

You know that i had a roomate who was a oil prince from Dubai? (his brother owns Arab airlines or some shit)

The guy was a closet crossdresser hahhaha! Arabas are such repressed homos is just ridiculous. That's why you hate women so much because you want all the dicks to yourself, fag.

Pic related, should this arab faggot be raped too? (remember he's from a very influential sunni/wahabi family)

Well our rules is that you don't rape women which, as I understand it, is something that has caused some cultural friction between us civilized folks and your kind.

homosexuals, whores and not having babies is not a civilisation

Our rules are superior to yours. Yours are for weak men who cannot control their women.

You will deserve what you get, Zahid, when we ally with Pajeet and destroy you

Most arab women don't look like that.

>our rules
Actually, rape was a core part of pretty much every civilization in human history.


why would a whore want to be raped you retard? dont believe everything your mother told you

whores just like to use their bodies to get an advantage.

>rape anyone you want
How enlightened, you primitive fuck.

gtfo paki autist, only way a dirty paki could get a girl is raping them, because they are to ugly to actually get one on their own.


Kek confirms.

not rape anyone you want, only the whores

Yeah, I can't imagine why anyone would assume Sup Forums has nerdy or virginal losers on here, with amazing sophisticated threads like this.

My woman can dress whatever she likes because she is a FREE human. And you are fucking sand slaves who deserve to be nuked. End of the topic. Praise Kek and his prophet Trump peace be upon him

And fucking little boys and having babies with your own cousin is?

freedom is a joke

>little boys rape
>white women rape

such is life in shitslam

Nice survey, karim.

We need to rape as well

fucking little boys is what you do

>Rape anyone not completely covered in a bathrobe


it did again!
like some trained monkey or some shit

This is a well made photoshop, you fucking retard.

Also don't touch our women or we put a bullet in your brain.