>tfw Sup Forums is the laughing stock of Sup Forums
Tfw Sup Forums is the laughing stock of Sup Forums
If they laugh at us, we win.
who gives a shit about what reddit thinks
Sup Forums is the only place on Sup Forums worth coming to anymore.
i guess k is alright too but that shit gets old.
> tfw Sup Forums is always right
Wouldn't being the laughing stock of a laughing stock a good thing?
Shills are the laughing stock of Sup Forums.
The Baiters go home empty handed.
its t he laughing stock of the internet
Mom, /s4s/ is raiding us again
we're all thats left of Sup Forums
Who fucking cares. They can act smug all they want, Sup Forums won this year.
>irrelevant boards hating on the board in charge of this bitch
Russians are the laughingstock of europe. Fitting.
Maybe but really, the other boards are worthless, Sup Forums's peak was a long long long time ago
Sup Forums is literally the only board in browse.
Chinkmoot could delete all the other boards and i couldnt give less a fuck.
>laughing stock of Sup Forums
>laughing stock
>Sup Forums
>implying this website and those who use it care what other people think about us
Shill accuses me of shilling?
Well, that was rude. I don't care one bit for such comments.
They weren't laughing the 9th of November.
Nevar forget
Pretty much this
B severely went downhill in the last 2 years (been there for 10+ years), k is repetitive, o is repetitive, x is the same dumb shit over and over again, fit has limited use
Pol is all that interests me now but it's starting to get boring with the:
Trump general
Natsoc general
Syria general
Britpol general
All these Russian dick sucking threads
Gets old and boring
>Natsoc general
Is that even a thing anymore?
We'll get the Russians to hack them on the 1st.
Someone's never been to /n/
wait how?
>tfw 4chinz is dead and died long ago and all the boards are all mainly garbage.
That's what you get when you let the shills for Trump run rampant. Not that the whole repressed beta passive aggressive bitchiness was doing you fags any favors before that.
And that's why hirohito should create another board
>Politically Faggot
Have you seen the other boards?
>o is repetitive
Lol I bet you don't even drive a Miata with an euro street beat sticker
Hell I bet you drive an autotragic.
Sup Forums is one of the major boards on Sup Forums.
I do wish /fit/ were a faster board though. It's my favorite board to hang out on.
its the jew-loving, anti-racist /the donald/ refugees from reddit that are ruining our good name
for good reasons, this is the worst board in the whole website, even worst than old Sup Forums
Who cares? Fuck them.
dude ur flag is so fucking cool
better then the usual tricolor shit
we shouldn't be
>/r9k/ bunch of permavirgin autists
>Sup Forums bunch of fat assholes jerking off to anime all day long
Sup Forums is the master race of Sup Forums
do lions care about the opinion of sheep?
>mfw every liberal used to laugh at trump
>MFW I had a Twingo as my first car
But we president now
>Sup Forums is the laughingstock of Sup Forums
You've been listening to too much lefty/pol/ friend. Sup Forums is the most influential board on this site, not to mention based.
Sup Forums was best board before janitor and mod gassed the culture(shitposting)
they sure hate it but absolutely love coming here. hell on other boards saying "nigger" or "fag" will be met with REEEE BACK TO Sup Forums FUCKIMG RAYSIS FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AND FUCK DRUMPF
also they're jealous their shitposting will never affect anything outside of their board (minus Sup Forums, but that's faceberg with traps and furries right now)