How was your Christmas Sup Forums?
Do you know which white girl you are going to kiss on New Year's yet?
How was your Christmas Sup Forums?
Do you know which white girl you are going to kiss on New Year's yet?
The only thing I'm doing on New years eve is math home work.
No party, no girls, just math.
No scheming or hand rubbing?
I have a little red haired wifey who loves Christmas in fact the set in OP's pic even looks like our living room.
you need a degree for that.
bump for drump
Literally worst girl
Your mom
Don't look at me like that, you snot nosed brat or I'll show you the taste of the back of my hand!
>tfw gf is on a ski trip with her parents over New Years
Poo, desu
Asuka always needed a hug..
Let me hug you Asuka :3
Christmas was nice. My niece and nephew were incredibly adorable. I'd like to have children myself. I'm probably going to be alone on new year's eve. I have a lot of work to do, and no girlfriend.
>tfw she's probably getting fucked by her Dad right now
>Do you know which white girl you are going to kiss on New Year's yet?
I'm going to my normie friend's house for NYE. There's going to be a bunch of qts there but I can't kiss any because autism.
What do Sup Forums? I want to kiss a qt at midnight really really badly.
tfw girl I have a thing with isn't even in my state so I can't kiss her
tfw ex still loves me so I could kiss her but Im not betraying other grill
>Do you know which white girl you are going to kiss on New Year's yet
The only girl I'm kissing is a bottle
When is New Years? I'm not sure what today is. Is it Friday today?
I will be celebrating new year in my mom's basement. I will probably give my Waifu pillow a kiss
Yes, user.
K. The day is Friday today. Cool stuff.
Grab 'em by the pussy
digits confirm
Yeah, I saw it on my post. Thank you still. I lose track. It is currently nighttime I see. The year is still 2016 until this holiday, correct?
Go talk to the prettiest girl you see. Just do it. It really is not impossible. I guarantee that all men feel insecure when talking to pretty girls, but you can do it regardless. It's hard, but you just need to do it. Just go to her and say hi. "Did you know that men find it hard to speak when they're with pretty girls? I have absolutely nothing to say right now."
You'll regret things you didn't do far more than you regret things you did. Unless you rape and murder someone, but on average.
user are you okay
Start drinking a 9, you'll be social by 11. Dont be a creep but look to see if you any girls are looking at you and go up and talk to her. The rest should come naturally user.
>i dont drink
Never too late to start
Grab it in the toilet
I've been fucking a white, black haired girl from a middle class family of Greek descent
Red pill me on Greeks Pham, how fucked am I?
None, I am horribly alone but will be helping the white race in other ways.
This is some pretty based advice
yes and its an asian one.. whites are whores. they deserve sandniggers.
Time is an illusion. Also, hard to keep track of due to its illusionary status.
My crush and her Tunisian bf are going to fuck like rabbits, I'll probably just sit here jerking off to her and shitposting with you lads.
I'll see you then user. Have good whacking!!!
Stick it in her ass.
I won't be kissing a girl I will be passed out drunk. New Years sucks.
I was very drunk on Christmas, I will probably be very drunk on New Year's eve too and alone.
You could say that I suppose
Did you take anything hallucinatory?
>got sick
>kissing someone
wew how does that even feel like?
Im hoping my wife. Before you call cuck or hurr niggers she hates niggers more than you. She works retail there is no better wakeup than that.
No. Absent minded.
I'm hanging with the bros so that is ZERO girls. Fucking cunts don't know how to have a good party without being the center of attention in everything.
My daughter probably. I kiss my sons often as well, and remind them they're loved equally as often as possible while simultaneously providing them space to establish a sense of "self".
My wife is gross, I'd prefer to not kiss her. She was/is a mere portal through which I've established my progeny.
working for a job that relies on tips is probably the only better wakeup
If I kiss and white girl my Asian wife might not be best pleased.
>tfw not sick
>tfw don't have an excuse to stay at home tomorrow
>be 3 years ago
>be fit
>4, fucking four white girls activity trying to fuck me
>cutest blonde one asks to hang out constantly
>keep hinting
>friend tells me to do it
>get cocky and tell him I can do better even though she was 9/10 qt blonde
>go off to Uni to study chemical engineering
>no life it for 3 years
>get fat
>no friends here
>no girls talk to me anymore
>alone on New Years
Where did it all go so wrong?
I'm hiring an escort with the intention of kissing her on the lips. I'm paying her to pretend to be my mother.
>3D Asuka will never bully me
It's tradition to get a blowjob and cum right as the clock strikes 12 in my country
goodluck for the whole year if you time it right
going to be home alone with my little sister watching a disney movie so I'll probably do it with her.. she's been hinting at it
she's my step sister btw so it's not weird
I have the kids right now because they wanted to spend time with me. I'll probably have my friend from work over to relax and maybe bang once my kids are in bed.
I lost her years ago because I wasn't a marine or whatever!
Imagine she's a dude.
Thanks Spurdobro, I've only had one gf in my life, but it taught me nothing about how to meet girls because she approached me. I just got really lucky. Ever since we broke up I haven't been with a single girl since. That was 3 years ago.
I drink, I hate the taste of the shit, but I force it down to have fun when I'm in Normieland. I know most of the qts that'll be there (girls I graduated high school with), so they already know what a huge autist I am.
I just want a gf.
My friends wife who has the hots for me is trying to set me up with another friend of hers.
I don't have a polite way of telling her her friends are too old and aren't hot enough by my standards. Just because I'm pushing 30 doesn't mean I want anything to do with girls that age.
Oh well with any luck I'll be able to creampie her and in the morning be like, "hey that was a great one time celebration cutting loose thing. There's the door."
Will visit my sisters family in prague, quite hyped to see the Golden City with all the fireworks
best waifu
ill take a fatty at this point.
No, this is not good advice at all.
But the white girl happens to be Asian.
i am gonna shitpost on Sup Forums on new years
H-haha, yeah...